eclipse latest new features

From version 4.5 to version 4.6

-----> eclipse-main

    Added a distortion estimation command.
    Added support for IRIX.
    Added a fit command to test the newly implemented gaussian fit.
    A shift-and-add bug has been reported by a user and corrected.

-----> eclipse-python

    The eclipse-python interface was not usable in version 4.5, because
    some changes in QFITS were not retrofitted to the interface. This problem
    is solved now.

-----> eclipse-isaac

    twflat recipe: QC names should not contain '_'.
    illum recipe : products are now correctly created.
    spjitter : PRO RECi RAWi CATG written in the products.
    zpoint recipe : non linearity correction supported.

-----> eclipse-conica

    dark recipe: -b -h -n now used for averaging AND ron computation.
    twflat recipe:  list of darks correctly handled now.
    lampflat recipe: QC names should not contain '_'.
    slitpos recipe : new recipe to detect the slit position in an image.
-----> eclipse-visir

    Some progress done on the jitter.

-----> eclipse-qfits

    textract has been renamed in qextract supports all kind of extension.
    Added support for IRIX and Cygwin.
    replacekey command has been improved.
    qfits_replace_placeholder() function disappeared.

See all changes for eclipse versions since 1.2

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