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UVES Scientific CCD System


Optomechanical Requirements for the CCD for UVES Blue

(before the upgrade on 13/Oct/2004)

Blue Detector "MARLENE" - EEV 2k x 4k Chip

Item Requirements Obtained Results
Optical field size 30.7 x 30.7 mm 30.7 x 30.7 mm
= The distance of the average CCD surface to the reference flange (mounting surface of field lens).
4 mm + 0.25 - 0 -
= The distance between the optical center of the chip (not taking into accountpossible overscan pixels) and the mechanical axis of the dewar.
< 0.5 mm -
P-V flatness
= The distance of the two planes, parallel to the reference flange, between which the sensitive surface of the chip or mosaic is contained. Applies to optical field size only.
< 36 (18) microns 32 microns (cold)
= Width of optically inactive area between two chips of the mosaic. The gap runs parallel to the readout direction but in case of bad CTE, we have the option of rotating the detector by 90°. One full order is lost in the gap.
N. A. N. A.
Pixel alignment
= Conformity of the real position of any pixel compared to a perfect global pixel raster. If necessary for automatic line identification, the misalignments may be mapped (determination of Dx, Dy, j). The mapping is stable with time to a fraction of a pixel.
N. A. N. A.

Flatness Measurements at - 120 °C     ( BLUE SYSTEM )

   rms       pv   
Analysis of the window back side    0.0019       0.0079   
Analysis of the chip    0.0017       0.0097   
Chip relative to the best fit plane of the window       0.0081       0.0320   

Topography of "MARLENE" with respect to the window backside at - 120 °C
( pv = 0.0320 mm )
Topography of "MARLENE" at - 120 °C
( pv = 0.0017 mm )
uvbc9 after subt reference

Note :    Surface of the CCD - a 6 mm periodic pattern caused by mechanics of the new measure machine with 2 micron amplitude is superimposed.

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