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UVES Scientific CCD System


Calibrated Readout Modes Available at the Telescope

UVES Blue Arm CCD   (before   the upgrade on 13/Oct/2004)

Device :       EEV CCD-44-82 "MARLENE"
CCD carrier temperature : 135 K ( accoustic alarms set at 133 and 140 K )
CCD operating temperature : - 118 °C ( est. )
Cold plate temperature : - 180 °C

Read out units 225_lg_1x1_1pt 225_lg_1x2_1pt 50_hg_2x2_1pt 50_hg_2x3_1pt
Port used - left left left left
Conversion factor e- / ADU 2.04 2.04 0.58 0.58
Readout noise e- 3.90 3.90 2.14 2.14
Dark current
(system up and dark > 24 h)
e- / pix / h - - 1.0 (1st 1 h dark)
0.5 (2nd 1 h dark)
0.4 (12th 1 h dark)
1.0 (1st 1 h dark)
0.5 (2nd 1 h dark)
0.4 (12th 1 h dark)
Bias level ADU 196 196 146 146
Linearity % + 0.57 / - 0.55 + 0.57 / - 0.55 + 0.42 / - 0.34 + 0.42 / - 0.34
Cosmic ray hit rate
(events > 30 e-)
hits / cm2 / h 114 114 100 100
CTE (X) - > 0.999999 @ 105 e- > 0.999999 @ 105 e- > 0.999997 @ 3 x 104 e-
> 0.999980 @ 3 x 103 e-
> 0.999997 @ 3 x 103 e-
> 0.999980 @ 3 x 103 e-

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Last update: Jan 27, 2010
Webdesign by   EVI
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