EEV 44-82 -1-A57
CCD name : Circinus
Serial number :
Type : Backside, Single layer AR Pixel size 15x15 µm
Number of photosensitive pixels 2048 x 4102 [HxV]
Number of
outputs : 2
Overall rating :
Measurement made by Boris Gaillard the: 23 28 May 2001
reduced by Boris Gaillard and Fabrice Christen the: 05 June 2001
Clock mode: 225kpx/rr/HG/512 Conversion Factor= 0.56348e-/ADU ±0.001367 for 20699.4ADU RMS noise = 3.8613e- ±0.1704 CCD temperature : -120.0Cº Window area is : X1= 2219 X2= 4232 Y1= 15 Y2= 496 Bandwidth 5nm Wav. QE% PRNU rms% Phase= 320 52.7 ±1.5 3.78 6.758838 330 59.4 ±1.7 3.63 6.716986 340 62.8 ±1.2 3.56 6.697626 350 63.9 ±0.63 3.62 6.71402 360 66.3 ±0.66 3.6 6.710535 370 70 ±0.69 3.21 6.599636 380 75.9 ±0.75 2.42 6.321756 390 81.2 ±0.83 1.89 6.076339 400 83.6 ±0.85 1.59 5.904734 420 85 ±0.86 1.33 5.727224 440 85.7 ±0.86 1.29 5.697629 460 84.7 ±0.85 1.13 5.556611 480 83 ±0.83 1.29 5.691469 500 82.5 ±0.89 1.22 5.639693 520 82 ±0.82 1.09 5.518802 540 80.7 ±0.81 1.25 5.663516 560 79.8 ±0.59 1.13 5.563032 580 78.8 ±0.79 1.27 5.680919 600 77.7 ±0.64 1.16 5.589927 620 76.7 ±0.75 1.25 5.665014 640 75.6 ±0.74 1.02 5.457629 660 73.6 ±0.71 1.06 5.497646 680 71.2 ±0.68 1.11 5.541661 700 68.1 ±0.64 1.15 5.584154 720 65.6 ±0.6 1.18 5.602041 740 62.6 ±0.57 1.42 5.798764 760 59.2 ±0.53 1.24 5.649753 780 55.6 ±0.49 1.36 5.752489 800 51.1 ±0.44 1.57 5.899591 820 46.7 ±0.4 1.57 5.896596 840 42.2 ±0.35 1.47 5.821398 860 36.8 ±0.31 1.32 5.718015 880 31.3 ±0.25 1.67 5.950236 900 25.9 ±0.21 2.07 6.178489 920 20.3 ±0.16 2.85 6.448373 940 15.6 ±0.12 4.2 6.802537 960 11.5 ±0.088 5.21 6.986774 980 7.71 ±0.058 6.4 7.142319 1000 4.52 ±0.034 7.64 7.281916 1040 0.805 ±0.006 8.43 7.4466 1100 0.0914 ±0.00068 11.9 7.862381
Table 1: Measurement of the Quantum Efficiency.
Figure 1: Graphic representation of the QE.
Figure 2: Graphic representation of the PRNU.
In this section you can compare the QE we measured with the testbench and
QE Minimum specification
Typical QE
QE from Marconi
Figure 3: Comparison between the QE measured by ESO, the QE measured by Marconi, ESO specification and minimum specification. |
Figure 4: Ratio between the ESO measurements and the ESO minimum specification. |
Comparison QE ESO / QE Marconi |
Wavelength (nm) |
QE ESO (%) |
QE Marconi (%) |
Difference (Eso - Marc. %) |
Relative difference (Marconi as reference %) |
Ratio QE ESO Canis Minor / QE Marconi |
350 |
63.9 |
61.4 |
2.5 |
4.1 |
1.04 |
83.6 |
84 |
-0.4 |
-0.5 |
1 |
500 |
82.5 |
81.4 |
1.1 |
1.4 |
1.01 |
650 |
74.6 |
73 |
1.6 |
2.2 |
1.02 |
900 |
25.9 |
27.1 |
-1.2 |
-4.4 |
0.96 |
Table 2: Difference and relative difference between ESO measurements and Marconi.
Figure 6: Graphic representation of the difference and the relative difference. |
Figure 7: Ratio between the ESO measurements and the Marconi measurements |
For the flat field we use three wavelengths, 350nm, 600nm and 900nm. For each wavelength we make two images, high level (45000 ADU) and low level (1000 ADU).
350nm (UV), bandwidth 5nm |
600nm, bandwidth 5nm |
900nm, bandwidth 5nm |
High level |
Low level |
High level |
Low level |
High level |
Low level |
Table 3: Flat field for three wavelengths.
The time exposure, for the long dark exposure, is 3600 seconds.
Table 4: Bias and dark.
Left readout port Clock mode: 225kpx/rlrl/HG/512 Conversion Factor= 0.56839e-/ADU ±0.002489 for 20231.7ADU RMS noise = 4.5071e- ±0.4465 right readout port Clock mode: 225kpx/rr/HG/512 Conversion Factor= 0.56596e-/ADU ±0.001808 for 19794.3ADU RMS noise = 4.6345e- ±0.3434 Left readout port Clock mode: 50kpx/rlrl/HG/512 Conversion Factor= 0.61558e-/ADU ±0.002689 for 19696.1ADU RMS noise = 2.9649e- ±0.336 Right readout port Clock mode: 50kpx/rlrl/HG/512 Conversion Factor= 0.61461e-/ADU ±0.00252 for 19638.3ADU RMS noise = 2.2884e- ±0.115
RMS non linearity (%) = 0.5 Peak to peak non linearity (%)= 1.4
Figure 5: Error of linearity
Figure 6: Residual non linearity.
Exposure time (s) = 3600 Dark current : 0.44 ± 0.02 ADU/hour/pixel Dark current : 0.24 ± 0.01 e-/hour/pixel
High level (Around 25000 ADU) Horizontal CTE = 0.999996 Vertical CTE = 0.9999996
In this section we expose the hot pixel, the dark pixel, the trap and the very large trap we found.
A hot pixel provides a signal of > 60 e- / pixel / hour.
Result: 11 hot points.
Position |
X= |
Y= |
185 1751 242 188 1854 1911 933 1913 1913 1913 1913 |
2074 2193 2238 2611 3729 3729 3743 4022 4025 4026 4027 |
Total hot pixel: 11 |
Table 5: Position and images of the hot pixels.
A dark pixel is one with 50% or less than the average output for uniform intensity light level, measured with a flat field level around 500 photo-electrons.
Result: 0 dark pixels detected.
Position |
Total hot pixel: 0 |
Table6: Position and images of the dark pixels.
A trap is defined as a pixel that captures more than 10 electrons, measured with a flat field level around 500 photo-electrons.
Result: Not available
A very large trap is defined as a pixel that captures more than 10 000 electrons, measured with a flat field level around 90% of full well capability.
Result: Not available.
A bad column is 10 or more contiguous hot or dark pixels in a single column or a very bright pixel or a very large trap.
Result: 2 bad columns.
Position Image |
X= 1944, Y= 925 X= 1942, Y= 925 |
Total hot pixel: 2 |
Table 7: Position and images of the bad columns. The values in the table are in ADU. Conversion factor: 1.1 e-/ADU
Here is a summary of cosmetic defects:
Hot pixel |
Dark pixel |
A very bright pixel (a) |
Trap |
Very large trap (b) |
Sup. 10 contiguous pixels (c) |
Total bad column (a+b+c) |
11 |
0 |
/ |
/ |
/ |
2 |
2 |
Marconi |
19 |
10 |
2 |
0 |
0 |
10 |
Table 8: Summary of cosmetic defects.
Be careful, in the ESO test report we didn't include the very large trap in the total bad column because for this ccd we couldn't measure this parameter.
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