[ ESO ]

FORS 1 - CCD System


Measurement Conditions

Prescan : [H] 16, [V] 0
Overscan : [H] 16, [V] 70
Temperature :   - 120 °C
Bias Voltages (V) :  
  Port A Port B Port C Port D
   VDD    24 24 24 24
   RD    13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5
   LG    - 2 - 2 - 2 - 2

The following modes have been implemented :

Mode ID Description Binning Gain ( e- / ADU ) Readout Time ( s ) Delivered for Science
1 Port A, high gain 1 x 1 1.85 97 yes
2 Port A, low gain 1 x 1 2.62 97 yes
3 Port A, high gain 2 x 2 1.85 42 yes
4 Port A, low gain 2 x 2 2.62 42 yes
5 Port A, high gain 4 x 4 1.85 19 no
6 Ports ABCD, low gain 1 x 1 ( see table above ) 27 yes
7 Ports ABCD, high gain 1 x 1 ( see table above ) 27 yes
8 Ports ABCD, low gain 2 x 2 ( see table above ) 13 yes
9 Port ABCD, high gain 2 x 2 ( see table above ) 13 yes
10 Port ABCD, high gain 4 x 4 ( see table above ) 7 no

Windowing through port A with high / low gain also is possible.

FIERA Configuration

FIERA Detector Head : FIERA Sparc :
1 Bias board 1 DSP board, 50 Mhz
2 Clockdriver boards 1 Sparc LCU
1 Video board, 4 channels 1 Benner board

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