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CAT / CES Long Camera / CCD LO #38
TYPE | Loral/Lesser 2688 Grade good | |
Thin, back-illuminated, UV flooded, AR coated, MPP mode | ||
IMAGE SIZE [pixels] | 2688 x 512 (16 prescan pixels) | |
PIXEL SIZE [microns] | 15 x 15 | |
DARK CURRENT [e- / pixel /hr] | 0 at 160 °K | |
FULL WELL CAPACITY [e- / pixel] | 110k | |
Mode | slow [16 kpixel / sec] | fast [31 kpixel / sec] |
R.O.N. [e- rms] | 7.1 | 9 |
CONVERSION FACTOR [e-/ADU] | 1.6 | 1.7 |
Full Frame READOUT TIME [sec] | 110 | 53 |
This CCD is suited for applications requiring a resolution
up to 75-80000. CCD #34 is offered when higher resolution is required. See also additional information. |
Some vignetting present bluewards of pixel 550 and redwards of pixel 2000. |
To proper adjust the predisperser slit width check for Special setting and Function disabling options with the assistant. |
Upper limit of linearity: 110k e- /pixel
Saturation Value: 130k e- / pixel
The cosmic ray event rate is 2.43 [events / min / cm ²]
The resolving power with the CES and CCD#38 at different nominal resolutions and wavelengths has been measured by E. Schmidt on October 95. The results are as follows:
Instrument Resolving Power Wavel. 60000 70000 80000 90000 100000 3900 62000(3.91) 67000(3.64) 72000(3.40) 77000(3.17) 81000(3.00) 4800 60000(4.08) 65000(3.75) 69000(3.54) 74000(3.30) 78000(3.12) 6708 60000(4.05) 67000(3.64) 72000(3.39) 77000(3.17) 83000(2.94) 8400 64000(3.81) 71000(3.43) 76000(3.21) 83000(2.94) 91000(2.68)These numbers (pixels are within parenthesis) should represent a good approximation: a R=243927 per pixel (measured at 6708) was used for all calculations. The width of unblended lines in the spectra may vary up to +/- 0.15 pixels peak to peak. We can be safe saying that the CCD#38 can be offered up to R=75-80000.
Number of hot defects: 7
Hot Spots: 3 ; Hot Clusters: 4 ; Hot Columns: 0
Number of dark defects: 87
Dark Pixels: 7 ; Dark COlumns: 9 ; Traps: 71
There are interference fringes in the CCD at very red wavelenghts (beyond
700 nm). The frequency of the resulting modulation is rather low (distance between
consecutive peaks greater than 100 pixels) in the central part of the CCD, but
becomes much higher 9only a few pixels between peaks) close to the CCD edges.
The peak-to-peak amplitude of fringing reaches approx. 20% of the continuum
level at 840 nm.
It appears possible to take this effect out by means of flat fielding, even
using the internal lamp (e.g. at 840 nm, a S/N ratio of 150 was achieved)
The CCd is linear to better than 1% up to more than 100k e-/pix.
In reality, above 86k e-/pix the CTE degrades rapidly and strong blurring of
the images in the Y direction (perpendicular to the dispersion) is recorded.
Therefore 70k e-/pix is a safe limit.
lambda (nm) QE (%) 320 68.15 340 77.38 360 74.44 380 76.23 400 84.7 450 78.82 500 82.93 550 86.55 600 90.03 650 91 700 91.86 750 84.58 800 76.44 850 60.58 900 42.35 950 25.85 1000 10.85
Date of delivery at the telescope: March, 1995
Date of last set of tests: June 16, 1997
Comment on the last test: Gain of fast mode has been restored
to 8. Except for the higher bias level, all parameters look the same as before
the change of VME.
Previous test: May 9, 1997
DARK CURRENT [e- / pixel /hr]
1.9 at 160 °K
slow [16 kpixel / sec]
fast [31 kpixel / sec]
R.O.N. [e- rms]
Previous test: August, 1995
DARK CURRENT [e- / pixel /hr]
1.9 at 160 °K
slow [16 kpixel / sec]
fast [31 kpixel / sec]
R.O.N. [e- rms]
Previous test: August 25, 1995
DARK CURRENT [e- / pixel /hr]
1.9 at 160 °K
R.O.N. [e- rms]