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Boyce, P.B. (2000) What does the future hold? Ask an astronomer, Talk given at NC Serials Conference, Chapel Hill, March 16, 2000 (

Boyce, P.B. (1997) It is time to become discriminating consumers, Against the Grain, Vol. 9(5), p. 86 (

Boyce, P.B. and Dalterio, H. (1996) Electronic publishing of scientific journals, Physics Today, Vol. 49(1), pp. 42-47 (

Cummins, M. (1998) The symbiotic relationship: assessing user needs, Library and Information Services in Astronomy III, U. Grothkopf, H. Andernach, S. Stevens-Rayburn, M. Gomez (eds.), San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP Conference Series 153), pp. 19-25 (

Stevens-Rayburn, S. and Bouton, E. (1998) ``If it's not on the Web, it doesn't exist at all'': electronic information resources - myth and reality, Library and Information Services in Astronomy III, U. Grothkopf, H. Andernach, S. Stevens-Rayburn, M. Gomez (eds.), San Francisco, CA: Astronomical Society of the Pacific (ASP Conference Series 153), pp. 195-203 (

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