Title: N-rich stars in the inner Milky Way and in other galaxies Abstract: We have discovered a population of stars in the inner 2 kpc of the Milky Way (MW) presenting an abundance pattern that resembles that of stars previously discovered in Galactic globular clusters (GCs). They are enriched in N and Al and those abundances are anti-correlated with that of C. The metallicity distribution of these stars differs significantly from that of the MW globular cluster system and that of the MW bulge as well. We hypothesise that these N-rich stars belong to the MW's inner stellar halo and that they result from the destruction of an early population of Galactic GCs. In that case about ~25% of the stellar mass of the inner halo may result from GC dissolution. In this talk I will report the analysis of spatially resolved integrated spectra of a small sample of early type galaxies to search for signatures of N-rich stars in their inner regions, to test whether this is a common phenomenon in the local universe.