Oral title: New Cepheids identified towards the Galactic bulge: Does the disk extend for more than 80 kpc? Oral abstract: We report the detection of 2,521 previously uncatalogued variables towards the Sagittarius Window Eclipsing Extrasolar Planet Search field in the Galactic Bulge, using VIMOS@VLT time-series photometry, including 11 Cepheids and a further 88 potential Cepheid candidates, and many contact binaries. The analysis of the light curves showed that Cepheids are located up to distances larger than 80 Kpc from the Galactic center, thus indicating that the young stellar disk may extend much farther out than previously thought. We now have DDT planned observations with X-Shooter@VLT to collect spectra for the 3 brightest candidate Cepheids: these data will allow us to confirm these stars as Cepheids and characterize their dynamics and composition to further support their membership to the disk. If the classification is confirmed, this would be the first empirical evidence that the disk extends for more than > 80 Kpc.