Title:Active asteroid belt causes the UXOR phenomenon in RZ Piscium Abstract: RZ Psc displays dust obscuration events (UXOR behaviour) on a time scale that suggests dusty material on orbits of ~0.5 AU, yet various properties of the system indicate an age older than 10Myr. We report the discovery of mid- infrared excess emission in this object.The excess constitutes ~8% of its Lbol and is well fit by a single 500 K blackbody, implying a dust-free region within ~0.7 AU for optically thick dust. We also report a 12.4-year cyclical photometric variability that can be interpreted as caused by perturbations in the dust distribution. We propose that the dust occultation events present a dynamical view of an active asteroid belt whose collisional products sporadically obscure the central star.