Title:A survey of globular cluster kinematics in early-type galaxies Abstract: To date, only a dozen GC systems have been kinematically investigated in detail. This small sample size has hindered attempts to search for global trends with host galaxy properties. We present an extended spectro-photometric survey of a dozen never-before studied GC systems, thus doubling the sample of galaxies studied. For each GC system we exploit the combination of Subaru/Suprime-Cam wide-field imaging with spectra from Keck/DEIMOS multi-object spectrograph. The surface density of the GCs is compared to the host galaxy surface brightness profile and the spatial distribution of planetary nebulae (another common kinematics tracer). We examine the rotation and velocity dispersion properties for each GC system and for their metal-rich and metal-poor subpopulations separately. Our survey results are integrated with those from the literature to provide a new insight into the kinematics and hence origin of GC systems.