Title:The tidal stirring model and its application to the Sagittarius dwarf Abstract: I will present the results of high resolution simulations of two-component dwarf galaxies orbiting the Milky Way, where the stellar component of the dwarf is initially a disk. The effects of tidal interaction of the dwarf with the Milky Way manifest themselves by the strong mass loss, the morphological transformation from the disk to the spheroid and the transition from the streaming to random motion of the stars. I will discuss the dependence of these effects on the orbit of the dwarf and its initial properties. I will describe the application of the tidal stirring scenario to model in detail the shape and kinematics of the Sagittarius dwarf. The present shape of Sagittarius main body puts strong constraints on its past history and can be used to estimate the number of pericenters it has passed. Sagittarius is likely still a bound object and its kinematics can be used to reliably estimate the mass. The mass and velocity anisotropy of the dwarf estimated using new kinematic data will also be presented.