The 2007 ESO Instrument Calibration Workshop

Feedback Form

Feedback Form

One of the main goals of this workshop is to collect input from the ESO user community that will help to improve the scientific return of ESO's La Silla Paranal Observatory. As you are a member of the community, we would kindly ask you to provide any suggestions or comments you might have by answering the questions below. In each case we would appreciate if you could indicate to which instrument(s) your comments refer.

Thank you very much for your time spent for and input to this effort. We will keep you posted on the developments resulting from this process.

Note that this feedback will be absolutely anonymous. If you specify your name and email in the respective fields we will be able to contact you to follow up you specific comments.

1. Do you consider that the information on the calibration plan(s) given in the instrument manual(s) is sufficient ?
2. If your program did not use special calibrations, how do you judge the data that you received obtained with the standard calibration plan ?
3. Did the data obtained allow the fulfillment of the scientific goals of your program ?
If your scientific goals could not be achieved completely, please specify the reason
4. Do you have any other comments or suggestions on how to improve the calibration of ESO instruments ?
Do you work for ESO ?
E-Mail Address