UV spectra of A supergiants contain many weak lines from iron group elements. We outline an attempt to synthesize these spectra using the observed lines from the Kurucz lists. The resulting spectra should help to disentangle the weak line background from noise and should thus improve quantitative analyses based on the stronger spectral features. This work is in progress and we expect to be able to present first results at the conference.
Chemical and spectro-photometric evolution of galaxies are indissociable each one from the other. Actually, a lot of constraints are available for the Milky Way disk (abundances, SFR, gas distribution, color profiles and integrated luminosities in various wavelengths). Moreover, we can also test models against properties of nearby spiral disks, for which photometry profiles, as well as gaseous abundances at several radii and CO and HI distributions are available. These data constrain severely evolutionary models computing in a coherent way the chemical evolution of spirals (abundances, gas and stellar masses, SFR) and the spectro-photometric one (magnitude and color profiles, integrated spectrum).
We shall present a detailed chemo-spectro-photometric
evolutionary model and its application to the Milky Way
and to several nearby spirals.
I will present a deep ROSAT HRI, long-slit echelle data, and archival
HST imaging of I Zw 18. The deep HST images reveal loops and
filaments of kpc size, some of which were not cataloged before.
Combined with the dynamics of the ionized gas as derived from the
echelle data, the imaging data give strong evidence for a large-scale
(kpc-size) bipolar outflow, perpenticular to the mayor axis of the HI gas
of I Zw 18.
The ROSAT HRI image resolves for the first time the X-ray morphology of
I Zw 18. Since the X-ray emission traces the SW H-alpha loops, we
conclude that I Zw 18 is currently venting hot gas and therefore metals into
its halo.
We will discuss the relevance of our findings to the very low oxygen
abundance of the warm ionized gas in I Zw 18.
A Fabry-Perot spectrophotometer was used to obtain integrated
line fluxes of Galactic HII regions through large diaphragms
rather than slits. Fluxes of [OII] 3726 and
3727, [OIII]
4363 and
5876, H
, H
and H
measured in thirty-five HII regions ranging from 6 to 17 kpc in
distance from the Galactic centre. This homogeneous set of observations,
reduced in a consistent manner, is combined with stellar data to
determine the regions' distances, reddening corrections, electron
densities and temperatures as well as their ionic abundances
, O++/H+ and He+/H
. This allows us to
discuss our Galaxy's oxygen abundance gradient and also the enrichment
of helium relative to oxygen.
We discuss observational evidences for the existence of radial and/or
vertical metallicity gradients (measured with the index [Fe/H]) inside the
galactic disk, and compare them with predictions from chemical evolution models
and population synthesis. We conclude that a radial abundance gradients exists
amounting to -0.09 dex/kpc, whereas non clear conclusion can be drawn for the
existence of a vertical gradient.
We present a spectrophotometric analysis of nine HII regions in the spiral galaxy NGC4258. The main results can be summarized as follows:
i) From an empirical calibration method based on the sulphur emission lines (Diaz and Perez-Montero, this meeting) we have derived oxygen abundances which turn out to be between 0.3 and 0.7 times solar, substantially lower than previously derived by using standard calibration techniques based on the optical oxygen lines.
ii) We have also derived the ionization parameter for each of the regions by using several emission line ratios.
iii) A prominent Wolf-Rayet feature at 4686 Angstroms is observed in the brightest region analyzed, that reveals the presence of about 35 WN stars.
iv) We have used the photoionization code Cloudy 90 (Ferland 1996) to
constrain the effective temperature of the ionizing stars. The values
obtained for all the regions are around 35,000K. Therefore,
the presence of WR stars does not seem to increase the mean
effective temperature of the ionizing clusters.
About 2% of the red giants show lithium abundances significantly larger than expected by dilution due to convection, and in some of them, the lithium abundance reaches values similar (and even larger) than the ISM value logN(Li) = 3.0.
Lithium and Beryllium are burned in stars in the deep (hot) layers of the stars, being preserved in the external layers. A shallow mixing of the external layers will deplete lithium, and a deeper one will deplete also Be. The Be abundance determination in Li-rich giants could give important information about the origin of the Li observed in these stars. If Be is shown to be depleted, the original Li must have been depleted too, so that, the observed Li in Li-rich giants must be produced in the stellar interior.
We present the observations of the BeII 313.0nm for two Li-rich giants and
a Li-normal giant, plus Cen A and B, obtained with the CASPEC
spectrograph at the ESO 3.6 telescope, with a resolving power
R=32000 (Castilho et al., in preparation); and discuss the Be
abundances derived through spectrum synthesis.
Castilho, B.V., Spite, F., Barbuy, B., de Medeiros, J.R.
, and Gregorio-Hetem, J. in preparation
Recent data of the LiBeB elements in halo and in some globular cluster
stars throw a new light on the problem of the lithium depletion in Population
II stars. We present new results on the LiBeB abundances obtained with stellar
models including the best available physics, and discuss the constraints on the
actual depletion of these light elements in Pop II stars. This leads us to make
a parameter-free evaluation of the lithium primordial abundance. The major
uncertainty is due to systematic errors in the observational data.
Field blue stragglers (FBS) are counterparts of cluster blue
stragglers. They were selected by Olsen (1980, A&AS 39, 205) from specific
Strömgren indices among bright metal-deficient early F dwarfs.
Some stars
from this list were observed with high-resolution and high S/N CCD
spectra. First results were already published in 1996, A&A 310, 277. Synthetic
spectrum technique was applied for the specification of rotational velocities
and chemical composition of program stars. Special attention was payed on FBS
with high rotation and broad shallow lines with aim of comparison of their
chemical abundances and abundances of Boo stars calculated with the
same methods. In general, 17 chemical elements were investigated. All metals
show moderate deficiency. Most of the stars show normal abundance of
sodium. With the exception of HD35863 the "normal" lithium abundance also was
found in HD27523, HD45042 and HD88923.
Main question was "What is FBS?" We
discussed three hypotheses that could be applied for explanation of their
nature: 1) they are really blue stragglers with prolonged evolution; 2) they
are normal stars which were born in metal-deficient medium; 3) they are an
extension of Boo stars towards lower temperature.
In the last years, progress has been very rapid in the domain of
molecules at high redshift, and we now know in better detail the molecular
content in several systems beyond z=1 and up to , either through
millimeter and sub-millimeter emission lines, continuum dust emission, or
millimeter absorption lines in front of quasars. The first discovery in 1992
by Brown and van den Bout of CO lines at z=2.28 in a gravitationnally lensed
starburst galaxy, strongly stimulated searches of other systems, but these were
harder than foreseen, and only 5 other systems have been discovered in CO
emission. Redshifts range between 2 and 5, the largest being BR1202-0725 at
z=4.69. Most of these systems, if not all, are gravitationnaly amplified
objects. Some have been discovered first through their dust emission,
relatively easy to detect because of the negative K-correction effect. The
detection of all these systems could give an answer about the debated question
of the star-formation rate as a function of redshift. The maximum of
star-formation rate, found around z=2 from optical studies, could shift to
higher z if the most remote objects are hidden by dust.
Absorption of quasar millimetric light by molecules is another tool to probe
cold gas at high redshift, taking advantage of very high spatial (10-3 arcsec) and spectral (30m/s) resolutions. Up to now four absorption
systems have been discovered in the millimeter range, and up to 20 molecular
lines have been detected in a single object (HCO+, HNC, HCN, N2H+,
C18O, CS, H2CO, CN, etc....). Molecular abundances, excitation
temperatures can be studied in detail in these remote galaxies. This technique
can sample column-densities between N(H2)= 1020 and 1024
cm-2. The diffuse components allow us to obtain an upper limit on the
cosmic black body temperature as a function of redshift. The high column
density component allow to observe important molecules not observable from
the ground, like O2, H2O and LiH for example.
Recent results on the chemical properties of Starburst Nucleus Galaxies
(SBNGs) and their implications on galaxy evolution will be reviewed.
We will show that SBNGs are young galaxies still in the process of formation
probably related to an active phase of star formation in the Universe a
few Gyrs ago. The link between metal and dust productions in starburst
galaxies will be emphasized, together with a discussion on cosmological
implications like the importance of dust extintion at high redshifts.
The RGB bump is a peak in the luminosity function of the Red Giant Branch (RGB). It has been recently observed in many globular clusters. Its position along the RGB depends on the metallicity of the cluster, suggesting a possible use as a relative metallicity indicator.
In this paper we focuse our attention mainly on metal rich clusters, for which the metallicity measurements are more uncertain while the detection of RGB bump is easier.
We present a compilation of the available data as well as new identifications and we derive calibrations of this metallicity indicator taking as a reference the available metallicity scales. Using these calibrations we derive metallicity of a sample of metal rich clusters of poorly known composition.
We present an empirical calibration of nebular abundances based on the intensities of the strong [SII] and [SIII] lines in the red part of the spectrum. This calibration has two important advantages over the commonly used one based on the optical oxygen lines: it remains single-valued up to abundances close to solar and is rather independent of the degree of ionization of the nebula.
The VLT , with it four 8m telescopes and 12 instruments permanently on
line, will be a unique machine to study stars, galaxies and the ISM in the
optical and infrared wavelength regions. Three instruments stand out as the
ones which are expected to be used more intensively for quantitative studies of
chemical abundances: UVES, an echelle spectrograph for the 300-1100nm region,
the multi-object visual spectrograph GIRAFFE and the infrared echelle
spectrograph CRIRES. The expected capabilities of these instruments in terms
of resolving power, S/N ratio and limiting magnitudes are given and the
potential impact of the future observations on a few, key chemical abundance
issues is discussed.
New class of low- ionization BAL quasars was suggested recently by Becker et al. (1997). This population is represented by three objects: 1556+3517, 0840+3633 and 0059-2735 with redshifts z= 1.48 , 1.22 and 1.62 respectively. Spectra of these quasars are heavily attenuated at optical wavelength in region less than 2800 A in the quasar restframe. The number of ions and neutral atoms were found in their spectra (in particular FeI and MnI characterized by ionization potentials 7.9 and 7.4 eV). Large optical depths of neutral Fe and Mn in spectrum of 1556+3517 on the one hand, and unusually strong absorption in lines and continuum as well, on the other hand, lead to conclusion on low degree of ionization in their shells. It means that strong ionized radiation of their cores is shielded by dense internal part of the shell. It suggests the possible existence of steady molecules with high (about 10 eV) dissociation energies in the shells. CO molecule has dissociation energy ED = 11 eV ( it is more than value of ionization potential of many atoms), and for this reason the possible existence of CO in the quasars shells, discussed in this paper, become very attractive. In this case one can identify the line at 2063 A, attributed to CrII, as a line of Cameron band of CO molecule. Estimation of the expected optical depth value in rotational radio lines of this molecule is made by using its optical spectrum, and find to be > 1. The fluxes from quasar 1556+3517 at frequencies 1.4 and 5 GHz are 30.6 and 27.0 mJy respectively (Becker, et al. 1997). Spectral index in this case is -0.1, that lead to expected flux F = 20 mJy at the frequency of line J'J = 2,1 shifted at (1+z): 92.9 GHz. For quasar 0840+3633, the flux at 1.4 GHz is 1.3 mJy. If we take -0.1, we will obtain the expected flux F = 0.8 mJy at frequency of observation 103.8 GHz. Such fluxes can be observed with modern radiotelescopes. For observations with IRAM 3mm receiver, for example, the time of observation should be approximately 1 minute for QSO 1556+3517 and 10 hours for 0840+3633.
Becker R.H., et al., Astrophys.J. (1997) v.479, p. L93
A correlation between metallicity and luminosity has now been
well established for giant and dwarf galaxies. However several
studies have shown that dwarf galaxies in clusters appear to have Oxygen
abundances higher than expected. These deviations from the
metallicity-luminosity relation suggest that the latter is
affected by the environment. Among the possible explanations are
confinement by the intracluster medium or the reprocessing of
pre-enriched material expelled from giant stripped galaxies
at the origin of the so-called tidal dwarf galaxies.
I will illustrate these phenomena using the results of a
multi-wavelength survey of dwarf galaxies in the
Hydra cluster. The morphology,stellar and gaseous content and
metallicity of a complete sample of HI-rich dwarfs have been
studied.We found that on average the Hydra dwarfs seem to
have a higher metallicity than in the field. This excess
may possibly be explained by the scenario involving tidal
interactions. This would indicate that part of the population of
dwarf galaxies in clusters may be of tidal origin.
During the six years that the Faint Object Spectrograph (FOS) was
part of the HST instrument repertoire, it was used to obtain UV-optical
spectra of numerous extragalactic H II regions in spiral and irregular
galaxies which enabled several detailed studies of the UV lines of carbon,
nitrogen, and silicon to be studied with high S/N for the first time.
The results of several investigations showed that generally C/O (O/H)0.4 and that the gaseous-phase Si/O was generally
1/2 Solar
in the nebulae.
During this period FOS observations of five locations in the Orion Nebula
were also obtained, but have yet to be fully analyzed in a manner similar to
the extragalactic H II region studies. In this paper, I analyze these
FOS spectra using analysis techniques similar to those in the extragalactic
studies and incorporating modern atomic data, with the aim of deriving new
average CNOSi abundances for the Orion Nebula more appropriate for comparison
with the recent extragalactic H II results from identical UV-optical
line ratios. These results are intended to improve on the previous general
CNOSi abundances for Orion which were largely based on IUE observations.
Comparisons will also be made with the results from the recent comprehensive
optical study of Orion Nebula abundances by Esteban et al. (1998) that are
based on high resolution measurements of both forbidden and permitted emission
The flow of gas and dust into, out of, or inside galaxies can strongly
affect their chemical evolution. Fortunately it is now possible to
predict the general behaviour by simple analytic arguments.
This paper will outline the systematic effects of gas flows on chemical
abundances, element ratios and dust masses. Comparison will be made with
both observations and recent SPH dynamical modelling of the formation of
disk galaxies. Mechanisms for generating high abundances in galactic
nuclei (and perhaps quasars) will be discussed. Suggestions for future
investigation will be made, in particular for abundance gradients, groups of
galaxies, and the study of global chemical evolution through the behaviour of
high-redshift systems.
I will present the first results from an ongoing project to investigate
the present-day chemical abundances of the extreme outer parts of
galactic disks, as probed by the emission line spectra of a new sample
of HII regions. Deep H images have revealed the existence of
recent massive star formation, traced by HII regions, out to, and
beyond, two optical radii in several galaxies (defined by the B-band
25th magnitude isophote). Optical spectra of these newly-discovered
HII regions reveal gas-phase abundances of O/H
10-15% of the
solar value, and N/O
20-25% of the solar value, at radii of
1.5-2 R25. Clear evidence also exists for diminished dust
extinction (AV
0-0.2) in these parts. Within the limits of
the current dataset, the radial abundance variations are consistent
with single log-linear relationships, although the derived slopes can
often differ considerably from those found if only inner disk HII
regions are used to define the fit. Nitrogen-to-oxygen ratios appear
to be consistent with a combination of primary and secondary production
of nitrogen. The mean level of enrichment in extreme outer galactic
disks is similar to that measured in some high redshift damped
absorbers, suggesting that outer disks at the present
epoch are relatively unevolved.
Deep Keck spectropolarimetry has been obtained of a sample of powerful radio galaxies with z 2.5 +/- 0.5. In addition to a clear 2200A dust extinction signature and an inverse correlation between the degree of continuum polarization and the Lyman alpha emission line strength (relative to CIV), we find an intriguing positive correlation between the NV/CIV ratio and the polarization. The line ratio, which varies over almost a dex in objects having a very similar ionization state, is most likely to indicate an abundance ratio. We speculate that the correlation with polarization represents a connection between nitrogen enhancement and dust production following a major starburst event connected with the birth of the quasar.
Comparison of our chemically consistent models for spiral galaxies
with observed DLA abundances shows that at high redshift DLA
galaxies may well be the progenitors of normal spiral disks of all
types from Sa through Sd. Towards lower redshifts
however, early type spirals drop out of DLA samples due to low gas
content. We use the spectrophotometric aspects of our unified
spectral, chemical, and cosmological evolution models to predict
expected luminosities, colours, SFRs, etc. for DLA galaxies at various
redshifts and compare to the few optical identifications available.
I will condense into a few short minutes a review of the vast quantity
of data on abundances in spiral and irregular galaxies in the nearby
universe, outside the Local Group. Nearly all of this data consists of
measurements of abundances in H II regions. Optical spectroscopy of
H II regions yields relatively complete information on O/H. Where high
quality spectroscopy exists for a given spiral galaxy, the dispersion
in O/H is found to be quite small: of order 0.1 dex, which is
often smaller than the observational uncertainties for individual
points. The implication is that abundance inhomogeneities are quite
small on small spatial scales, although there is some evidence that
large-scale inhomogeneities may exist. Abundance gradients per unit
disk scalelength may have a small range of values in spiral galaxies;
barred spirals appear to have shallower gradients than non-barred
spirals. The average O/H in spiral and irregular galaxies increases
with galaxy mass/luminosity; massive spirals have higher abundances
at the same value of disk surface brightness than lower mass spirals.
Finally, I will discuss accumulating data on C and N abundances in
H II regions that is providing interesting new information on the
evolution of both spirals and irregulars.
Recent progress as regards abundances in local disk stars will be
discussed. The possibilities and the shortcomings in studying nucleosynthesis
and galactic evolution using such data will be illustrated. The possibilites of
progress when local data are combined with data of other types, e.g. for
irregular blue galaxies, will be demonstratad with the build-up of carbon as
one example.
I will give an overview over constraints from metal absorption systems in QSO spectra on the chemical evolution of the intergalactic gas. I shall give special emphasis to two points:
Carbon, nitrogen, and oxygen, the CNO elements, are among the most
abundant species after hydrogen and helium. The dominent stellar production
site of the nitrogen isotope 15N is, however, not yet known. Here we
report detections of 15N from observations of interstellar hydrogen
cyanide (HCN) toward the Large Magellanic Cloud and, tentatively, toward the
core of the (post-) starburst galaxy NGC4945. The 14N/15N isotope
ratios drastically differ from those measured in the disk and center of the
Milky Way. Strongly supporting the idea that 15N is predominantly of
`primary' nature, hydrostatic production in massive stars should be its
dominant source.
Because of their low gravitational energies dwarf galaxies are greatly exposed to energetical influences by the interstellar medium, like e.g. stellar radiation, winds or explosions, or by their environment. While the metallicity depletion in dwarf galaxies can be explained in general by supernova-driven galactic winds, the reason for their low N/O ratios at low O abundance is not yet completely understood. Stellar yields enrich the different gas phases with elements that are characteristic for the stellar progenitors. Phase transitions are necessary for a mixing of elements, but depend sensitively on the thermal and dynamical state of the interstellar medium. Models of chemical evolution start usually with a high N/O ratio at low O abundance according to a metal enrichment by ancient stellar populations with common yields, but can only reproduce the N/O-O peculiarity by the application of multiple starbursts. Their galactic winds are invoked to reduce O selectively. Chemodynamical models of dwarf galaxies, however, demonstrate that strong evaporation of clouds by the hot supernova gas leads to an almost perfect mixing of the interstellar gas. These models can successfully account for the observed N/O-O values in a self-consistent way without the necessity of starbursts, if new stellar yields are taken into account which provide additional primary and secondary N production from massive stars.
We present the recent results of our programme aimed at obtaining
abundances of O, Si and Mg in B supergiants located at
different distances from the center of M33. After the technique
presented in Monteverde et al. (1997, ApJ 474,L107) to derive
differential O abundances in these stars with respect to their galactic
counterparts, which allowed us to obtain the first extragalactic
stellar radial O gradient, we are analyzing the spectra to obtain the stellar
parameters and Si abundances.
2Astronomy Department,
University of Virginia, Charlottesville VA 22903, USA
The heavy element abundances in the most metal-deficient blue compact
galaxies (BCGs) are discussed. None of the heavy element-to-oxygen
abundance ratios (C/O, N/O, Ne/O, Si/O, S/O, Ar/O, Fe/O) depend on oxygen
abundance for BCGs with 12 + log O/H 7.6 (Z
/20). This
constancy implies that all these heavy elements have a primary origin and are
produced by the same massive (M
) stars responsible for O
production. The dispersion of the C/O and N/O ratios in these galaxies is found
to be remarkably small, being only
0.03 dex and
0.02 dex
respectively. This very small dispersion is strong evidence against any
time-delayed production of C and primary N in the lowest-metallicity BCGs, and
hence against production of these elements by intermediate-mass (3
) stars at very low metallicities. The absence of
evidence for a time-delayed production of C and N also implies that galaxies
with 12 + log O/H
7.6 are undergoing now their first burst of star
formation, and that they are therefore young, with ages not exceeding 40
We discuss the apparent discrepancy between the N/O abundance ratios measured
in BCGs and those in high-redshift damped Ly galaxies, which are up to
one order of magnitude smaller. We argue that this large discrepancy may arise
from the unknown physical conditions of the gas responsible for the metallic
absorption lines in high-redshift damped Ly
systems. While it is widely
assumed that the absorbing gas is neutral, we propose that it could be ionized.
In this case, ionization correction factors can boost the N/O ratios in damped
galaxies into the range of those measured in BCGs.
Over the past 30 years, UV instruments have improved by many orders of
magnitude in some key parameters that govern their ability to perform
useful observations. A review of the characteristics of present and
future UV missions will be presented, with a special emphasis on
properties that are relevant to abundance determinations. New concepts
presented at a conference on Ultraviolet-Optical Space Astronomy in
early August (Boulder, CO) may also be summarized.
The Interstellar Medium Absorption Profile Spectrograph (IMAPS) recorded
the L and L
D and H absorption features in the spectra of
Vel and
Pup during the ORFEUS-SPAS II mission
in late 1996. The resolution of
provides a substantial
improvement over previous spectra recorded by the Copernicus satellite.
The atomic deuterium column densities derived from our observations are
compared to re-evaluations of N(H I) from L
features in IUE archival
spectra to yield determinations of D/H. The D/H toward
Ori seems to
be lower than the general result of
reported for lines of
sight to cool stars within the local region, while the numbers we derive for
Vel and
Pup appear to be equal to or slightly greater than
this value (more precise statements will be given in the poster paper). Our
findings about a variability in D/H are consistent with independent conclusions
by Vidal-Madjar, et al. (astro-ph 9807004) for the line of sight to G191-B2B.
Recent results of CASPECtroscopic abundance determinations of B stars in the Magellanic clouds are presented. The sample stars include both young globular cluster (NGC 1818, 2004 (both LMC), 330 (SMC)) and field stars on and close to the main sequence.
The method for deriving the stellar parameters (Balmer profiles, Si II/III/IV ionisation equilibria, weak and strong OII lines) was thoroughly revised to be capable of treating the metallicity of the underlying atmosphere (which was shown to have a significant effect on the stellar parameters and therefore on the abundances to be derived) in a self-consistent manner. LTE ATLAS 9 model atmospheres (Kurucz 93) and the DETAIL/SURFACE NLTE line formation code (Butler and Giddings 85) are used.
Abundances for He, C, N, O, Mg, Al and Si are derived. From the metals an average underabundance of [m/H]=-0.5 (-0.8) is deduced for the Large (Small) Magellanic cloud. No significant abundance difference is found between cluster member and field stars within the respective cloud.
High-redshift damped Lyman-alpha absorbers in quasar spectra are believed
to be the progenitors of present-day galaxies. However, their exact nature is
not yet clearly understood, since their detection in emission has proved very
difficult. We present high-resolution HST NICMOS images of a quasar field known
spectroscopically to have a damped Lyman- absorber at redshift
. The images were obtained in broad and narrow-band near-IR
filters, aimed at detecting the absorber in rest-frame continuum and H-
emission. Some of the images were obtained using the coronagraph on NICMOS
camera 2 with the goal of increasing the sensitivity for detection of the
damped Lyman-
absorber by decreasing the light from the background
quasar. The analysis of the NICMOS images is presented, including a discussion
of subtraction of the point spread function. The final broad-band images are
used to constrain the morphology and environment of the damped Lyman-
absorber. The narrow-band images offer constraints on the star-formation rate
in the damped Lyman-
absorber. Our study, which benefits from the
unique combination of high near-IR sensitivity and high spatial resolution
offered by NICMOS, can thus give important information about chemical evolution
of galaxies at high redshifts.
The damped Ly- (DLA) absorbers in quasar spectra represent
an earlier stage of chemical evolution compared to present-day
galaxies. However, the nature of stellar populations dominating
the DLA absorbers (e.g. halo-like or disk-like) is not fully understood.
We report results of our spectroscopic survey of DLAs with low and
moderate redshifts, carried out at the Multiple Mirror Telescope.
We have so far obtained high-S/N spectra of about 10 quasars with DLAs
at z < 1.8, to measure or put limits on the abundances of Zn, Cr, Fe,
Mn, Ni, Si, S etc. at these redshifts. The goal is to use Zn as the
metallicity indicator (since it is almost undepleted on to interstellar
grains), and to use the relative abundances of the other elements to try
to discern the nucleosynthesis and dust-depletion patterns. Our data,
combined with observations from the literature at higher redshifts, will
help to put better constraints on the evolution of metallicity and dust
content in galaxies.
We have analyzed ASCA data of about 30 early type galaxies, and studied their X-ray emitting ISM (InterStellar Medium) properties. Our study has been motivated by the apparently very low metallicity of the ISM, which cannot easily be reconciled with theoretical predictions. By carefully examining the abundance ratios and uncertainties in the Fe-L complex, we have concluded that the ISM abundances in X-ray luminous galaxies are in fact about 1 solar. Therefore, the severe discrepancy between the ISM and stellar abundance has been relaxed. The ISM metallicity of X-ray fainter galaxies are uncertain, but at least SNe Ia contribution to the ISM abundance is smaller than in the X-ray luminous ones.
We have also discovered that
X-ray emissions from X-ray luminous galaxies are very extended, and
expressed with two beta models of different angular scales.
This means that the X-ray luminous ellipticals are
central galaxies of some larger-scale potential structures.
We show that presence/absence of such a larger-scale potential
can consistently account for several unsolved problems with the ISM.
An increasing number of galaxies at z >2 with stellar absorption lines
from massive stars has been detected in recent years. These lines provide
direct evidence for active star formation during the past 100 Myr. I will
discuss the nature of the underlying stellar population. Attempts will be made
to estimate the metallicity of the stars. I will compare the restframe UV
spectra of high-z galaxies to those of local template galaxies. Future
developments in the field will be pointed out.
We have extended our chemical and cosmological galaxy evolution model to calculate the abundance evolution for altogether 16 different elements in spiral galaxies in a chemically consistent way which is a considerable step towards a more realistic galaxy modelling. We have compiled from the literature all available data on element abundances in DLA systems and the comparison with our model calculations yields the following results.
The conformity between observed and calculated abundances over the
redshift range from through
indicates that DLA galaxies may well evolve into
the full range of present-day spiral galaxies from Sa through Sd.
Comparison of our chemically consistent models with models using only solar metallicity input physics shows that differences in the redshift evolution are small for some elements but large for others. For those elements with large differences the chemically consistent models provide significant better agreement with observed DLA abundances.
For typical spiral galaxies the star formation histories of our models
clearly bridge the gap between high redshift DLA systems and the
nearby spiral galaxy population.
The slow redshift evolution of DLA abundances is understood in terms
of the long star formation timescales in (proto)galactic disks.
The large scatter of observed abundances in DLAs of similar redshift
is rather explained by the range of SFRs among early and late type spirals.
Heavy element abundances of photoionized gaseous nebulae are
traditionally derived from the analysis of collisionally excited optical and UV
lines. Abundances thus derived however have an exponential sensitivity to the
adopted electron temperature. For collisionally excited lines of low critical
densities, the results are also sensitive to the adopted electron density. The
advent of large format, high quantum efficiency CCDs, together with the high
quality effective recombination coefficients now available for many heavy
element ions have opened up the possibility of obtaining accurate abundances
using optical recombination lines from heavy element ions. Although they are
much weaker and more difficult to measure than collisionally excited lines, the
emissivities of radiative recombination lines from H, He and heavy element ions
have only a weak, similar, power-law dependence on temperature and are
essentially independent of density under typical nebular conditions. Thus ionic
abundances derived from the intensities of heavy element recombination lines
relative to a hydrogen recombination line, such as H, are almost
independent of the temperature and density structure of the nebulae under
study, and consequently should be more reliable.
A long-standing problem in nebular studies has been that the heavy elemental abundances derived from optical recombination lines are often (although not always) higher than those derived from UV and optical collisionally excited lines, by factors up to 10. The discreepancies have been often attributed to the presence of large temperature and/or density inhomogeneities which lead to underestimated collisional line abundances. Planetary nebulae (PN) are envelopes ejected by low- and intermediate-mass stars in their late evolutionary stage and are the chief sources of carbon and s-process elements in the Universe. Because of their particularly simple structures, i.e. a generally symmetric nebula excited by one centrally located star, PN provide the best astrophysical laboratories to study the abundance determination problem.
We have been undertaking a systematic optical recombination line abundance
survey for a large sample of Galactic PN. The deep spectra obtained
yield accurate fluxes for multiple recombination lines
from ions of C, N, O, and Ne. For half of them, we have also obtained
2.4-45m and 43-197
m IR spectra using the
SWS and LWS on board ISO. The major goal of the programme is
to derive accurate recombination line C, N, O and Ne abundances for a large
sample of PN and to compare the results to those derived from IR, optical and
UV (from the IUE archival data) collisionally excited lines of different
excitation energies and critical densities, in order to probe the underlying
physics causing the abundance determination problem.
In this contribution, we present some results
from this programme.
Recent observations have created a ``crisis'' - better viewed as ``opportunity'' - in understanding interstellar dust. These determinations are: (a) gas-phase abundances of many elements in the diffuse ISM, and (b) stellar abundances through analyses of spectra; (c) new infrared observations of the weakness of O-H , N-H, and C-H absorptions in the diffuse ISM. They have collectively reduced the amount of solid materials (especially carbon) in the ISM, while establishing that the total abundance of elements (gas + solid) in the local ISM is sub-solar by about 0.12 - 0.2 dex (25-35%). The ISM abundance is determined from four separate lines of reasoning: (a) H II regions; (b) gas-phase abundances of elements not in diffuse dust (e.g., N); (c) early-type stars that have just formed out of the ISM; (d) later-type stars that are comparable with the Sun.
Well-established requirements for the extinction per H must be met with the available solid-state abundances: (a) the carbon demands of the 2175 Å feature and the observed Unidentified Infrared Bands (similar materials?), and (b) the abundances required for continuum extinction in both the visual and 1200 Å regions. My view of major problems currently facing our understanding of the physical nature of diffuse dust will be mentioned.
I will review the current status of abundance gradient
determinations along the the disk of the Galaxy and discuss
various chemical evolution models
predicting abundance gradients and their temporal evolution.
I will show that abundance gradients are strong constraints for the
mechanism of formation of the Galactic disk.
The proximity of the Galactic bulge permits study of individual stars which trace all phases of its history. Study of the bulge is important not just because it is a major component of the Galaxy, but because it is our closest spheroidal system; a census of its stars and composition can be used to guide integrated-light studies of external bulges and giant elliptical galaxies.
Parameters for chemical evolution models of the bulge, such as the star formation rate, the initial mass function, the yield and age, can be constrained with knowledge of the detailed chemical composition. Moreover, study of the Galactic bulge composition provides a means to test our chemical evolution models and predicted supernova element yields, which have been guided by abundance results for the local Galactic disk and halo populations.
I will review results of some recent Galactic bulge composition studies,
discuss potentially interesting diagnostic element abundance ratios, and
highlight a few of the current problems.
Being one of the densest galaxy cluster, Coma is the ideal place
to study galaxy structures as a function of environmental density in order
to constrain theories of galaxy formation and evolution. Hence we
obtained spectra with good S/N and spatial resolution for a magnitude
limited sample of 35 E and S0 Coma galaxies within a field of about 5
square degree around the cluster's center. We derived gradients of the line
indices Mg, Fe, H as well as rotation curves and the velocity
dispersion profiles. Using Worthey's (1994) stellar
population synthesis models, we derived ages and metallicities as well as
element ratios ([Mg/Fe]). Additionally we investigated eventually existing
correlations between the gradients of the element indices and other
galaxy/cluster parameters. The results support the idea that early type
galaxies formed in processes that include both stellar merging and gaseous
Radio- and (sub)millimeter-wavelength observations of ionic, atomic, and
in particular molecular lines have been extensively used for determining
elemental abundances and isotopic ratios in the interstellar medium of
the Milky Way and external galaxies as well as in the circumstellar
envelopes of red giant and supergiant stars. A number of new instruments
that are currently being planned or under construction will yield
new or greatly improved abundance measurements. These include
the Square Kilometer Array Interferometer (SKAI) for the meter- to
centimeter-wavelength range, the Millimeter Array/Large Southern Array
(MMA/LSA) for
the millimeter and submillimeter regime, and the Stratospheric Observatory
for Infrared Astronomy (SOFIA), which will operate at submillimeter and
infrared wavelengths. All of these facilities will have much larger collecting
areas than existing instruments.
For example, key observations expected from SKAI and SOFIA
include determinations of the [D/H] ratio toward numerous lines of sight
throughout the Galaxy from measurements of the 92 cm ``spin flip'' line
of DI and the J = 1-0 ground-state rotational transition of the
HD molecule at 112 m, respectively. The high sensitivity and
spatial resolution of the MMA/LSA interferometer will allow accurate
isotopic abundance measurements of the molecular gas in many
galactic nuclei, yielding important information on its production history.
Ultraviolet absorption-line studies of the atomic gas in diffuse
interstellar clouds with the Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph
(GHRS) onboard the Hubble Space Telescope are yielding accurate
measurements of the elemental abundances in the local ISM. A key
development based on observations of interstellar oxygen and
krypton is that the overall (gas plus dust) metallicity of the
local ISM now appears to be about 2/3 of the solar system value.
There are no statistically significant variations in the measured
O and Kr abundances from sightline to sightline and no evidence
of density-dependent O and Kr depletion from the gas phase.
These results will be discussed in concert with recent GHRS
findings on other elements such as carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur.
We have attempted to reproduce the flat abundance distribution observed in NGC 1313 and other magellanic and irregular galaxies by using a multiphase chemical evolution model. We found that it is not possible to reproduce it and at the same time, be consistent with observed radial distributions of the surface gas density and star formation profiles.
The conclusion is that a more complicated galactic evolution model is neccessary to explain the apparent chemical uniformity of the disk of NGC 1313 and other low-mass irregular galaxies.
We show a new chemical evolution model, developed to treat this problem, including radial flows, and possibly mass loss due to supernova explosions and winds. It is based in the multiphase model which has been previously used successfully to depict other spiral galaxies along the Hubble morphological sequence. The preliminar results will be analyzed and discussed.
We present observations of the high-redshift QSO GB1759+7539
(zem=3.05) obtained with HIRES on the Keck 10m telescope. The
spectrum has a resolution of FWHM=7kms-1, and a typical S/N 25 in the Ly
forest region, and
60 long-ward of the
Twelve heavy-element absorption systems were identified, including
damped Lyman-alpha (DLA) systems at zabs=2.62 and 2.91. The C, N,
O, Al, Si, P, S, Mg, Fe, and Ni absorption features of these systems
were studied, and the elemental abundances calculated for the weak
unsaturated lines. The systems have metallicities of and
. Both systems appear to
have a low dust content. They show an over-abundance of
-elements relative to Fe-peak elements, and an under-abundance
of odd atomic number elements relative to even. N was observed in the
zabs=2.62 system, and found to be under-abundant relative to O, in
line with the time delay model of primary N production. C II* was also
seen, allowing us to determine an upper limit to the cosmic microwave
background temperature at z=2.62 of TCMB <12.0K.
Previous models for the chemical evolution of the
Magellanic Clouds have assumed either a steepened IMF compared
to the solar neighbourhood or preferential expulsion of oxygen
and -particle elements by selective galactic winds.
These assumptions were largely motivated by a belief that the
O/Fe ratio in the Clouds is substantially lower than in the
Galaxy, but the difference
appears to have been exaggerated: Galactic supergiants have a
similar O/Fe ratio as Cloud supergiants, there is no corresponding
effect in Mg and other
-elements and a combination of
data from planetary nebulae, H II regions and supernova remnants
indicates an O/Fe ratio more or less equal to solar.
Consequently new analytical models for the chemical evolution of the Magellanic Clouds have been developed in collaboration with Grazina Tautvaisiene of the Institute for Theoretical Physics and Astronomy, Vilnius, Lithuania, assuming chemical yields and time delays identical to those we previously assumed for the solar neighbourhood. We include infall, non-selective galactic winds and burst-like modes of star formation represented by discontinuous variations in the star formation rate per unit gas mass. We find adequate agreement with age-metallicity relations and element:element ratios within their substantial uncertainties, whereas our LMC model turns out to give an excellent fit to the anomalous Galactic halo stars discovered by Nissen & Schuster (1997). It also gives an enhanced SNIa/SNII ratio compared to the solar neighbourhood, due to the assumption that the SFR has declined in the past 1 to 2 Gyr.
A review of the chemical abundances of galactic H II regions is presented. The C and O abundances derived from recombination lines are higher than those derived from forbidden lines, arguments in favor of the recombination abundances are given. The galactic abundance gradients are discussed. The M8, M17 and Orion abundances are compared with those of the Sun and B stars of the solar vicinity as well as with primordial abundances.
An effort has been made to update the knowledge of chemical abundances in Galactic Planetary Nebulae, the corresponding gradients and the enrichment of the Interstellar Medium. A comparison with the PNE population in LMC and in other Galaxies is attempted.
I will review the current status of abundance determinations at high redshifts, focussing in particular on damped Lya systems (DLAs) in QSO spectra which are still our best tool for measuring the gas phase abundances of a good selection of elements in distant galaxies. Recent observations confirm that damped systems trace a varied population of galaxies which, in addition to spirals, probably includes dwarfs and low surface brightness galaxies and more generally galaxies with star formation histories which may well differ from that of the Milky Way. It now seems clear that new surveys for DLAs in radio selected QSOs are required for a census of metals which is free from selection effects. While existing samples may provide only a partial view of global chemical evolution, damped systems are playing an increasingly important role in our efforts to understand the nucleosynthetic origin of several elements.
The results of the spectroscopical analysis of HST boron
spectra in a new sample of 7 stars ranging in metallicity from
[Fe/H]=-2.0 to [Fe/H]=-1.0 will be presented and discussed.
These new data points enlarge by almost 50% our previous B
sample (cf Duncan et al. 1997), and give us the opportunity to
draw firmer conclusions as far as production mechanisms and
B galactic evolution are concerned.
The targets had been selected on the basis of their lithium and
beryllium abundances, available in the literature, in order to
take advantage of the fact that the simultaneous knowledge of
LiBeB in the same objects is a powerful diagnostic for testing
depletion and internal mixing predicted by different stellar
structure models. One star shows the remarkable aspect of deficient
B, probably deficient Be, and completely normal Li. No stellar
destruction mechanism can explain this. Rather, chemical
inhomogeneities in the halo could be the cause.
A-type supergiants are the optically brightest stars in irregular and
spiral galaxies and allow the direct determination of stellar abundances. We
present preliminary results on the abundance determination for Oxygen for
objects of the extreme luminosity class Iae in the Galaxy and M31. Special
emphasis is given on modelling the strong OI triplet
which will be the preferred feature in extragalactic
objects. Future applications using FORS on the VLT will help to investigate
the nucleosynthesis history of young populations beyond the Local Group.
We determined oxygen abundances of solar-type stars in the
neighborhood of the Sun spanning a metallicity
range from [Fe/H] = -2.3 to +0.4.
The analysis of the OI7773 triplet, the [OI]6300 line and the ultraviolet OHA-X band
is performed differentially to the Sun using spectroscopically
determined effective temperatures and metallicities from
Axer et al. (1995) and Fuhrmann (1998),
respectively. Fuhrmann determines reliable stellar parameters and magnesium
abundances from spectra obtained with the FOCES spectrograph
(Pfeiffer et al. , 1998).
The NLTE effect for the OI7773 triplet is
typically 0.15dex in solar-type stars
but increases to
dex in F-type stars with
[Fe/H] > -0.4. A new method to test
the adopted collision strengths
for the NLTE model atom of OI is presented.
The results are:
Clusters of galaxies are the largest structures for which the abundance and mass of the heavy elements can be measured, including their fraction in the diffused intracluster medium (ICM) as well as that locked into stars and galaxies. The relative fraction of metals in the ICM and galaxies is an important boundary condition for chemical evolutionary models at the galactic scale, while the total amount of metals provides a measure of the average past metal production rate in clusters, hence on the average past star formation rate. Several lines of evidence offer also the possibility of estimating the age of the stellar populations in cluster galaxies, hence of pinpointing the epoch at which much of the heavy elements were released along with the accompaining heating of the intracluster medium. Similarities and differences between clusters and the general field will then be addressed, with the aim of setting contraints on the global star formation activity as a function of cosmological time.
The QSO PKS 1756+237 () has two strong
low-ionization metal-line absorption systems at
and 1.675.
Spectra obtained in May 1997 using the Keck HIRES (8.3 km s-1 FWHM)
revealed the existence of weak Ni II, Fe II and C I absorption in addition to
the usual strong lines in the higher redshift absorber. The presence of these
lines is surprising given the relatively low H I column density reported for
this absorber (
) by Turnsheck et al. 1979 (ApJ
230, 330). Our data also cover Ly
(1215.7 Å) at
Å, and although noisy the data show evidence for a significantly
higher neutral column density,
which is more
compatible with weak metal lines normally associated with damped Ly
absorption systems. The
system metallicity is > 5-10%
solar with a sub-solar Ni/Fe abundance ratio, presumably indicative of dust.
This is only the fourth known C I absorber and the susceptibility
of C I to destruction by UV light also argues in favor of appreciable dust
content (Meyer and York 1987 ApJ 319, 45L). The absence of
excited-state fine-structure C I lines is compatible at our level of noise (S/N
= 20) with the redshifted Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation at a
temperature of 7.29 K. We have also obtained deep, high resolution (0.3''
FWHM) images in H+K' with the UH 2.2m Tip-Tilt system of the QSO field in
an attempt to identify the system responsible for the absorption.
Support for this work was provided by NASA through Hubble Fellowship
grant # HF-01076.01-94A.
2D-spectroscopy, also known as integral field spectroscopy, has been used on an experimental level for several years, mainly for 2-dimensional investigations of extended objects such as velocity fields in galactic nuclei, or ionization structure of AGN and so forth. With the advent of modern 8-10 class telescopes providing an unprecedented image quality for ground-based observations, more powerful 2D-spectrographs have been proposed and are being designed at this time. It has been discovered only recently, that 2D-spectroscopy has a unique potential for spectrophotometry of faint sources that are superimposed on a bright background, e.g. point sources in galaxies, which are becoming accessible with the new generation of large telescopes -- similar to the advantage of CCD photometry over classical aperture photometry in crowded stellar fields. Applications include the measurement of emission line fluxes of H II regions in distant galaxies, and of planetary nebulae in galaxies of the local group and beyond, spectroscopy of supergiants in the same distance range, supernovae in faint stages of their light curve, and many others. Some of these applications may become important tools for the study of abundances and chemical evolution through spectrophotometric observations of stars and gaseous nebulae.
PMAS, the Potsdam Multiaperture Spectrophotometer, is designed to
work as a high efficiency optical spectrophotometer with simultaneous
2-dimensional spatial resolution. The technical concept and observational
properties will be discussed, along with several examples of applications.
Emphasis will be placed on understanding the mass-luminosity-
surface brightness-metallicity relationships, and simple ideas
concerning the chemical evolution of dwarf galaxies.
I will present new results on abundance gradients and spatial variations in the Galactic disk derived from spectral analyses of hot main-sequence B-type stars, B-type supergiants, and A-type supergiants. Our model atmosphere techniques will be outlined, and shown to produce accurate abundance determinations in our target objects, and that using massive early-type supergiants in many other Local Group systems is feasible for probing their composition in unprecedented way. There are three aspects in particular that I wish to highlight:
We have determined interstellar gas-phase abundances of tin and cadmium in diffuse clouds toward 14 and 5 stars respectively. The data used were high signal-to-noise absorption spectra of the Cd II 2145 Å and Sn II 1400 Å transitions observed with the HST's Goddard High Resolution Spectrograph.
Tin and cadmium are primarily produced by the s-process in intermediate and low mass AGB stars. When compared to the solar abundances, an intrinsic (gas + dust) abundance of these elements in interstellar clouds should provide an empirical determination of s-process yields and the cumulative addition of this material into the ISM over the lifetime of the Sun. We present our preliminary analysis of the intrinsic interstellar abundances of Sn and Cd in our sample and the implications for s-process enrichment.
Our results for interstellar Sn/H indicate that tin is definitely enriched with respect to hydrogen as compared to the Sun even when only taking into account the gas-phase Sn. The data suggest that tin is exchanged between the gas and dust phases of the diffuse ISM, so a direct measurement of the intrinsic abundance of tin cannot be made with our absorption spectra. We use Ge, an element in the same column of the periodic table as tin, to infer the intrinsic Sn ISM abundance. The Cd abundance measurements show that this element is not exchanged between the gas and dust phases of the diffuse ISM. The interstellar gas-phase Cd/H is just below the solar ratio. Since the Sun appears to have higher metal abundances than the ISM, this may imply that interstellar Cd abundances, like Sn, have been enriched since the formation of the Sun.
Near infrared instrumentation at 4 and 8 meter class telescopes has grown rapidly in the past few years with the advent of 10242 and 20482 detector arrays. We present a brief review of high resolution spectroscopic capabilities available world-wide, with an eye on new developments, e.g. spatially resolved spectroscopy offered by integral field instruments.
Observing at near-infrared wavelengths has its own quirks. We discuss
observing strategies to get past the limits of high background
(including both thermal background and background due to OH sky
emission lines), variations in atmospheric transmission, and detector
constraints. Special attention is given to the subject of OH
suppression/avoidance, which can significantly increase the sensitivity
in the J, H and short K windows. This is especially important for
(fainter) high redshift targets, where the rest frame visible
diagnostic lines are shifted into the near infrared.
Later in galactic evolution emerge type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia). Here the major uncertainties involved in the Chandrasekhar mass models are related to
We present several constraints for these three quantities as they apply to
the "average" progenitor systems which provide the dominant contribution to
SNe Ia ejecta and represent the major source of Fe-group nuclei in galactic
evolution. These constraints are derived from nucleosynthesis calculations,
and their effect on nuclei like e.g. 48Ca, 50Ti, 54Cr,
54,58Fe, and 58Ni, for relatively slow deflagrations with a variety
of deflagration speeds and ignition denisities, by requiring that the resulting
Fe-group abundances are consistent with galactic chemical evolution. We also
show the impact of new shell model calculations for electron captures on
Fe-group nuclei on such conclusions.
Since the mass of iron in the intracluster medium (ICM) is tightly
connected to the E/S0-luminosity (Arnaud et al. 1992), it is generally assumed
that ellipticals are the main contributors to the ICM enrichment. On the other
hand, observations indicate a steepening of the luminosity function at the
faint end (e.g. Driver et al. 1994), and even the existence of intergalactic
stars (e.g. Mendez et al. 1997), pointing to the possibility of additional
sources for the origin of ICM elements. Moreover, hierarchical clustering
models predict that more than 40 per cent of the ICM metals come from dwarf
galaxies (Kauffmann & Charlot 1998). Abundance ratios observed by ASCA
(Mushotzky et al. 1996) set strong constraints on the enrichment history of
the ICM. Based on an evolution code which is calibrated on the solar
neighbourhood (Thomas, Greggio & Bender 1998), the chemical evolution of the
ICM is computed. In order to get a constraint on the main enrichment process,
the resulting ICM abundance patterns are explored for different relative
contributions from the various sources like giant Es, dwarf galaxies, and
intergalactic stars.
The extremely accurate CMDs now available from HST observations of nearby
dwarf irregulars have allowed us to put some interesting constraints on the
chemical evolution that can have taken place in these very low metallicity
systems. The Red Giant Branch, the Helium Burning Red Clump, and the Helium
Burning Blue Loop features in a Colour-Magnitude diagram allow us to constrain
the metallicity of old, intermediate and young stars in a galaxy, and thus
obtain limits on possible chemical evolution scenarios. I will discuss these
issues with reference to Leo A. This galaxy has almost primordeal metallicity
(2.4% solar) and a fairly well determined star formation history going back
several gigayears, from a very detailed HST colour-magnitude diagram.
3He is one of the few elements produced by primordial nucleosynthesis and, as such, represents an important test of Big Bang Theories. It is observable only in relatively recent objects (namely, the solar system, the local ISM, a few PNe and several galactic HII regions), all of which show abundances of the order of 3He/H=10-5, except the PNe for which values up to a factor of 100 higher have been derived. The interpretation of this apparent inconsistency and a description of the overall evolution of this light element from the Big Bang to the present epoch requires a detailed modelling of its galactic evolution.
By computing a series of chemical evolution models taking into detailed account the stellar nucleosynthesis of 3He, Galli et al (1997) suggested that the observed abundances of this element can all be justified and reconciled with each other, if a mechanism of deep-mixing occurs in the interior of the vast majority of low mass stars. Such mechanism has been proposed independently by several authors (e.g. Boothroyd & Sackman, Charbonnel, Hogan, Weiss, etc) and destroys most of the existing 3He during the red giant evolutionary phase. Since the deep-mixing mechanism affects non only the stellar yields of 3He, but also those of other more abundant elements, for instance by significantly reducing the 12C/13C ratio predicted by standard nucleosynthesis computations, we have followed a two-folding approach to check the self-consistency of this scenario.
On the one hand, we have computed the corresponding galactic evolution of the carbon isotopes and compared the resulting predictions with the available observational constraints. Here we present the results of these new computations, showing that a percentage of at least 75% of low mass stars affected by the deep-mixing is required not only to reproduce all the observed 3He abundances, but also to best fit the time and space distribution of the 12C/13C isotopic ratio.
On the other hand, we have observed at IRAM a number of PNe (with and without
detected 3He lines) to measure their 12C/13C and check if the
distribution of the resulting ratios with mass of the stellar progenitor
is consistent with the percentages derived from the chemical evolution models.
The uncertainties in the derivation of both the carbon ratios and the
progenitor masses are too large to infer firm results from these measures,
but we show that they are consistent with those from the chemical evolution
Both at low and at high redshifts, quasars appear to be less
numerous than
galaxies, and provide a smaller contribution to the ionising background radiation.
Using a detailed modelling of the evolution of the ionising background
from z=0 to 5, we discuss its implications for a variety of observables,
from the HeII Gunn-Peterson effect to the luminosity density of
galaxies and quasars as a function of redshift. We analyse in detail the
pattern of abundances and ion ratios (CIV, SiIV, SiIII,
OVI) at both high and low redshift, using Keck and HST observations
respectively, and confirm our earlier prediction
that the background is dominated by young massive stars at and
. We discuss the implications of this analysis and provide
further tests to measure the shape and amplitude of the ionising background.
Planetary Nebulae (PNe) are observable at large distances throughout the Galaxy. They serve as probes of kinematics and abundances in the Galactic Bulge, and thus, are important in unraveling the history.
We identified 95 new planetary nebula candidates, beyond the 34
previously known, in the central 4 degrees of the Galactic Bulge
(Acker et al. 1992, Strasbourg-ESO Catalogue of Galactic Planetary
Nebulae), in [SIII]9532 using the KPNO 0.6-m Schmidt. The
brightest 45 candidates of this unique, large sample were confirmed
spectroscopically as planetary nebulae at the ESO 1.52-m, and 22 fainter
candidates were confirmed with the CTIO 4-m. The velocity dispersion is
consistent with the stellar velocity dispersion in the Bulge and
reaffirms the likelihood that these planetary nebulae are not
foreground objects.
So far, half of the PNe were observed in the radio continuum to obtain
their radio flux and angular diameter, and to estimate the extinction
and total absolute H flux. The knowledge of these quantities is
necessary to determine the abundances and central star properties via
photo-ionization modelling with the method described in van Hoof &
Van de Steene (1998, MNRAS submitted).
We will present the latest results of the photo-ionization modelling.
Very few DLA at z<1.1 have been analyzed up to now and enlarging the
sample is essential in order to understand the nature of DLA. We have studied
the properties of two DLA at z=0.68 towards HE1122-1649 and z=1.15
towards HE0515-4414. Metal abundances are found to be rather low (of 1/10
and <1/20 of solar value) and comparable to the abundances in high z DLA.
Therefore, the metallicity increase with decreasing z seems to be much more
moderate than expected in cosmic chemical enrichment models and the enlarged
sample is even compatible with no metallicty evolution. The relative abundance
pattern for the DLA at z=1.15 towards HE0515-4414 is compatible with
considerable amounts of Galactic-type dust. On the contrary, for the system at
z=0.68 towards HE1122-1649, the comparable amounts of Fe, Ti, and Zn
suggest that the system has a very low metal abundance and negligible dust
content. Its abundance pattern resembles somewhat that in metal-poor Halo
stars. Constraints for N/Fe and N/Si also hints at z=0.68 DLA as a galaxy
with recent galaxy formation. Only weak absorption from highly ionized species
associated to low z DLA have been detected and it probably originates in
regions distinct from the low ionized gas. The low-ion profiles show a very
complex structure: the system at z=0.68 spans over 300 kms-1
and the z=1.15 DLA presents several substructures over more than 700
kms-1, the largest extent in the velocity space found up to date for a
DLA. Possible correlations between the profile kinematics and metallicity are
discussed. These new systems added to the available sample confirm the
assertion of DLA being a heterogeneous population.
Deep Keck spectropolarimetry has been obtained of 9 powerful
radio galaxies with redshift between 2.3 and 3.6 giving a spectral
coverage from Ly alpha to beyond CIII]. In addition to revealing new
correlations between NV/CIV line ratio and polarization, we clearly
detect the 2200 angstrom dust feature. All objects in our sample exhibit
a common continuum shape with a maximum around 1400 angstrom (which
corresponds to the minimum of the dust extinction curve) and a dip
around 2200 angstrom. Fitting the data by a power law absorbed by a
standard galactic extinction law in the ragio galaxy rest frame gives
an E(B-V) of and an approximatively flat SED in
. This
suggest a 'scattering atmosphere' mechanism where most of the light we
see comes from regions where the optical depth is
. We will discuss
implications of this result for the star formation history and rates,
dust chemistry and ISM chemical composition.
HST FOS small aperture spectra covering the wavelength range
1600 to 8500Å have been obtained over one of the
Trapezium Partially Ionized Globules (PIGS) and a narrow
filament in the core of M 42. The spectra have been compared
with the surrounding background and the electron density and
temperature and abundances have been derived. For the PIG we
found a very high density (5
105 cm-3),
such that much of the forbidden line emission occurs at the
critical density; as a result the derived electron temperature
is high since the forbidden line emission cannot effectively
cool the gas. The filament displays the same effect but the
density is more modest, but still enhanced relative to the mean
surroundings. This suggests a natural explanation of Te
fluctuations in Orion - that they are in fact attributable to
the cululative effect of high density, spatially
unresolved, globules in the line of sight.
We have drizzled the set of WFPC2 narrow band images of M 42
to produce photometrically accurate ratio maps in order to study
the possible presence of high density condensations with similar
line ratios to the condensations observed with FOS. We find that
upto 5% of the summed emission from the Orion core can arise
in dense globules and discuss the effect this has on abundance
determinations in general.
Elliptical galaxies are the most chemically evolved objects in the universe. The average metal abundance of an elliptical galaxy is not much greater than that of the sun, decreasing with radius as d[Fe/H]/d log R = -0.3 dex per decade. Light elements (at least N, Na, and Mg) are enhanced relative to Fe and Ca in elliptical nuclei. In the case of Mg, for which the best data exist, the light-element enhancement appears global, not a nucleus-only phenomenon. However, there is a clear trend with galaxy size: large galaxies have a stronger light element enhancement than small ones. Of the several possible explanations for this, we favor one in which the IMF was mildly top-heavy in larger galaxies, causing more Type II supernova light-element enrichment. The abundance distribution of elliptical galaxies is strongly peaked, like that of the solar neighborhood or even more extreme.