General Information
Travel Information

Sponsorship Information

During the four-day conference event in June 2006 there are several opportunities for your organization to provide sponsorship at many different levels. Each of these sponsorships includes the benefit of recognition as a contributing sponsor during the event, signage in a high traffic area, as well as your organization's name and logo in the conference program.

We also welcome sponsorships at the following levels:

Galaxy: $2000

Solar System: $1000

Star: $500

Other: $_____

To discuss which sponsorship opportunity best fits your needs please contact Donna Coletti, chair of the LISA V Local Organizing Committee, at, or 617-496-5769.

More Sponsorship Information

We are pleased to announce the fifth meeting of the Library and Information Services in Astronomy (LISA) conference, with potential sponsorship opportunities for your organization. The meeting will be in Cambridge, Massachusetts in June of 2006, hosted by the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. The theme of the conference is “Common Challenges, Uncommon Solutions.” This theme will spark lively discussion on the fast changing fields of librarianship and information services in the astronomical sciences.

The first LISA conference was held in 1988 in Washington, D.C. Subsequent meetings, held approximately every four years, have been hosted in Garching, Germany, Tenerife, Spain, Prague, Czech Republic and now in Cambridge, Massachusetts. LISA conferences provide unique opportunities for astronomy librarians and other information professionals and providers to meet and discuss the current status and future trends in the fields. In the past, LISA conferences have drawn approximately 120 participants from around the world. They come from university, observatory and research libraries and are librarians, information professionals, computer programmers and astronomers.

Many LISA conference attendees have not previously had the opportunity to attend an international meeting like this, nor the occasion to see the kinds of products and services that your organization offers. Coming to the conference will give them the chance to not only hear presentations by their colleagues, but to see what kind of equipment, services, publishers and content providers are available to them. For many participants, this is the only international meeting they attend, and it represents an excellent opportunity for them to see what you have to offer.

We believe that your organization can make use of this opportunity to connect with those attending the LISA V conference. We look forward to discussing how your sponsorship can best bring visibility to your organization at this unique gathering of professionals.

Last updated on February 7, 2006
Contact the LOC