Final Programme

July 3, 2002

09:15 Opening address Prof. J. Plášek

I. Changes in libraries and librarians' tasks (Chair: F. Genova)

I. A. Mastering new roles

09:30 CFHT's Hawaiian Starlight J.C. Cuillandre (invited)
10:00 The librarian as teacher: Instructing the next generation of information literate scientists at Case Western Reserve University. W. Claspy
10:20 Information dissemination: exploring the librarian role in public relations. V.M. Smith
10:40 Coffee and poster break  

I. B. Panel: Physical vs. electronic libraries (Chair: M. Cummins)

11:10 What is the difference between a "reading room" and a "library"? J. Holmquist
  Astronomy library: an endangered species in a small country? E. Isaksson
  The existence and development of the astronomical library in the digital age. Zhang J.
  Proposal for a centralized astronomy and astrophysical facility for the universities: an endeavour of the IUCAA library, Pune, India N. Bawdekar
12:30 Lunch  

II. The astronomy information network (Chair: U. Grothkopf)

II. A. Networking among astronomy librarians

14:00 Discovering the network and communicating amongst astronomy librarians: or finding my feet. M.D. Hurn

II. B. Virtual Observatory projects

14:20 The Virtual Observatory projects: Current status, developments and plans. P.J. Quinn (invited)
14:50 Networking of bibliographical information: lessons learned for Virtual Observatory development. F. Genova
15:10 Coffee and poster break  
16:10 The Russian Virtual Observatory O.B. Dluzhnevskaya,
V.V. Vitkovskij, al.
16:30 VO - India; Information support for Remote users S. Geetha
16:50 End of session  

July 4, 2002

III. Electronic publications: trends, collaborations and models (Chair: P. Binfield)

09:00 Electronic journal publishing seven years on: Is the revolution over or just beginning? E. Owens (invited)
09:30 IoP publishing - serving the physics community. T. O'Rourke
09:50 Mergers, Acquisitions and Access: STM Publishing Today. K. Robertson
10:10 Coffee and poster break  
10:40 PASA - An electronic-only model for a small astronomy journal. M.C. Storey
11:00 Observatory publications - Quo vadis? A. Holl

IV. Preservation and history of astronomy (Chair: B. Corbin)

11:20 Thoughts on preservation; the past in the present. P.D. Hingley
11:40 Digital history: problem of creation of resources. Z. Uhlir
12:00 Lunch  
14:00 Observatory publication preservation: Microfilm, digital scans, what's next? D.J. Coletti
14:20 Current and future holdings of the historical literature in the ADS. G. Eichhorn
14:40 YODA: Yerkes observatory digital archives. J.A. Bausch
15:00 Maria Mitchell's legacy to Vassar College and beyond: Fostering enthusiasm for astronomy at a small liberal arts college, among women in particular. F. Grabowska
15:20 Poster review F. Genova
15:50 Coffee and poster break  

V. Panel: Developing nations (Chair: Vagiswari A.)

16:20 The Future of Consortia in Indian Libraries - FORSA consortium as Forerunner C. Birdie
  Access to the astronomical literature through the NASA Astrophysics Data System from developing countries. G. Eichhorn
  Offering more information for astronomers. Guo H.
  Astronomical information services: What can we do when problems become big problems J.M. Sainz Ballesteros
18:00 End of panel  

July 5, 2002

VI. New tools and perspectives

VI. A. Bibliometrics (Chair: L. Bryson)

09:00 How to succeed in astronomy without having to use a telescope, or a librarian's guide to High Impact Papers. E. Bouton
09:20 Towards an automated retrieval of publications based on telescope observations. U. Grothkopf
09:40 A web accessible observatory publications database. D. Crabtree
10:00 Bibliometric investigations in Special Astrophysical Observatory. E. Filippova
10:20 Coffee and poster break  
10:50 A citation analysis study to manage a journal collection in two astronomy libraries. M. Gomez
11:20 The NASA Astrophysics Data System: bibliometric investigations. M. Kurtz
11:40 Poster Review B. Madore

VI. B. New tools, knowledge discovery (Chair: G. Eichhorn)

11:50 Exploring and querying document collections using concept hierarchies and visualisation tools. D. Egret
12:00 Lunch  
14:00 Identifying the important papers for one astronomical object. S. Lesteven
14:20 Vocabulary mapping in the NASA ADS: Prospects for practical subject access. D. Dubin
14:40 Navigating from publications to astronomical databases. F. Ochsenbein

VII. Astronomy users (Chair: C. Birdie)

15:00 The IAU Working Group on publishing. M.C. Storey
15:20 Coffee and poster break  

VII. Panel: Astronomy users (Chair: D. Crabtree)

15:40   M. Wolf
    L. Bryson
  Exponential growth of scientific information and orientation in World Wide Web. T. Dorokhova
  Bibliographical search: keep a critical eye on your results. P. Dubois

Concluding remarks

16:50 B. Corbin  


R. Albrecht, P. Boyce   Mining the web: how useful is the global public library?
H. Andernach   Professional astronomy without a librarian, or: a professional astronomer as "amateur" librarian
R. Baglioni, A. Gasperini   The Information Resources in Arcetri Astrophysics Observatory Between Metadata and Semantic Web.
S. Barve, Gopal-Krishna   Recent trends in radio astronomical research in India.
A. Beiser, P. Houlaha,
E. Nettell, A. Stone
  Lowell Observatory historic photograph database.
F. Brunetti, M. Marra,
E.C. Olostro, L. Schiavone
  The cost and the use of serials in Italian astronomical libraries.
F. Brunetti, F. Martines   ILL/DD services of the INAF observatories library: "a modest proposal"
I.S. Cecere, E. Stendardo
E. Olostro Cirella
  The ancient books collection of the Capodimonte Astronomical Observatory: Iconography online.
M. Cummins, U. Grothkopf   Communicating and networking by astronomy librarians.
T. Dorokhova, N. Dorokhov   T-REX is not lord but mate in information land.
A. Gasperini, R. Baglioni   The Arcetri Astrophysics Observatory historical archive.
U. Grothkopf, E. Bryson   Annual Reports of Observatories.
E. Isaksson   Astronomy library - a rare species in a small country.
I. Jankovics, J. Kovacs,
I.J. Vincze
  Gothard astrophotographic plate library: digitization and archiving of the original plates taken by Eugen von Gothard at the end of the XIXth century.
N. Markova   The Pulkovo Observatory Library develops electronic services.
F. Martines   Investigation of Metadata Applications at Palermo Astronomical Observatory.
V. Mata-Acosta,
M.E. Jimenez-Fragozo
  A comparative study of the distribution of authors of the "Revista mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica". With the application of the Law Lotka.
E. Nievas   The Argentinian astronomers and the resistance to the change.
E. Olostro Cirella   About the digitalisation of the Capodimonte historical archive.
E. Olostro Cirella, P. Paura,
M. Gargano, M.T. Fulco
  An astronomical library at large.
E. Potter   The set of brochures on Comets in Pulkovo Observatory Library.
D. Randazzo   Online resources on rare and antique books in astronomy.
S. Ricketts   Evolution of the AAO library.
N. Robert   Astrophysics production in France until 2000: what image is conveyed by the Los Alamos and ADS bases?
H. Sadsaoud, F. Le Guet Tully   Algiers observatory and its library.
K. Satpathy   The information professional at crossroad.
T.V. Shevchuk   The Library of SII "Astronomical Observatory" of Odessa National University.
J. Struck   Educational resources for children on supernovae.
V.V. Vitkovskij, V.N. Chernenkov,
E.I. Kajsina, N.A. Kalinina,
G.A. Mal'kova, V.S. Shergin,
O.P. Zhelenkova
  The astronomy education in the digital age.
V.V. Vitkovskij, N.A. Kalinina,
O.P. Zhelenkova
  Problem of science output evaluation of archive data using.