Currently, a "hard" reset of EMMI, aka "Power Cycle" has to be perfomed
locally by a trained operator. The current procedure is the following:
- switch NIM off
- switch CAMAC off
- switch VME off
- wait 20-30s
- switch NIM on - wait 30s
- switch CAMAC on - wait 30s
- switch VME on, wait for software load through activity light
With the move of the control room to the RITZ, this procedure would
imply an operator to leave the building, come up to NTT and perform the
procedure, then back to thee RITZ to check the status.
Moreover, the procedure is tricky, in the sense that the order and delay
between operations has to be strictly followed, otherwise the system(s)
might not get properly initialized.
It is therefore desirable to make this procedure more automatic.
An additional control device -here after EMMI Control Device- should be implemented, that would
- distribute the power to NIM, CAMAC, VME
- perform the start-up, shut-down, and power-reset procedures with
optimum order and delay.
This device must have a "local/remote" mode switch.
In local mode, the [OFF] and [ON] commands are sent thru buttons on the
chassis. The device contains the "intelligence" to execute the proper
In remote mode, the device is commanded through sofware orders. From the
VLT SW control point of view, this device is attached to the lemcal LCU (which
"belongs" to the EMMI instrument, and currently has very little load; moreover,
lemcal is already in charge of anlther side task of EMMI, i.e. the shutter
status report). The only signal needed is one sigle bit, with the following
0 = ON
1 = OFF
Changing the status of that bit will cause the device to start and
execute the corresponding sequence. Corresponding sofware commands will
have to be requested from SWC.
- any local intervention on ADAB VME will imply that the device is set
to Local (SciOp and TElMa operation procedures will have to be updated).
- the actual 1/0 convention for the control bit needs to be discussed
with SWC.