Task 05000  

Optical fabrication Technical and managerial coordination of tasks 05100 and 05200; reporting to Project Management

 Work packages  

WP nr. Descriptive title Short description and specific objectives of the task
05100 Silicon Carbide prototypes Objectives: validate Silicon Carbide as a suitable substrate for segmented apertures, improve segment edge figuring techniques (eliminate the need for wasters).
Tasks: fabrication/testing of 1-m SiC segments: design; fabrication process; polishable over-coatings and alternatives to diamond slurries; control of high spatial frequency misfigure
05200 Optical finishing and edge control Development of optical finishing processes for fast, cost-efficient removal of high spatial frequency misfigure on classical substrates and SiC, especially for segment edges

Workpackage managers
WP nr. Manager Affiliation
05000 P. Dierickx
D. Walker
05100 P. Dierickx ESO
05200 D. Walker UCL


last modified: 2006/04/12
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