Components with strong outgassing

Glue     (Master Bond EP21TCHT-1)

This glue is used to attach the temperature sensor to the CCD plate. Some amounts of the glue had been filled onto an aluminium foil and several days were allowed to pass until the glue was definitely solid. Then it was baked in the vacuum oven at high temperatures for one week. After that time, the glue still had an intense odor and in accordance with that, we found a very strong emission spectrum.

Line [amu] Fragment ions
24 C2+
25 C2H+ ?
30 C2H6+
31 CF+, C2H5OH+
36 H35Cl+
37 37Cl+, C3H+
38 H37Cl+, C3H2+
45 (alcohol)
50 CF2+
51 (not identificable)
53 C4H5+ ?
54 C4H6+ ?
55 C4H7+
56 C4H8+ ?
57 C4H9+
58 (acetone)
59 (not identificable)
60 (not identificable)
61 (not identificable)
67 C5H7+ ?
68 C5H8+ ?
69 CF3+
70 C5H10+ ?
71 (not identificable)
72 (not identificable)
73 (not identificable)
74 (not identificable)
77 (Phenyl)
81 (not identificable)
82 C6H10+ ?
83 (not identificable)
84 C6H12+ ?
85 (Freon)
87 (Freon)
97 (not identificable)
84 C7H14+ ?
99 (not identificable)
100 (not identificable)

The glue showed the richest emission of all probes, but a further measurement will be necessary.

Unfortunately, we found that the glue had not been properly stirred up, which might have favored further outgassing before it became solid. For a comparison, this measurement will have to be repeated with another probe of this glue.

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