ScienceGrade Summary

Catalog Products >> Product Log >> Summary
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 2004-12-02
Product Creation Time 13:09:40.939
User eisdata
Session 72370
Process Local
Extraction Method SExtractor
Extraction Version SExtractor 2.3.2
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP2
Field DEEP2c
Passband U
ESO Filter# #841
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 38896
Product Information
Instrument WFI
Passband U
ESO Filter# #841
Magntude Type used for Reporting MAG_AUTO
Right Ascension (hh:mm:ss.s) 03:32:24.9
Declinaton (dd:mm:ss.s) -27:47:49.6
Right Ascension (decimal degrees) 53.1038
Declinaton (decimal degrees) -27.7971
Galactic longitude (degrees) 223.5511
Galactic latitude (degrees) -54.4471
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 38896
Image File Name EIS.2004-11-16T01:43:49.045.fits
Catalog File Name EIS.2004-12-02T14:30:20.418.fits
Primary Catalog Information
Total Area (square degrees) 0.3935
Trimmed Area (square degrees) 0.0661
Masked Area (square degrees) 0.0009
Number of Extracted Objects 30961
Number of Saturated Objects 4
Number of Objects with SExtractor Flag > 0 3125
Number of Objects inside trimmed area 3063
Number of Objects inside masked area 105
80% Completeness Limit (Vega) 24.03
50% Completeness Limit (Vega) 24.58
Average Magnitude for Objects with MAG_AUTO error = 0.2 (Vega) 24.79
Science Catalog Information
Magnitude Type used for Filtering MAG_AUTO
Signal-to-Noise limit 5.0
Classification Magnitude Limit 21.5
ClassStar Limit for selecting stars 0.95
Limiting Magnitude for Masking 0
Mask Size Factor (Half Diagonal=factor*A_WORLD) 20
Maximum Half Diagonal for Masks (arcsecs) 126
Total Area (square degrees) 0.3935
Trimmed Area (square degrees) 0.0661
Masked Area (square degrees) 0.0009
Effective Area (square degrees) 0.3265
Number of Extracted Objects 13127
Number of Galaxies 9656
Number of Stars 299
Number of Saturated Objects 4
Number of Objects with SExtractor Flag > 0 2035
Number of Objects in trimmed area 1383
Number of Objects in masked area 52
80% Completeness Limit (Vega) 23.28
50% Completeness Limit (Vega) 23.81
Average Magnitude for Objects with MAG_AUTO error = 0.2 (Vega) 24.79
Catalog Contents
Number of Columns in OBJECTS table 69
Number of Objects 13127
Number of Columns in FIELDS table 109
Number of Entries in FIELDS table 1
Number of Columns in MASKS table 1
Number of Masks 4
Number of Automatic Masks 4
Number of Masks generated by hand 0
Number of Columns in FILTER table 4
Number of Entries in FILTER table 500
Instrument Properties
Instrument WFI
Pixel Scale (arcsec) 0.238
Field-of-View (square arcmin) 0.3117
Gain (electrons/ADU) -
Non-linearity (ADU) N/A
Saturation (ADU) 50000.0
Effective Gain (electrons/) 142667.2
Effective Non-linearity (ADU) N/A
Effective Saturation (ADU) 139.0
Filter Properties
Passband U
ESO Filter # #841
Mean Wavelength (Angstrom) 3676.5
FWHM (Angstrom) 325.0
AB correction 0.795
AB correction applied to magnitudes in the catalog 0.795
Average E(B-V) 0.008
Standard Deviation of E(B-V) 0.00005
Relative Extinction ( A/E(B-V) ) 4.806
Computed Extinction Correction 0.039
Computed Standard Deviation of Extinction Correction 0.00026
Extinction Correction applied to magnitudes in the catalog 0.022
Telescope Response and Filter Transmission Curves
Telescope response function (green) and filter transmission (red) curves

Primary Attributes

Catalog Products >> Product Log >> Primary Catalog >> Attributes
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 2004-12-02
Product Creation Time 13:09:40.939
User eisdata
Session 72370
Process Local
Extraction Method SExtractor
Extraction Version SExtractor 2.3.2
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP2
Field DEEP2c
Passband U
ESO Filter# #841
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 38896
Product Information
RA (center of catalog) 53.1038
Dec (center of catalog) -27.7971
Maximum RA of catalog (degrees) 53.4215
Minimum RA of catalog (degrees) 52.7858
RA interval (arcmin) 0.64
Maximum Dec of catalog (degrees) -27.5007
Minimum Dec of catalog (degrees) -28.0830
Dec interval (arcmin) 0.58
Total area of catalog (square degrees) 0.3935
Object Statistics
Total Number of Objects 30961
Number of Objects inside Trimmed Area 3063
Number of Objects inside Masked Area 105
Number of Objects with SExtractor Flag > 0 3125
Star/Galaxy Classification
Magnitude Type for Classification MAG_AUTO
Star/Galaxy Classification Method adopted Simple Method
Magnitude Limit Applied for "Simple" Star/Galaxy Classification 21.5
CLASS_STAR Limit Applied for "Simple" Star/Galaxy Classification 0.95
Galaxy/Star Classification
Adopted star/galaxy separation method using stellar index. 
Limiting Magnitude (VEGA)
Aperture Magnitudes
Aperture (arcsec) (S/N = 1) (S/N = 2) (S/N = 3) (S/N = 5) (S/N = 10)
1.0 - 25.72 25.68 25.29 24.56
1.5 - 25.14 25.27 24.79 24.07
2.0 26.08 25.17 24.97 24.50 23.75
2.5 25.41 25.12 24.76 24.25 23.46
3.0 25.98 25.00 24.58 24.06 23.26
3.5 25.48 24.85 24.43 23.87 23.11
4.0 25.50 24.67 24.29 23.72 22.99
4.5 25.24 24.57 24.18 23.58 22.80
5.0 25.14 24.39 24.03 23.50 22.72
10.0 24.55 23.73 23.22 22.65 22.01
Other Magnitudes
Magnitude Type (S/N = 1) (S/N = 2) (S/N = 3) (S/N = 5) (S/N = 10)
MAG_AUTO - 25.09 24.69 23.92 22.86
MAG_ISO 26.77 26.45 26.10 25.08 23.77
MAG_ISOCOR - 24.06 25.76 24.77 23.50
Simulation Results
Number of Simulated Images 3
Fading Factor 3.0,3.5,4.0
Limiting Magnitude at 80% completeness (Vega) 24.03
Limiting Magnitude at 50% completeness (Vega) 24.58
Catalog Completeness
Completeness of the catalog estimated from the comparison between real and simulated data.
The simulations were created by fading the original image by 0.5 magnitudes but keeping the same background noise
Estimate of Magnitude errors and bias
Average of SExtractor magnitude error
Results from using the Negative Image
Statistics of Spurious Objects
Fraction of false positives as a  function of magnitude for different values of S/N
Spatial Distribution of Spurious Objects
Spatial distribution of spurious objects estimated from false positives

ScienceGrade Attributes

Catalog Products >> Product Log >> Science Grade Catalog >> Attributes
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 2004-12-02
Product Creation Time 13:09:40.939
User eisdata
Session 72370
Process Local
Extraction Method SExtractor
Extraction Version SExtractor 2.3.2
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP2
Field DEEP2c
Passband U
ESO Filter# #841
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 38896
Filtering Settings
Magnitude Type for Catalog Filtering MAG_AUTO
Signal to Noise Filtering Threshold 5.0
Magnitude Upper Limit 99.9
Magnitude Lower Limit 0.0
Star/Galaxy Classification Method adopted Simple Method
Magnitude Limit Applied for "Simple" Star/Galaxy Classification 21.5
CLASS_STAR Limit Applied for "Simple" Star/Galaxy Classification 0.95
Product Information
Total Area (square degrees) 0.3935
Trimmed Area (square degrees) 0.0661
Masked Area (square degrees) 0.0009
Effective Area (square degrees) 0.3265
Object Statistics
Number of Objects inside Trimmed Area 1383
Number of Objects inside Masked Area 52
Number of Objects with SExtractor Flag > 0) 2035
Final Number of Galaxies 9656
Number Density of Galaxies (galaxy/square arcmin) 8.215
Final Number of Stars 299
Number Density of Stars (stars/square arcmin) 0.254
Smooth Density Plot
Smooth object density distribution,generated by applying a top-hat window of ... arcmin in diameter
Projected Distribution
Projected Distribution of science grade catalog. In the figure are shown:
 1) galaxies (blue); stars (magenta); trimmed objects (red crosses); masked objects (black crosses); other discarded objects red squares).
Also shown are the automatic masks placed by the system around bright stars, as defined in the configuration file (red losangles) 
Limiting Magnitudes
Vega Magnitude System
5-sigma 2 arcsec (Vega) 24.79
80% completeness (Vega) 24.03
Extinction corrected 5-sigma 2 arcsec (Vega) 24.75
Extinction corrected 80% completeness (Vega) 23.99
AB Magnitude System
5-sigma 2 arcsec (AB) 25.59
80% completeness (AB) 24.83
Extinction corrected 5-sigma 2 arcsec (AB) 25.55
Extinction corrected 80% completeness (AB) 24.79
Science Grade Catalog Completeness
80% completeness at m = 23.28
50% completeness at m = 23.81
red: completeness function
blue: 50 and 80 percent completeness levels linearly interpolated between bins
Magnitude System: Vega
Magnitude Type: MAG\_AUTO


Catalog Products >> Product Log >> Primary Catalog >> Verifcation
Product Identification
Real User Lisbeth Fogh Olsen
Product Creation Date 2004-12-02
Product Creation Time 13:09:40.939
User eisdata
Session 72370
Process Local
Extraction Method SExtractor
Extraction Version SExtractor 2.3.2
Survey DPS
Telescope MPI-2.2
Instrument WFI
Region DEEP2
Field DEEP2c
Passband U
ESO Filter# #841
Total Exposure Time (seconds) 38896
Number Counts
Star Counts with comparison with Galactic model
Solid dots: EIS data
Cyan line: Galactic model, not corrected for catalog completeness 
Blue line: Galactic model, corrected for catalog completeness
Red dotted line: magnitude limit for the star/galaxy classification
Magenta dotted line: 2 arcsec - 5 sigma limiting magnitude
Number of stars in the catalog: 299
Magnitudes are Vega in the instrument natural system (WFI)
Model data averaged over 2 simulations.
Errors on model calculated as the standard deviation of the values in the different simulations.
Errors on the real counts are: 1+sqrt(N + 0.75)
Galaxy Counts
Solid Squares: EIS data
Solid Triangles, dotted line     : Metcalfe et al. 2000 MNRAS in press
Open Triangles , short dash      : Metcalfe et al. 2000 MNRAS in press
Crosses        , long dashed     : Arnouts et al. (2001) astro-ph/0103071
blue dashed line:    
5 S/N MAG_AUTO magnitude limit=23.92
red line:    
Least Squares Method: fitted log(Counts)=a*Magnitude+b
a =  0.57; b = -9.29.
Magnitude System: Vega
Magnitude Type:   MAG_AUTO