
ESO — Reaching New Heights in Astronomy

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Details - PESSTO Public ESO Spectroscopic Survey of Transient Objects

Position Name Description Data Type Data Size UCD Physical Unit
1 TRANSIENT_ID The name of the transient STRING 50;meta.main
2 TRANSIENT_RAJ2000 RA of the transient in decimal degrees FLOAT 1 pos.eq.ra;meta.main
3 TRANSIENT_DECJ2000 DEC of the transient in decimal degrees FLOAT 1 pos.eq.dec;meta.main
4 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION Classification of the transient reported in PESSTO ATels STRING 20 meta.code.class;src.class
5 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_PECULIAR_FLAG Boolean flag, set to "1" if transient classified as peculiar INT16 1 meta.code
6 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_SOURCE The source of the classification STRING 20
7 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_ATEL The number of the ATel reporting the classification INT16 1
8 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_MJD MJD at point of classification INT32 1 time.epoch
9 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_REDSHIFT The redshift of the transient FLOAT 1 src.redshift
10 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_PHASE The general phase of the transient wrt maximum light STRING 20 time.phase
11 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_PHASE_DAYS_LOWER_LIMIT Lower limit of transient phase wrt maximum light INT16 1 time.phase
12 TRANSIENT_CLASSIFICATION_PHASE_DAYS_UPPER_LIMIT Upper limit of transient phase wrt maximum light INT16 1 time.phase
13 TRANSIENT_DISCOVERY_MJD MJD at point of transient discovery INT32 1 time.phase
14 TRANSIENT_DISCOVERY_MAG Magnitude of the transient at point of discovery FLOAT 1 phot.mag
15 TRANSIENT_DISCOVERY_MAG_FILTER Filter used for discovery magnitude STRING 10;instr.filter
16 FOLLOWUP_TARGET PESSTO follow-up campaign object (Boolean) INT16 1 meta.code
17 HOST_SEARCH_STAGE Cross-match stage host galaxy was matched INT16 1
18 HOST_ID The name of an associated host galaxy STRING 50
19 HOST_RAJ2000 RA of host galaxy in decimal degrees FLOAT 1 pos.eq.ra
20 HOST_DECJ2000 DEC of host galaxy in decimal degrees FLOAT 1 pos.eq.dec
21 HOST_OFFSET_N The N-S transient-host separation FLOAT 1 pos.angDistance
22 HOST_OFFSET_E The E-W transient-host separation FLOAT 1 pos.angDistance
23 HOST_REDSHIFT_SPEC_SOURCE Source of the galaxy spectroscopic redshift STRING 10
24 HOST_REDSHIFT_SPEC Host galaxy spectroscopic redshift FLOAT 1 src.redshift
25 HOST_REDSHIFT_PHOT_SOURCE Source of the galaxy photometric redshift STRING 10
26 HOST_REDSHIFT_PHOT Host galaxy photometric redshift FLOAT 1 src.redshift
27 HOST_REDSHIFT_PHOT_ERR Host galaxy photometric redshift error FLOAT 1 stat.error;src.redshift
28 PREVIOUS_TRANSIENT_ID The object identifier as it was known in the previous release. STRING 50