The following bits are used for the KMOS score flag: ======================================================== bit parameter criterion ---------------------------------------------------------------- A) Daytime calibrations: 1 DT_FLAT time difference to flat-field and wavelength calibrations less than 1 day? template completely executed? yes --> 0; no --> 1 B) Telluric correction: 2 DT_TELL applied telluric standard star from same night? yes --> 0; no --> 1 3 TELL_ALL_DET exposures of telluric standard star on all 3 detectors? yes --> 0; no --> 1 4 TELL_OBS OB for telluric standard star provided by observatory or by user? observatory --> 0; user --> 1 in case of user-provided OB, flux calibration may be uncertain 5 ATM_PROFILE applied atmospheric profile during reduction of telluric from actual night? yes --> 0; no --> 1 the atmosperic profile is downloaded during data reduction from a server; in exceptional cases, an averaged profile is applied when the actual profile for the night is not available C) Reduction quality: 6 NUM_NONLIN number of pixels having more than 40000 ADU (i.e. non-linear pixels) in first raw file normal? yes --> 0; no --> 1 7 SKY_SUBTRACT separate sky exposures available for sky subtraction yes --> 0; no --> 1 These are the most frequent score bits: 0000000 no quality issues 0000001 no separate sky exposure