ESO Movie 08: The VLT Tale

The ESO 16-m Very Large Telescope (VLT) is an unique astronomical instrument, not only because it will become the largest optical telescope in the world, but also because of its novel design, the application of the latest technology and the way it will be operated. Most importantly, it is a manifestation of Europes determination to play a leading role in an important field of fundamental research.

Seen in a historical context, the film describes the VLT project and highlights some of the technology which will be used in this most exciting science instrument.



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Fecha de publicación:15 de Junio de 2010 a las 11:15
Duración:29 m 17 s
Frame rate:30 fps

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Flash Mediano
408,1 MB


QT pequeños
113,7 MB

For Broadcasters