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4.1 Detector data transmission from LCU to IWS

The module dxf (see [18]) provides support for detector data transmission, suitable for both CCD and IR, taking into account the differences in data format, amount of data and overhead on transmission.

4.2 Protocol Converter

The Protocol Converter, provided in module pco (see [19]) is an interface to (known) external software, such as on-line MIDAS, translating the external communication protocol into CCS messages and vice versa.

4.3 Disk space monitor

A simple routine, which returns the available disk space for detector data is provided with module ist (see [20]).

4.4 Short-FITS format handling

Although the Short-FITS format was first introduced to specify setup files, it has in the meantime also been used in a more generic way, e.g. for configuration files, detector clock pattern files etc. All files containing such data must have the proper headers. See [16] and [17] for more details.

An example of a reference setup-file can be found in the Appendices.

4.5 Configuration Tool

Subroutines and utilities to handle Instrument Configuration Files and their contents are available with the module ctoo (see [30]).

4.6 FITS operational logs

Observation logs are maintained by the CCS logging system, as described in [10]. They consist of chronological reports of parameters related to the observation.

4.7 Real-Time Display

Utilities and widgets for detector data display are provided with module rtd (see [32])

4.8 Installation

Utilities to provide a common installation procedure for all Instrumentation packages are available in module pkgin (see [27]).

4.9 Startup/Shutdown

Standard procedures and utilities to start-up and shut-down the complete Instrumentation Software or parts of it are provided with module stoo (see [28]).

4.10 Base DCS

Standard packages are available for the various types of detectors:

· FIERA for scientific optical detectors (see [24])
· IRACE for scientific infrared detectors (see [25])
· CCD for technical CCD detectors (see [23])

4.11 Base ICS

A set of standard ICS devices, as well as the core functionality of ICS is provided with icb (see [21]).

A standard layout and widgets for all Base ICS standard devices are available in module icbpan (see [22]) to support engineers developing the ICS stand-alone GUI.

A Motor Engineering tool is available with module motei (see [35]). It is used to optimize motor parameters.

4.12 Base OS

The core functionality of the OS Server and Archiver processes is provided with module boss (see [26]).

4.13 Common Software for Templates

Module tpl provides a set of classes to be used in Template Script Files (see [29]).

A special compiler for Template Signature Files is provided with oslxCompileTsf (see [17]).

A special compiler for Observation Blocks Description files is available with tpltooObdBuild (see [29]).

The Broker for Observation Blocks (bob) is used to execute Observation Blocks and edit the related parameters (see [34])

4.14 Common Test Software

Module insc provides a set of scripts/utilities to be used when implementing the Test Software for an Instrument (see [33]).

4.15 Template Instrument

A complete Instrumentation Software application is available with the Template Instrument (see [31]) for the following purposes:

1. Provide a common starting point for building from scratch new instruments (see utility inscCreateNewInstrument 9.1.1).
2. Provide training on how Instrumentation Software works.
3. Provide examples on solutions to be used to common problems
4. Provide examples of test software to be implemented for Instrumentation (see [33]).

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