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The files printed on the following pages are included in the VLT Common Software Distribution under the module insc.


9.1.1 Create new Instrument from template

inscCreateNewInstrument - create a new instrument from template XXXX

inscCreateNewInstrument <INS id> <INS prefix>

This utility converts modules and files written for the XXXX Template
Instrument Software in files for a new instrument.
It assumes that pkginBuild xxins has already been executed from the
same directory where this utility is called.
<INS id> is a the instrument identifier (upper case)
See keyword INS.CON.ID in file xxmcfg/config/xxmcfgINS.cfg
and description in VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-0934
<INS prefix> is a two-letter prefix (lower case) for instrument files
See keyword INS.CON.PREFIX in file xxmcfg/config/xxmcfgINS.cfg
and description in VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-0934
It copies the contents of the current directory to ../<INS id>Source
The outcome should be a new working instrument, identical to XXXX for
what concerns the functionality. To build and run it:
cd ../<INS id>Source
pkginBuild <INS prefix>ins
The results of this utility can be taken as a starting point for
the development of a new instrument.

It is assumed that the following environments are registered in ACC
w<INS id> (lower case) Example: wxxber
w<INS prefix>tcs Example: wxxtcs
l<INS prefix>ics1 Example: wxxics1
l<INS prefix>ics2 Example: wxxics2
l<INS prefix>tccd Example: wxxtccd

cd $HOME/XXXXSource
pkginBuild xxins
inscCreateNewInstrument AMBER am

Template Instrument User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-1973 Appendix A

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Last change: 04/06/04-15:59

9.1.2 Create new module structure from template

inscRename - Replace filenames and contents of a INS module

inscRename <old module> <new module> <old INS id> <new INS id> <old INS prefix> <new INS prefix>

This utility converts files written for a module of the XXXX Template
Instrument Software in files for a new instrument module. Used for
example to create a module for a new ICS special device from amilak
<old module> name of the template cmm module to be converted
<new module> name of the new cmm module to be created
<old INS id> is a the instrument identifier (upper case) as in the template cmm module
See keyword INS.CON.ID in file ammcfg/config/ammcfgINS.cfg
and description in VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-0934
<new INS id> is a the instrument identifier (upper case) for the new cmm module
<old INS prefix> is a two-letter prefix (lower case) as in the template cmm module
See keyword INS.CON.PREFIX in file ammcfg/config/ammcfgINS.cfg
and description in VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-0934
<new INS prefix> is a two-letter prefix (lower case) for the new cmm module

cmmCopy xxidev
inscRename xxidev amilak XXXX AMBER xx am

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Last change: 04/06/04-16:07


9.2.1 Reference Setup File

PAF.HDR.START; # Marks start of header
PAF.TYPE "Instrument Setup"; # Type of parameter file
PAF.ID "EMMI/TIMF32"; # Parameter file ID
PAF.NAME "WF Imaging"; # Parameter file NAME
PAF.DESC "Reference setup file for EMMI imaging";
PAF.CRTE.NAME "EMMI-OSS"; # Application creating parfile
PAF.CRTE.DAYTIM "1996-10-14T09:10"; # Date and time of creation
PAF.LCHG.NAME "A. Wolf"; # Appl/person that did last change
PAF.LCHG.DAYTIM "1996-10-15T16:21"; # Date and time of last change
PAF.CHCK.NAME "VLT-OSS/1.4"; # Version of appl checking parfile
PAF.CHCK.DAYTIM "1996-10-15T18:12"; # Date and time of parameter check
PAF.CHCK.CHCKSUM "670415008;" # Status of parameter file check
PAF.COMMENT Wide field imaging with EMMI RILD
PAF.COMMENT Filters include V, B, R and I
# There should be no comment lines before this one. Above this line
# is a compulsary header containing information about the setup file
# itself. The block of comments coming after this header and before any
# other keyword or a blank lime is considered the description of the setup
# file. So here we go with the description:
# File: inscSetupEx.ref
# "@(#) $Id: inscSetupEx.ref,v 1.11+ 1998/09/17 13:14:11 vltsccm Exp $"
# This is an example reference setup file. There was no attempt made to
# have this reflect a real VLT instrument. The aim is rather to emphasize
# the lay-out of a setup file, with its compulsary components, in
# particular for a reference setup file. The instrument considered for
# this example is an imaginary one, and of course to the extent that a
# specific instrument does not correspond to this imaginary instrument,
# parts of this reference file may be absent or different.
# Also, the keywords used here are for illustration purposes only. The
# ESO Data Interface Control Board (DICB) is in charge of approving the
# actual keyword names, which can then be inserted in the instrument/
# detector/telescope dictionary.
# For the setup-information required by TCS, there are many times several
# alternatives. E.g. the target can be specified either by giving its
# coordinates or by giving a catalogue name and object id. This is
# explained in detail in the TCS Functional Specification (see [7]). The
# corresponding short-FITS keywords will be contained in the soon-to-be-
# released data dictionary of the Data Interface Control Board.
# The assumptions made for this reference setup file are:
# - the instrument contains only one detector.

# Now comes the general part. Although most of the values of these
# keywords will be overwritten by partial setupfiles, they have to be
# specified here. Otherwise the reference setup would not be complete.

# The instrument part is next.
# For optical elements we can either give the ESO-unique ID or the NAME
# (supposing this name is unique withing the instruments configuration).
# Here both are given, which is, as said redundant.

# Many subsystem keywords may be accompanied by an index (i), to
# differentiate between functions of identical/similar type. For a real
# setup file this index has to be replaced by an integer value, and
# several subsystems, each with a different index, may appear in this
# file.
INS.FOCU.ENC "12345"; # Instrument focus encoder position

INS.GRATi.ID "ESO #67890"; # Grating-i unique ID
INS.GRATi.NAME "MyGrating"; # Grating-i common name

INS.GRISi.ID "ESO #123"; # Grism-i unique ID
INS.GRISi.NAME "MyGrism"; # Grism-i common name

INS.MIRRi.STATUS "True"; # Folding mirror-i in

INS.OPTIi.ID "ESO #456"; # OPTI-i's pos = element with this ID
INS.OPTIi.NAME "MyFilter"; # OPTI-i's pos = element with this name

INS.SLITi.DIMX 3.15; # Slit-i width (arcses)
INS.SLITi.DIMY .72; # Slit-i height (arcsec)
INS.SLITi.POSANG 123; # Slit-i position angle (degrees)
INS.SLITi.EXPTIME 14.231; # Slit-i exposure time (seconds)

# Now comes the detector part

DET.FRAM.CDELT1 2; # Binning factor in X
DET.FRAM.CDELT2 1; # Binning factor in Y
DET.FRAM.CRPIX1 1; # X coordinate of reference pixel
DET.FRAM.CRPIX2 1; # Y coordinate of reference pixel
DET.FRAM.CRVAL1 99; # X coordinate of lower left pixel
DET.FRAM.CRVAL2 215; # Y coordinate of lower left pixel
DET.FRAM.NAXIS1 715; # Number of pixels along X
DET.FRAM.NAXIS2 836; # Number of pixels along Y

DET.MODE "FAST"; # Readout-mode
DET.OUTi.ADU 9.455; # Electrons per AD unit for output i
DET.OUT1.GAIN 4; # Gain for output i

DET.TEMP 140; # Requested detector temperature (K)

DET.RIT 31.375; # Requested integration time (seconds)

# Telescope

# Target definition
# A target can be described either explicitly (coordinates,....) or
# by reference to an entry in some catalogue. Here in the reference
# setup file we use the special target name SAME, to avoid that a setup
# to this reference file induces telescope movement
TEL.TARG.NAME "SAME"; # Reference target name

# Target, general parameters
# The wavelength for the reference star is not required if target is SAME.
# The same goes for RATEA and RATED, but let's keep them here just for
# demonstration purposes
TEL.TARG.OFFSET.RA 0.; # offset form ref. star to final object
TEL.TARG.OFFSET.DEC 0.; # offset form ref. star to final object
TEL.TARG.RATEA 0.0; # additional tracking rate -[7]
TEL.TARG.RATED 0.0; # additional tracking rate -[7]

# Instrument rotator (or should this be part of ADA????)
TEL.INSROT.ROT 0.000; # image rotation relative to N-S (deg)
# cf [7]
TEL.INSROT.POSX 0.0 # X-offset from center of rotation (mm)
# cf [7]
TEL.INSROT.POSY 0.0 # Y-offset from center of rotation (mm)
# cf [7]
TEL.INSROT.PRESET "True"; # rotator preset enabled/disabled
# cf [7] 3.3.11
TEL.INSROT.TRACK "True"; # rotator tracking enabled/disabled
# cf [7] 3.3.12

# Autoguiding - general
TEL.AG.START "True"; # start AG autom. when preset ready
TEL.AG.CAMERA.ID "AG #5"; # selected camera

# Autoguiding - guide star coordinates
# Alternatively this could be a description of criteria for automatic
# guide star search ( default catalogue, limiting magnitudes)
TEL.GSi.RA 38.12345; # guide star i RA (degrees)
TEL.GSi.DEC -29.34567; # guide star i Decl (degrees)
TEL.GSj.CAT.NAME "PPM5"; # guide star j comes from this catal.
TEL.GSj.NAME "Alphabeta"; # guide star j object name

# Field stabilisation
TEL.FS.START "False"; # do not start FS when preset ready

# Chopping parameters for M2 - see cf [7]
# Remark that if your instrument does no deal with chopping, there
# should be no need to have these parameters included in the respective
# reference setup files.
TEL.CHOP.PERIOD 0.91; # period (seconds)
TEL.CHOP.THROW ????; # throw
TEL.CHOP.OFFSET 0.00; # offset from center pos (units???)
TEL.CHOP.ANG 0.00 # direction, offset from N (degrees0
TEL.CHOP.PTV 1.1 # peak-to-valley ratio
TEL.CHOP.NUMCYC 0; # nr of cycles (0=infinite)
TEL.CHOP.IMPOS "off"; # position for optimum image quality
TEL.CHOP.PPOS "off"; # position corr to pointing axis

# Longitudinal Atmospheric Dispersion Compensator
# See internal memo VLT-ELE-94/0155
TEL.ADC.START "True"; # start ADC
TEL.ADC.DT 0; # deltaTime from preset for optimum ADC

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