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4.1 Overview

The lcustat panel allows to monitor the status of selected LCU environments, in particular:

· LCC status commands can be sent to LCU environments, the results are displayed in a dedicated window.
· The environments can be reinitialized and logs of the boot process can be examined.
To use the LCU STATUS PANEL the LCU environment must be regenerated using the required versions of vcc and lcuboot modules.

4.2 Starting from the Command Line

% lcustat &

The following panel should appear.

4.3 Panel Description

The panel shows two lists of LCU environments, labeled "Alive" and "Not Responding" respectively. LCU environments are displayed in either list as their status varies.

· The "Alive" list displays the LCU environments which have acknowledged a CCS PING command sent to its lccServer process, e.g the lcc software is active.
· The "Not Responding" list shows the LCU's environment name and a status string (either "network ok" or "host down")
· "network ok" means that the LCU is reachable in terms of the ICMP protocol (UNIX ping command), but LCC services are not available.
· "host down" if the UNIX ping command failed for the LCU node,

4.3.1 Actions

To perform an action, first select an environment either by clicking with the mouse pointer in an entry on the list boxes or by using the environment selector widget located in the upper part of the panel.

The following actions can be performed on the selected environment by pressing the action buttons labelled as follows:

Configure invokes the utility vccConfigLcu on the selected environment
Show Envs shows the environments defined in the LCU's environment table. It sends the LCC command LCCPET to the LCU, therefore it is applicable to alive LCU environments only.
Show Procs Show processes registered with LCC's message system. It sends the LCC command LCCPLT to the LCU, therefore it is applicable to alive LCU environments only.
Show Log Shows log messages produced by the lcuboot module while the LCU was booting
NFS State Shows the state of the NSF connection. It sends the LCC command LCCNFS to the LCU, therefore it is applicable to alive LCU environments only.
Reboot Reboots the LCU environment. It sends the LCC command LCCBOOT to the LCU, therefore it is applicable to alive LCU environments only.

After completing the requested action the result is displayed in a dedicated window. When rebooting a LCU the bootlog is displayed while it is created.

The following figure shows an example of the dedicated window displaying the result of a command.

Command's results are enclosed in between lines saying "--- Command <Some command> to env <some environment> ---" and "--- Command <Some command> Done ---". To allow easier visualization in case of multiple commands to different environments.

4.3.2 Selecting LCU environments to monitor

The complete list of LCU environments to monitor is displayed by pressing the `+' sign in the environment selector widget.

If the user is not interested in the status of all the environments being monitored he can remove the unwanted environments from the list boxes and restore them, if desired, later on. This can be accomplished with the "Add" and "Del" buttons located beside the environment selector widget.

The "Add" button add the selected environment, from the list of monitored environments, into the corresponding listbox according to its current status.

The "Del" button removes the selected environment from the list boxes.

Note that removing environment from the list boxes does not mean that they are no being monitored any longer. They are just not displayed in the panel.

To setup the list of environments to be monitored see lcustatSetup.

4.4 LCUSTAT server Configuration

The process in charge of monitoring and updating the status of a list of LCU environments is named lcustatCheck, the configuration data for this process is found on the WS database and consist of a TABLE which contains the name of the LCU environments to monitor, and some additional data.

Note that lcustatCheck is intended to monitor only LCU environments that boots from the local WS environment

The application to fill up this table is called lcustatSetup.

4.4.1 Starting from the Command Line

% lcustatSetup &

The following panel should appear:

4.4.2 Overview

The panel consist of two list boxes which are:

· VCC environments reported by VCC, LCU environments which are reported by VCC (and therefore by ACC) which boots from the local WS environment and are not currently checked by the lcustatCheck process.
· LCU environments to check, LCU environments which are going to be checked by the lcustatCheck process.

In between the list boxes there are four buttons used to move items from one list to the other, the button have arrows which shows the direction of the action to be performed.

· "Add ->", takes the selected item from the list "VCC environments..." to the list "LCU environments."
· "Add All ->". takes all items from the list "VCC environments..." to the list "LCU environments."
· "<- Remove", takes the selected item from the list "LCU environments..." to the list "VCC environments..."
· "<- Remove All", takes all items from the list "LCU environments." to the list "VCC environments..."

The table of environments selected to be checked can be written by pressing the "Apply" action button. It can be reverted to its original state by pressing the "Reset" button.

4.4.3 Watchdog configuration

LCU environments going to be checked can, optionally, get its LCC's software watchdog activated and triggered by the wdTrigger process. To enable this select an LCU environment from the "LCU environments." list and check the checkbox labeled "Start Watchdog on LCU" (located below the list), the WD string should appear after the LCU environment name in the listbox. Some examples of this can be seen in the figure of the lcustatSetup panel.

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