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After having built the OSLX module and installed the SW properly, the following steps must be performed before starting to use OSLX:

1. Create the INS Directory Tree.
The basic INS directory tree can be easily generated using the small tool oslxInsManager. After having created the INS directory tree in the proper location, the user must add the necessary user directories and observation mode directories himself in the tree also using the tool.

2. Set the INS Environment Variables.
Set the three environment variables INS_ROOT, INS_USER, INS_USER_PATH (if relevant) and INS_SETUPPATH (optional) as described in chapter 2. The value of the INS_USER may be pretty dynamic and an application using OSLX should probably be capable of changing this on-line using the putenv() system call (like it is done for the OSLX Server via the command "GEN").

3. Generate a Dictionary.
OSLX is dependent on the availability of a Dictionary which consequently must be generated. For the time being the user will have to generate it himself. The procedure is as follows:

1. Download the Generic Dictionary From ESO.
The Generic Dictionary contains all the keywords which are currently defined by the ESO-DICB (ESO Data Interface Control Board).The newest version of the Generic Dictionary can be found via the following WWW URL:

The Generic Dictionary can be used to check which keywords are already defined in order to avoid inventing new keywords.

2. Generate Own Dictionary for the Context.
For the moment it is suggested that the Dictionary is produced using a plain text editor. At a later stage a tool will be provided to maintain the Dictionaries. It is possible to use generic indeces in the Dictionaries, like e.g.: "DET WINi STARTX". Note that the Dictionary should be stored in the $INS_ROOT/SYSTEM/Dictionary directory. If the user has defined keywords not contained in the Generic Dictionary, these will have to be approved by the ESO-DICB.

4. Generate an Alias Conversion Table (Optional).
If desirable, an Alias Conversion Table can be generated by hand. Should be stored in the $INS_ROOT/SYSTEM/Alias directory.

5. Copy Setup Files etc. to the INS Tree
The standard Setup Files and other files for the instrument/context should now be copied into the INS Tree.

If these steps have been carried out successfully, it should now be possible to implement the first application using the OSLX classes, or to start up the OSLX Server and work on the various files.

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