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The PCO module requires the standard VLT environment including RTAP etc. Furthermore MIDAS version NOV94 or a later version must be installed.

The following must be setup for ensuring proper execution of MIDAS:

1. A directory named "midwork" must exist in the $HOME directory

2. The environment variable MID_WORK pointing to the "midwork" directory must be defined.

3. The environment variables MIDASHOME and MIDVERS which indicate the directory of MIDAS respectively the release to be used, must be defined.

4. An entry in the /etc/services file for MIDAS must be defined:

midxcon 2050/tcp

The port number (here 2050) must be used only for the MIDAS communication. The next 99 port numbers should not be used by any other application as these may be used by MIDAS as well.


After having compiled and installed the PCO module, and rebooted the machine, a small test can be performed to get an immediate indication of whether PCO is properly installed or not. To do this test, do the following:

1. Start up the PCO in verbose mode:

$ pco -v

The following text should be displayed:

pco> Initializing!

pco> Ready to run main loop (looping until PCO EXIT Command received)

pco> ---------------------------------------------------------------

pco> Waiting for a message

PCO is now ready to handle commands.

2. Make the PCO exit - go to another X terminal window and type:

$ pcoExit [<envname>] -v

The following text should be displayed in the X terminal window where PCO is running:

pco> Command from CCS process received

pco> Parsing CCS Message ...

pco> Parsing of CCS Message OK - unpacking ...

pco> Received a PCO EXIT Command - terminating cleanly

pco> Generating a reply

pco> Sending reply to source process

pco> In exit mode - checking if all replies are handled ...

pco> OK to exit -- closing down ...

The following text should be displayed in the window where pcoExit is executed:

pco> OK, no environment specified -- using default environment

pco> PCO should now have terminated!!

This installation verification test is just an indication that PCO is working properly. More thorough tests with MIDAS should be carried out to ensure that it is functioning properly. The utility msgSend can be used to issue PCO commands in a simple manner.

Quadralay Corporation
Voice: (512) 719-3399
Fax: (512) 719-3606