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This chapter provides the manual pages of the scripts, panels and database files.

5.1 Scripts

5.1.1 motei(1)
motei - Invoke the Motor Engineering Interface

motei [<Environment> [<motorName>]]

This script invokes the main panel of MCM Engineering Interface.
Two optional arguments may be specified:
<Environment> : name of the environment to work on.
WS Env : any RTAP environment running on this host.
LCU Env : any LCU environment connected to the RTAP environment
from which the script has been launched.
When not given, <Environment> defaults to $MOTENV;
otherwise to $RTAPENV.
<motorName> : name of the motor to work on.
The name may be given only together with an environment.
The motor name is the alias of the database point containing
the motor branch.
When not given, <motorName> defaults to $MOTNAME,
otherwise to '<none>'.

motei*.hlp extended help ASCII files associated to each panel.

Each panel motei<Topic> is the association of two files:
motei<Topic>.pan containing the panel description
motei<Topic>.tcl containing all associated Tcl procedures

RTAPENV and eventually some LCU environments accessible from RTAPENV

Example 1 :
Let's assume the RTAP environment 'wmcm' which database contains the
motor branch aliased 'MI':
> setenv MOTNAME MI
> motei wmcm
The fields <Environment> is set to 'wmcm'
and <Motor Name> is set to 'MI'.
Both selectors are active.
The buttons 'Load Config ...' and 'Configure ...' are enabled.

Example 2 :
Let's assume the LCU 'ted' configured to report to RTAPENV and which
database contains possible motor branches not located under :MOTEI
> setenv MOTENV lted
> motei
The fields <Environment> is set to 'lted'
and <Motor Name> is set to '<none>'.
Only the Environment selector is active.
All buttons are disabled.

Example 3 :
Let's assume the LCU 'ted' configured to report to RTAPENV and which
database contains the branch :MOTEI and possible motor branches not
located under :MOTEI
> setenv MOTENV lted
> motei
The fields <Environment> is set to 'lted'
and <Motor Name> is set to 'DVAMI'.
Both selectors are active. The MotorName selector gives the
choice between the 6 standard motei motors DVA0X, DVAMA, DVAMI,
All buttons are enabled.

Example 4 :
Let's assume the LCU 'ted' configured to report to RTAPENV and which
database contains the motor aliased 'MI':
> setenv MOTNAME MI
> motei lted
The fields <Environment> is set to 'lted'
and <Motor Name> is set to 'MI'.
Both selectors are active.
All the buttons are enabled.

Extended help associated to each panel, motei*(7).

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5.1.2 moteiShowStatInvoke(1)
moteiShowStatInvoke - call motei motor configuration panel

moteiShowStatInvoke -lcu <lcuEnv> -motor <motorName> [-update <secs>]
moteiShowStatInvoke -?

moteiShowStatInvoke is a script which calls the motei's motor
configuration panel connecting it to the lcu environment and
motor given as arguments.

The script checks the availability of the lcu environment and
validate the motor alias by trying to set the cwp to it.
If any of the above checks fails the scripts aborts printing an
error message.



0 on success, 1 otherwise.

moteiControlServer is spawned if not present.

moteiShowStatInvoke -lcu lted -motor DVAMI

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5.2 Panels

The man-pages associated to the panels are listed below in the order of their respective accessibility from the menubars of the main panels.

1. Main panel moteiMain(1) on page 59
2. Motor Main Configuration moteiConfig(7) on page 61
a. Servo Amplifier VME4SA moteiCVME4SA(7) on page 65
b. Motion Controller MAC4 moteiCMAC4(7) on page 67
c. Digital Signals moteiCSignal(7) on page 70
d. Unit Conversion methods moteiCUnit(7) on page 71
e. Named Speeds moteiCNamSpd(7) on page 74
f. Index Search Speed moteiCIndSpd(7) on page 76
g. Named Positions + Offsets moteiCNamPos(7) on page 77
h. Two-Step offset & speed moteiCTwoStp(7) on page 80
i. Special Positions moteiCSpePos(7) on page 82
j. HW Initialization Sequence moteiCHwInit(7) on page 84
3. Motor Control panel moteiControl(7) on page 88
a. External address setting moteiCSetAdr(7) on page 93
4. Motor Status panel moteiStatus(7) on page 94
a. Servo Amplifier VME4SA moteiSVME4SA(7) on page 96
b. Motion Controller MAC4 moteiSMAC4(7) on page 96
c. Plotting Facility moteiSPlot(7) on page 96

These man-pages (section 7) are accessible on-line from the respective menubar Help option ExtendeddHelp.

5.2.1 moteiMain(1)
moteiMain - Motor Engineering Interface

This panel is the main panel from which all sub-panels can be invoked.

It contains a menu bar, 2 input selectors and 4 buttons.

Selector 'Environment' :
The selector offers the list of all environments accessible from this host.
For WS environments, it is recommended to work on local ones,
ie resident on this host.
On selection, a procedure is invoked that searches for motors.
On WS environment, it searches for motor branches located below the
point :Appl_data:MOTEI
On LCU environment, it searches for motor branches located below the
point :MOTEI
In addition, it sends the command MOTORS to the process 'motServer'
on the LCU that returns the names of all installed motors.

Is the list of motors not empty, the selector 'Motor Name' is configured
with the list and the first name of the list appears in the entry field.
Is the list empty, the motor selector is preset to '<none>',
the + button is disabled.

Selector 'Motor Name' :
The selector offers the list of all motors accessible from this
If a motor is not in the list but has a branch in the database, its name
(alias of the DB point) can be entered.
On LCU environment, the command INSTALL is issued that verifies the
consistency of the database branch.
On WS environment, no check is performed.

Button 'Load Config' :
Invokes the DB restore procedure that loads the database with the
configuration values contained in a so-called '.dbcfg' file.

Button 'Configure' :
Starts the Control Server (only on LCU environment)
Invokes the main Configuration panel.

Button 'Control' : only on LCU environment
Starts the Control Server
Invokes the Control panel.

Button 'Status' : only on LCU environment
Invokes the Status panel.

MenuBar 'File' :
Command 'Quit' :
Close this panel and ALL sub-panels,
Terminates the Control Server process when running.

MenuBar 'Help' :
Command 'Extended Help' : shows this text.

Panel common description
Each panel contains 2 output fields that show the selected motor and the
working environment and a menu bar.

MenuBar 'File' :
Command 'Quit' : close this panel and all sub-panels.
MenuBar 'Help' :
Command 'Extended Help' : show the associated help text.


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5.2.2 moteiConfig(7)
moteiConfig - Motor Configuration

This panel is the main configuration part. It provides all configuration
items for a basic usage of a motor, assumed the base configuration is one of
the standard configurations provided by motei for each generic type of motor:
DVA0X: DC motor + ESO VME4SA amplifier
DVAMI: DC motor + MACCON MAC4-INC controller + ESO VME4SA amplifier
Incremental encoder connected to the controller
DVAMA: DC motor + MACCON MAC4-SSI controller + ESO VME4SA amplifier
Absolute encoder connected to the controller
DXXMI: DC motor + MACCON MAC4-INC controller + stand-alone amplifier
Incremental encoder connected to the controller
DXXMA: DC motor + MACCON MAC4-SSI controller + stand-alone amplifier
Absolute encoder connected to the controller
SVSMS: Stepper motor + MACCON MAC4-STP controller +
ESO VME4ST stand-alone amplifier
Incremental encoder connected to the controller
(see moteiMain(7) for loading a configuration file)

OpMode : configure is the Operational Mode in which the motor shall be set.

Selector 'OpMode':
Not Available : The function is not available
Fixed Position: The function is available but the motor shall not be
moved and is located at a specified fixed position.
A sub-panel is invoked that allows the setting of this position.
Simulation : The function is available and all actions are enabled.
However no access to the HW.
Normal : The function is available and all actions are enabled.
Handset : The function is available but all actions are disabled,
since the motor is controlled via the handset.

The panel is split in 4 parts and is to be read counter-clockwise as
described below:

Hardware : description of the hardware configuration
Motor type : DC or Stepper
Boards :
Selector 'Amplifier' : type of amplifier
VME Servo Amplifier : this is the standard ESO amplifier VME4SA
Stand-Alone Amplifier : any kind of amplifier working in
stand-alone mode (i.e. not connected on the VME-bus)
It includes the ESO amplifier VME4ST for Stepper Motors
Selector 'Controller' : type of motion controller
No Motion Controller : for motors to be controlled via a VME
amplifier only
MAC4 Motion Controller : this is the standard ESO controller
It includes all the versions (INC, SSI and STP)
CAMAC Controller : this is the EMMI controller used at NTT
(ESO internal use only)
CheckBox 'Digital I/O' : indicates if the ESO standard digital I/O
board is plugged in.
This board is used to handle the Brake (1 OUT & 1 IN binary lines)
and Interlock (1 Input binary line) signals.

Axis : description of the kind of axis
The function may be either
- Linear (moving between two limits, e.g Carriage) or
- Circular (no limits, e.g Filter Wheel).

Selector 'Axis' :
Linear : the function is Linear, SW limits may be set
Circular : the function is Circular, No SW limits,
but the Circular Range must be specified.
Circular Optimized : idem Circular; however, when using the ESO
standard controller MAC4, the shortest way to the target will be

Software Limits : for Linear Axis only
The SW limits are positions within which the motor is allowed to move.
They may be defined as Absolute (ABS) or Relative positions.
For Relative position, it may be either Relative (REL) to the current
position or to one of the Special Positions (see moteiCSpePos(7) and
MenuBar 'Initialization'->'Special Positions').
The SW limits will be set at completion of the HW Initialization,
therefore all referenced special positions must be "known" by the
system to allow their computation/setting.

Circular Range : for Circular Axis only preset to 86400.
It is the number of Encoder counts (Enc) per revolution of the axis.
(this value is given by the mechanics).
For Stepper motor without encoder, its the number of motor steps
needed per revolution of the axis.
For DC motor without controller, the value is not relevant and is
preset to 1.

Encoder : description of the encoder
Selector 'Encoder' : select the type of encoder
None : No encoder. Only for Stepper motor or system w/o controller
Incremental : The encoder is incremental.
For the ESO standard controller, it must be of type MAC4-INC
Absolute : The encoder is absolute.
For the ESO standard controller, it must be of type MAC4-SSI
Absolute Relative : The encoder is absolute but its data is to be
processed as relative.
For the ESO standard controller, it must be of type MAC4-SSI

Selector 'Interface' : specifies where the encoder is connected
Internal : the encoder is connected to the controller
CPU : a dedicated task on the CPU takes care of reading the encoder
data and to write it into the controller on interrupt request
External : the encoder data is accessible at a VME address

For not 'Internal' encoders, any type of controller MAC4 can be used:
e.g. Incremental CPU on MAC4-SSI
or Absolute External on MAC4-INC/STP

For MAC4-STP only incremental internal encoders are supported.

Selector 'Code' : Not supported yet.
Entry 'Count Range' : Absolute encoder only or external encoder
Number of counts per revolution of the encoder (= resolution)
Entry 'Valid Bits' : Absolute encoder only or external encoder
Number of bits needed to code the encoder data (up to 24)
Entry 'LSB' : Absolute encoder only or external encoder
Position of the LSB in the encoder data word
Entry 'Address' : CPU or External encoder interface only

Entry 'Counts/turn' : Stepper motor only
Number of steps per revolution of the motor

Times : description of the times used internally as timeout or period
Slider 'Monitor' : it is the status sampling period
It indicates how often the full motor status must be retrieved
This activity is handled asynchronously by the task tPoll_<motorName>

Slider 'Limit' : timeout for the motor to move out of the limit domain
It sets the maximum time allowed for a motor to move inside the valid
domain when standing on a limit switch (linear axis only).

Slider 'Motion Step' : maximum time allowed for a motion step
It sets the maximum time allowed for a motor to perform a motion step.
This time prevents the system to loose control on a motor when a
motion is initiated that does not complete (e.g. due to oscillations
in the position control loop, the motor does come to stabilize).

Action Buttons: in addition to the standard ones (see below)
Button 'Save' : apply the configuration (see button 'Apply') and
save the configuration in a file of type .dbcfg via a
file selector.

Menu Bar : its pull-down menues allow the advanced configuration of the motor

Menu Bar 'File'
Command 'Generate DBL' : Not supported anymore.
Command 'Enable Motor Control' : when unset, the configuration will not
be updated in MCM on Apply or Save. If the control panel is active,
the configuration update is ignored until the command MenuBar
'Control'->'Update Configuration' is explicitely issued.
When set, any Apply or Save of the configuration implies an automatic
'Update Configuration' in the control panel. The operational state
is reset to 'NOT INIT'. The dialog box pops up with the message:
"Database has been modified. Remember to INIT again the motor".

Menu Bar 'Hardware'
Sub-Panel 'Events' : Not implemented yet.
Sub-Panel 'Amplifier' : For the selected amplifier, it invokes the
associated configuration panel.
Sub-Panel 'Controller' : For the selected controller, it invokes the
associated configuration panel. (Only MACCON MAC4).
Sub-Panel 'Brake & Interlock' : Not implemented yet.

Menu Bar 'Units'
Sub-Panel 'Conversion' : It invokes the panel for configuration of the
unit conversion methods when user-defined units have to be used
instead of the physical board units (Enc for position, Enc/ms or Ref
for speed and Dig for current).

Menu Bar 'Speeds'
Sub-Panel 'Named Speeds' : It invokes the panel for configuration of the
the named speeds.
These are logical names associated to physical speeds.
Sub-Panel 'Index Search' : It invokes the panel for configuration of the
speed to be applied to perform the second step of the search procedure
that looks for the Index pulse signal of the encoder.

Menu Bar 'Positions'
Sub-Panel 'Named Positions' : It invokes the panel for configuration of
the named positions.
These are logical names associated to physical positions.
Sub-Panel 'Two Step Offset' : It invokes the panel for configuration of
the offset and speed to be applied for Two-Step type motions.
Two-Step motion prevent backlash errors in forcing the positioning
from the same "side" of the target.

Menu Bar 'Initialization'
Sub-Panel 'Special Positions' : It invokes the panel for configuration of
the special positions.
These are positions associated to hardware switches/signals.
Sub-Panel 'Init Sequence' : It invokes the panel for configuration of the
sequence of actions to be performed while initializing the motor.
Mainly it includes find motions to HW positions and positioning to
a given position.

Configuration sub-panel common description
Each Configuration panel contains 3 action buttons:

Button 'Apply' : write the configuration as described in the panel to the
Button 'Reset' : restore the original configuration as from before the
panel was invoked.
Button 'Refresh' : read the configuration from the database but the items
the panel is responsible for. Update the panel accordingly.


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5.2.3 moteiCVME4SA(7)
moteiCVME4SA - Configure Servo Amplifier ESO 'VME4SA'

This panel provides the configuration items of the amplifier.

The panel is split in two parts :

For this type of amplifier, the name of the Single Device Library (SDL)
interfacing MCM with the driver is preset to 'vme4sa', as well the driver
is preset to '/ampl'. Remain to indicate which HW device is assigned to
the motor:

Selector 'Board #' : choice from 1 to 6
Board #<b> : VME short-IO base address 0x3<b>00 [256 Bytes]
(see address selector on the board)

Selector 'Chan #' : choice from 1 to 4
Chan #<c> : index on the board as labelled on the backplane
and on the board front panel
(1 at the top, 4 at the bottom)

The effective device number /ampl<d> is computed as :
<d> = 4*(<b>-1)+(<c>-1)

On the VME bus, the boards should be located with increasing address
range at the right side of the CPU:
E.g. CPU Board on Slot #1,
TIM Board on Slot #2,
MCon Board #1 on Slot #3,
VME4SA Board #1 on Slot #4, -> devices /ampl0 to /ampl3
MCon Board #2 on Slot #5,
VME4SA Board #2 on Slot #6, -> devices /ampl4 to /ampl7
where <MCon> stands for the associated Motion Controller board.

Note: For VME4SA-11 boards, two slots must be foreseen (8 TE).

One single parameter may be configured:

DO : DAC Offset in Direct mode only
It ranges between -128 and +127.
This value is applied as Velocity Reference as soon the Amplifier
is set to DAC mode (ie Direct motion mode).


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5.2.4 moteiCMAC4(7)
moteiCMAC4 - Configure Motion Controller MACCON 'MAC4'

This panel provides the configuration items of the controller.

The panel is split in two parts :

For this type of controller, the name of the Single Device Library (SDL)
interfacing MCM with the driver is preset to 'mac4', as well the driver
is preset to '/mcon'. Remain to indicate which HW device is assigned to
the motor:

Selector 'Board #' : choice from 1 to 6
Board #<b> : VME base address 0xC<b>0000 [64 kBytes]
(see address selectors on the board)

Selector 'Chan #' : choice from 1 to 4
Chan #<c> : index on the board as labelled on the backplane
and on the board front panel
(1 at the top, 4 at the bottom)

The effective device number /mcon<d> is computed as :
<d> = 4*(<b>-1)+(<c>-1)

On the VME bus, the boards should be located with increasing address
range at the right side of the CPU:

E.g. CPU Board on Slot #1,
TIM Board on Slot #2,
MAC4 Board #1 on Slot #3, -> devices /mcon0 to /mcon3
Ampl Board #1 on Slot #4,
MAC4 Board #2 on Slot #5, -> devices /mcon4 to /mcon7
Ampl Board #2 on Slot #6,
where <Ampl> stands for the associated VME Amplifier board.

All configuration parameters are R/W accessible unless specified.
Since the configuration of the MACCON MAC4 motion controller is complex,
only high level information is given here below,
see MACCON MAC4 User Manual for details.

Common Configuration Parameters:
SA SD : Speed mode acc./dec.
PA PD : Position mode acc./dec.
FA FD : Speed mode to LHW/REF/IND/HOM/UHW (Find mode) acc./dec.

Test mode:
DA : DAC output (Test mode only)

Axis and Encoder:
AX : Axis type
CR : Circular Range (> 0)
LL UL : Software limits
ET : Encoder type
EB : Encoder bits
EC : Encoder count / revolution
EO : Encoder offset (not used)

Hardware Switches:
ULL : Lower HW limit signal logic state
LLL : Upper HW limit signal logic state
RSL : Reference Switch signal logic state
DFL : Drive Fault signal logic state

Adcanced Settings:
POL : Output Polarity (WR only)
WD : Watchdog (not used, should be set to 0ms)
Maximum time between command - 0 means not watchdog
MF : Maximum Following Error
Maximum allowed difference between effective and
theoretical motion profile
Range from 0 to 32000 Enc
ED : Emergency Deceleration
Deceleration applied on HW/SW limit, Reset, Drive Fault,
Following Error
TR : Target Radius
Define the tolerance window around the target position
Range from 0 to 32000 Enc
TT : Target Settle Time
Time in milli-seconds to settle up within the target window
before notifying motion end
SF : Scaling Factor
Effective scaling factor is 2^SF
Apply to all accel/decel and speeds
LV : Low velocity for Find Edge, Search Index & Home modes

Specific Parameters:
CA CD : Index Search Coarse mode acceleration/deceleration
IA ID : Index Search Fine mode acceleration/deceleration
HA HD : Home mode acceleration/deceleration
Control Loop:
GA : Gain in 0.25 step - Range from 0 to 255 (ga=63.75)
ZE : Zero in step of 1/256 - Range from 0 to 255 (ze=255/256)
KI : Integral Gain in step of 1/256 - Range from 0 to 255 (ki=255/256)
IS : Right bit shift to apply to KI - Range from 0 to 8
PO : Pole in step of 1/256 - Range from 0 to 255 (po=255/256)
LT : Limit Torque
Acts as a speed limiter - Range from 1 to 2047
Maximum DAC unsigned output (2047 = 10V)

Control Loop:
GA, ZE, KI, IS, PO, LT : idem INC
SC : LSB for encoder data in word

CA CD, IA ID, HA HD : idem INC
ES : Encoder counts / motor turn - Range 1 to 1000000 Incr
1 Incr = 4 Enc
MSR : Steps / motor turn - Range 1 to 10000000
SSF : Start/Stop frequency - Range from 1 to 2000 Hz
BST : Boost Time - Range 1 to 10000 ms
Delay before Boost signal active, start at SSF
CRD : Creep Distance - Range 0 to 30000 steps
Distance from target driven at SSF (Boost off)
SWT : Servo Wait Time
Position control refresh period with encoder

The following parameters are used during motions and for status purpose:

Run-Time parameters:
SV,PV,CV,IV,HV,FV,VT : Velocities in all modes
AP RP : Absolute/Relative target position (Position mode)
AT RT : Absolute/Relative target position (Tracking mode)
EA : Encoder Address (external encoder only)
DL : Switch for Find mode
IP : Init position (calibration) (WR only)

Read-Only parameters:
CP : Current Position
AV : Actual velocity
EP : Error Position
VER : Firmware version

Status (Read only):
USR : User status
SYS : System status
COM : Communication status


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5.2.5 moteiCSignal(7)
moteiCSignal - Configure the Digital I/O Signals

This panel allows the configuration of the Digital I/O Signals for Brake and
Interlock. Each of the 3 signals is mapped by one (1) bit of the Digital I/O

Two signals shall be configured:
Brake Action : is the output signal commanding the brake device
Brake Status : is the input signal reflecting the brake status
When the Brake is clamped, no motion can be initiated.

One signal shall be configured:
Interlock : is the input signal reflecting the interlock status
When the Interlock is set, no motion can be initiated.

For each signal to be configured, following fields must be set:

Selector 'Device' : choice from /acro0 to /acro3
It indicated which Digital I/O board shall be addressed.

Entry 'Bit #' : range from 1 to 64
It indicated which I/O bit shall map the signal.

Selector 'Logic' : choice 'OFF', 'Active LOW', 'Active HIGH'
It indicates how the signal shall be interpreted.


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5.2.6 moteiCUnit(7)
moteiCUnit - Configure Unit Conversion Methods

Besides the common widgets, it contains a list box, a method name edition part,
a section 'Default Units', a 'Conversion Method' selector and a method
dependent part.

Unit Conversion Methods:
ListBox 'Unit Conversion': the names of all conversion methods are listed.
At initialization, the first method is selected (highlighted).
Mouse button 1 (left) is used to select the method.

On Method selection, Apply & Refresh, the current row is taken and replaces
the previous settings.

On selection, the name of the conversion method is displayed in the 'name'
output field and can be modified as described below:
Entry 'From' : this is the "user" defined unit. (max 7 characters)
Selector 'To': this is the board unit selector
'Enc' : the method will describe how to convert position values from the
user unit to the position unit 'Enc' and reverse.
'Enc/ms' : the method will describe how to convert speed values from the
user unit to the speed unit 'Enc/ms' (all motion modes but Direct)
and reverse.
'Ref' : the method will describe how to convert speed values from the
user unit to the speed unit 'Ref' (Direct motion mode) and reverse.
'Dig' : the method will describe how to convert current values from the
user unit to the amplifier current unit 'Dig' and reverse.

Only these 4 methods and associated user units can be used by the system.
Other units (e.g. mmToHz will not be used, however they may be invoked by
the application)

'Other': any unit (max 7 characters).
this unit can not be used by the system.

Button 'Make Default Unit':
Any user unit for which a conversion method to one of the board units is
provided can be set as default unit. This will be the unit in which the
corresponding quantities will be expressed in the status.
E.g. 'mmToEnc' allows 'mm' to be set as default position unit.
This button is disabled whenever the operation is not legal.
E.g. 'mmToHz' does allow 'mm' to be set as default unit.
The button is disabled.

Button 'Set Board Units':
Reset the default units to the board units:
'Enc' for positions
'Enc/ms' for speeds ('Ref' is taken for Direct motions)
'Dig' for current

Selector 'Conversion Method':
Selection of the conversion method between:
Linear Function:
The formula to describe is:
<Y> = <X> * slope + offset
where <Y> is expressed in board unit (e.g. Enc)
and <X> is expressed in user unit (e.g. mm)

The two parameters 'slope' and 'offset' shall be set.
Note : the value of the slope that must comply:
|slope| > 1E-38
to allow the operation:
<X> = (<Y> - offset) / slope

Interpolation Table:
The interpolation table shall contain up to 50 points covering the
WHOLE conversion domain, including the edges so that the method
can ALWAYS locate the value to convert between 2 neighbours.
The first value X shall be expressed in user unit,
the second one Y in board unit.
The points must be input in increasing or decreasing order along
X or Y. The function MUST be bijective:
Y = f(X) <=> X = ~f(Y)

The configuration part consists in:
List Box : shows all interpolation points (X,Y)
at initialization, the first point is selected (highlighted).
Mouse button 1 (left) is used to select the point.
Button 'Insert' : insert a point above the selected one.
(X,Y) is preset to (0,0).
Arrow 'Up' : exchange selected point with the one above
(but first).
Arrow 'Down' : exchange selected point with the one below
(but last).
Button 'Delete' : delete selected point (minimum two valid points).

On Insert, Move Up, Move Down, Apply & Refresh, the current position
is taken and replaces the previous settings.

On selection, the values X & Y of the point are displayed
and can be modified, as well its index in the list versus the total
number of valid points.

External Function:
An external function must comply with the interface motCONV_FUNC
and MUST provide both conversions ways.
It belongs to the application and must be found in the global symbol
table of the LCU at INSTALL time.
The address of the function will be retrieved from the symbol table
and stored in the database.
The user-buffer address is preset to 0xFFFFFFFF.
The application must explicitely set this parameter before proceeding
with the initialization.

(see: Panel Control: MenuBar 'Addresses'->'Unit Conversion' or
moteiCSetAdr(7), command SETADDR in motServer.cdt).

See also MCM User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0600 section 2.4.12 p.35ff


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5.2.7 moteiCNamSpd(7)
moteiCNamSpd - Configure Named Speeds

This panel provides configuration facilities for the so-called Named Speeds.
Named Speeds are logical speeds defined by the user so as to simplify the
motion definition by using pre-defined speeds such as 'coarse' for coarse-type
motions (e.g. find lower HW limit switch), 'normal' for e.g. all positioning
motions, 'fine' for small displacements etc...
These logical speeds avoid as well to modify the OS code in case the encoder
or the gearbox have to be exchanged.

Named Speeds:
Besides the common widgets, it contains a list box with the 4 associated
buttons, an option button and a configuration dependent part.

List Box : at initialization, the first speed is selected (highlighted).
Mouse button 1 (left) is used to select the named speed.
Button 'Insert' : insert a new named speed above the selected one:
The name is preset to 'speed#<rowNumber>',
the speed is preset to <rowNumber> Enc/ms.
Arrow 'Up' : exchange selected speed with the one above (but first)
Arrow 'Down' : exchange selected speed with the one below (but last)
Button 'Delete' : delete selected speed.

On Insert, Move Up, Move Down, Apply & Refresh, the current row is taken and
replaces the previous settings.

On selection, the name of the speed is displayed in the 'name' entry field
and can be modified:

Entry 'Speed' : nominal value of the speed (floating point value).

Selector 'Unit' : unit in which the speed is expressed.
For named speeds intended to be used in all modes but Direct, the unit
shall be either a User unit (assumed the conversion method to 'Enc/ms'
is provided), or the controller speed unit 'Enc/ms'.
For named speeds intended to be used in Direct mode, the unit shall be
either a User unit (assumed the conversion method to 'Ref' is provided),
or the amplifier speed unit 'Ref'.

Default Speed:
This is the index of the named speed to be used when referencing the speed
'By Default' in the speed definition of a motion.

Button 'Make Default': Take the selected named speed as the default speed.
The name and nominal speed will be displayed below.

Motion Monitoring Times:
For each named speed, it is needed to set the monitoring times for
the 3 phases of the motion:
far : until the motor has reached the target window (TW)
near : from the moment on when the motor has reached the TW
stable : delay before the controller issues the Motion End
after the target window has been reached.
These times are defaulted resp. to 1000, 200 and 1000ms.

Button 'Motion Monitoring Times':
The entry fields associated to the 3 times are shown and enabled for


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5.2.8 moteiCIndSpd(7)
moteiCIndSpd - Configure Index Pulse Search Speed

This panel provides configuration facilities for the speed to be applied to
search for the index pulse of the encoder. It is available on system using
an incremental internal encoder supporting this signal.
The description below is complying the search procedure as supported by the
Motion Controller MACCON MAC4.
For other controllers, step 3 may not be performed.

The index pulse search procedure is a 3-step motion consisting in:
- step 1 : coarse motion using the speed as defined for the motion and
ending after the pulse has been detected.
- step 2 : fine motion backwards using this speed ending on the pulse
- step 3 : very fine motion forward using the parameter 'Low Velocity' LV
of the Motion Controller. This step is made automatically by
the motion controller MACCON MAC4 at completion of step 2.

Index Pulse Search Speed:
Selector 'Speed': indicates how the speed is defined
By Default : when a default speed is defined
The index and name of the default speed are displayed.
By Value : the speed is defined by a value
Following widgets are shown:
Entry 'Speed' : nominal value of the speed (floating point value).
Selector 'Unit' : unit in which the speed is expressed.
The unit shall be either a User unit (assumed the conversion
method to 'Enc/ms' is provided), or the controller speed
unit 'Enc/ms'.
Outputs 'Extrema' : not updated yet, preset to 'N/A' (Not Applicable).
By Name : when named speeds have been defined
A selector is shown that lists all defined named speeds by their name
By Index : when named speeds have been defined
A selector is shown that lists all defined named speeds by their index


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5.2.9 moteiCNamPos(7)
moteiCNamPos - Configure Named Positions

This panel provides configuration facilities for the so-called Named Positions.
Named Positions are logical positions defined by the user so as to refer
physical positions such as Filter Wheel slot, Grating emission line wavelength,
or any other position OS may need to refer to without knowing the absolute
physical position. These logical positions avoid as well to modify the OS code
in case the encoder has to be exchanged, recalibrated or offset.

Besides the common widgets, it contains a list box with the 4 associated
buttons, an option button and a configuration dependent part.

Named Positions:
List Box : at initialization, the first position is selected (highlighted).
Mouse button 1 (left) is used to select the named position.
Button 'Insert' : insert a new name above the selected one.
The name is preset to 'position#<rowNumber>',
the position is preset to Absolute <rowNumber> Enc,
the lower/upper range is set to 1 Enc.
Arrow 'Up' : exchange selected position with the one above (but first)
Arrow 'Down' : exchange selected position with the one below (but last)
Button 'Delete' : delete selected position.

On Insert, Move Up, Move Down, Apply & Refresh, the current row is taken and
replaces the previous settings.

On selection, the name of the position is displayed in the 'name' entry field
and can be modified:

Entry 'Position': nominal value of the position (floating point value).

Selector 'Unit' : unit in which the position is expressed.
The unit shall be either a User unit (assumed the conversion
method to 'Enc' is provided), or the controller unit 'Enc'.

Selector 'Position Type': indicates how the position must be interpreted
Absolute : it is an absolute position
Relative to Lower HW Limit: it is a positive offset to the position of
the Lower HW limit.
Relative to Upper HW Limit: it is a negative offset to the position of
the Upper HW limit.
Relative to Reference Switch: it is an offset to the position of
the Reference Switch.
Relative to Index Pulse: it is an offset to the position of
the Index Pulse of the encoder.
Relative to Home Position: it is an offset to the position of
the Home Position.

For relative positions, it is assumed that the reference position is known
by the system at completion of the HW Initialization.
(see Panel Configuration : MenuBar 'Initialization'->'Special Positions',
and moteiCSpePos(7), moteiCHwInit(7) accessible from the Extended Help
of the associated panels).

Entries 'Range':
Lower : it is the tolerance <L> subtracted from the nominal position <N>
giving the minimal position value above which the current position
will be associated to this name when retrieving the status.
Upper : it is the tolerance <U> added to the nominal position <N> giving
the maximal position value below which the current position will be
associated to this name when retrieving the status.

---------------------=========*====--------------> axis
^ ^ ^

The range applies for all sections.

Button 'Offsets':
The positions are defined for 3 sections: Observation (Nominal), Maintenance
and User-defined.
The Maintenance section is dedicated to operation related to maintenance
activities, such as changing a filter on a wheel. Since it may not be easy to
access this position when in the light beam, its maintenance position shall
be offset so as to facilitate access to this position.
The User-defined section is free for any other offsetting.

One shall distinguish 2 types of offsets:
- global offsets for Maintenance and User-defined sections that apply for any
named position.
- local offsets that override the global offsets and are associated to this
named position only.

When clicking the button 'Offsets', one can set both local and global offsets
for both Maintenance and User-defined sections.
In case the local offset shall override the global one, the associated check
box shall be enabled.
For global offsets, the unit is to be selected, whereas for local offsets the
unit is preset to the unit selected for the nominal position.

Note: the setting of the global offset applies for ALL named positions.

Let's assume the named position 'blue' absolute -15 mm +1/-2mm
global offsets 5 & -6 mm for Maintenance resp. User-defined sections
local offsets 10 & -11 mm, only Maintenance offset enabled.
This gives the domains: Lower Upper limit
Observation : [-17,-14]mm (= -15 -2, -15 +1)
Maintenance : [ -7, -4]mm (= -15+10-2, -15+10+1)
User-defined : [-23,-20]mm (= -15- 6-2, -15- 6+1)

Let's move the motor to named position 'blue' Observation:
the target position is -15mm
Let's move the motor to named position 'blue' Maintenance:
the target position is -15+10=-5mm
Let's move the motor to named position 'blue' User-defined:
the target position is -15-6=-21mm

Now, let's retrieve the status for the motor being at position:
-16mm : named position 'blue' Observation since within the range
-4.1mm : named position 'blue' Maintenance
-21.5mm : named position 'blue' User-defined


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5.2.10 moteiCTwoStp(7)
moteiCTwoStp - Configure Offset & Speed for Two-Step Motion

This panel allows the setting of the speed and offset to apply for Two-Step
motions. Two-Step motions prevent backlash errors in forcing the positioning
from the same "side" of the target.

Offset: offset off the target for the first step
Entry 'Offset' : this value indicates how 'far' the target of the first motion
step shall be.
- Negative offset indicates that the target will always be
reached in positive direction;
- Positive offset indicates that the target will always be
reached in negative direction

--------------------------*------------|------------*-----> axis
^ ^ ^
CP Target+offset Target
step 1 step 2

--------------------------*------------*------------|-----> axis
^ ^ ^
CP Target Target+offset
step 1
step 2

Where <CP> is the Current Position

Selector 'Unit' : unit in which the offset is expressed.
The unit shall be either a User unit (assumed the conversion
method to 'Enc' is provided), or the controller unit 'Enc'.

Speed: speed to apply in the second step
Selector 'Speed': indicates how the speed is defined
By Default : when a default speed is defined
The index and name of the default speed are displayed.
By Value : the speed is defined by a value
Following widgets are shown:
Entry 'Speed' : nominal value of the speed (floating point value).
Selector 'Unit' : unit in which the speed is expressed.
The unit shall be either a User unit (assumed the conversion
method to 'Enc/ms' is provided), or the controller speed
unit 'Enc/ms'.
Outputs 'Extrema' : not updated yet, preset to 'N/A' (Not Applicable).
By Name : when named speeds have been defined
A selector is shown that lists all defined named speeds by their name
By Index : when named speeds have been defined
A selector is shown that lists all defined named speeds by their index

Let's considere the Two-Step offset = -10mm, speed 'fine'

1 - Let the motor move from absolute position 200mm to 150mm in two-step
at speed 'normal'.

The motor moves forwards at speed 'normal' to position 150-10=140mm,
then it moves forwards at speed 'fine' to the position 150mm.

2 - Let the motor move from absolute position 200mm to 300mm in two-step
at speed 'normal'.

The motor moves forwards at speed 'normal' to position 300-10=290mm,
then it moves forwards at speed 'fine' to position 300mm.

Let's considere the Two-Step offset = +10mm, speed 'fine'

1 - Let the motor move from absolute position 200mm to 150mm in two-step
at speed 'normal'.

The motor moves forwards at speed 'normal' to position 150+10=160mm,
then it moves backwards at speed 'fine' to position 150mm.

2 - Let the motor move from absolute position 200mm to 300mm in two-step
at speed 'normal'.

The motor moves forwards at speed 'normal' to position 300+10=310mm,
then it moves backwards at speed 'fine' to the position 300mm.


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5.2.11 moteiCSpePos(7)
moteiCSpePos - Configure the Special Positions

This panel allows the configuration of the so-called special positions.

Special positions are positions defined by the hardware:
LHW : lower HW limit switch (for linear axis only)
UHW : upper HW limit switch (for linear axis only)
REF : reference HW switch
IND : Index Pulse (delivered by the encoder when supported)
HOM : Home Position defined as being the next Index Pulse found
in positive direction after the Reference Switch edge has been
detected (the reference switch should be on)

Special Positions:
A configuration line is assigned to each position:

Field 'Flag' : This check button tells the system if, at completion of the HW
Initialization Sequence, the position has to be made known to the system.
If the HW Initialization Sequence forsees a motion to this position,
it is then known by the system. No change is done.

Field 'Pos Type' : This option button tells the system how to interpret the
position value.
ABS : the value is absolute
otherwise the value is an offset to :
REL : the current position
LHW/UHW : the lower/upper HW limit position
REF : the Reference Switch position
IND : the Index Pulse position
HOM : the Home position

Fields 'Value' and 'Unit' : define the position in encoder units 'Enc' or
user defined position unit (configured as default position unit).

The configuration of these special positions is to be made carefully together
with the HW Initialization Sequence. All positions must be resolved at
completion of the HW Initialization in order to be allowed to reference
them later.
The table will be processed in the order shown in the panel:
this means that any position defined as offset to another assumes that
the latter is known by the system at this time.
For well-tuned systems, this panel allows to reduce the number of motions
necessary to make all special positions known to the system to a minimum.
E.g. knowing the physical distance between LHW and UHW leads to save a motion
to the UHW by defining UHW as LHW+offset and moving to LHW only.

The special positions may be referenced by the named positions or
during motions by value in position mode.

Let's considere the following sequence:
Action #1 : Find Lower HW Limit (LHW)
Action #2 : Find the Reference Switch (REF)
Action #3 : Calibrate the encoder to 0 Enc
Action #4 : Move to absolute position +6000 Enc
Action #5 : END

Let's now considere the Special Positions:
Set LSW = LHW + 100Enc
Set USW = UHW - 200Enc
Don't set LHW
Set UHW = LHW + 10000Enc
Don't set REF
Don't set IND
Don't set HOM

and the Named Position:
RED = UHW - 3000Enc

At completion of the HW initialization sequence, the following positions
will be known and set in this order:
LHW = -1000Enc
UHW = +9000Enc
REF = 0Enc
LSW = -900Enc
UHW = +8800Enc

The named position RED will as well be resolved as:
RED = +6000Enc

The actual position name shown in the status will be RED.

As one can see, it was not necessary to physically move to UHW in order
to resolve the named position RED.


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5.2.12 moteiCHwInit(7)
moteiCHwInit - Configure HW Initialization Sequence

This panel provides configuration facilities for the HW init sequence.

The HW initialization sequence consist of a number of actions that are needed
by the system to be calibrated so as to be able to go ONLINE.
Typically, the sequence contains a number of motions dedicated to locate some
positions defined by the hardware such as switches or encoder signal edge.
In addition, it is used to move the motor to a known safe position.

Besides the common widgets, it contains a list box with the 4 associated
buttons, an option button and a configuration dependent part.

HW Initialization Sequence:
List Box : at initialization, the first action is selected (highlighted).
Mouse button 1 (left) is used to select the action.
Button 'Insert' : insert an END action above the selected one.
Arrow 'Up' : exchange selected action with the one above (but first)
Arrow 'Down' : exchange selected action with the one below (but last)
Button 'Delete' : delete selected action (but END).

Move Up, Move Down, Delete are only allowed when the current action or the
next (Move Down) is not END.
On Insert, Move Up, Move Down, Apply & Refresh, the current row is taken and
replaces the previous settings.

On selection, the option button 'Action Type' is updated and the configuration
dependent part is displayed accordingly.

Option Button 'Action Type' :
Perform a motion : see Motion, Speed and Position Definitions below
Set Lower SW limit : see Software Limits & Position Definition below
Set Upper SW limit : see Software Limits & Position Definition below
Calibrate the axis : assign a calibartion position to the actual
encoder position. See Position Definition below
Clamp the Brake : only if Brake Action signal is available
Disconnect the Power Relays : only with VME-bus Amplifier.
Execute a User-defined function : the sub-window asks then for the
name of the function to invoke (see User Function below)
Execute a On-Board Procedure : only on Motion Controller when supported
the sub-window asks then for the index of the procedure to execute
Delay : delay the sequence by the amount of milli-seconds as set.
END : last step of the sequence. Extra actions will be ignored.

Important Note: since the purpose of the HW initialization sequence is to
determine the position of relevant special positions, it is evident that
the definition of target positions relative to a HW special position
implies that this position is known to the system at this stage.
In particular, this is true for named positions.

Software Limits:
The SW limits may be set during the HW initialization. However they will
be overwritten if they are defined in the main configuration panel
see Panel Configuration: section 'Axis', and moteiConfig(7).
When setting the SW limit, one must be sure that the motor is not outside the
valid domain (e.g. if the motor is at position LHW + 100Enc, it is illegal to
attempt to set the Lower SW limit to LHW + 200Enc; a failure would occur).

See Position Definition below.

Motion Definition: description of the type of motion to perform
The two following selectors have to be understood as the descriptor of
the type of motion. Speed and Position are consequently the physical
description of the parameters needed to perform this kind of motion.

Selector 'Mode' :
Direct : The motor is driven by velocity via the amplifier only.
A motion consists in a Speed definition.
Position : The motor is driven in velocity and position via the
motion controller.
A motion consists in a Speed and a Target definitions.
Speed : The motor is driven in velocity via the motion controller.
A motion consists in a Speed definition.

Selector 'Position Type' :
to Absolute position : Position mode only.
The target is an absolute position.
Relative to current position : Position mode only.
The target description is relative to the current position.
to Lower HW limit : Direct & Speed modes only
relative to Lower HW limit : Position mode only
Direct mode: the motor is instructed to move in negative direction
until detection of the Lower HW switch of the amplifier.
Position mode : The target description is an offset to the
physical position of the Lower HW limit.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in negative direction
until detection of the Lower HW switch of the controller.
to Upper HW limit : Direct & Speed modes only
relative to Upper HW limit : Position mode only
Direct mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive direction
until detection of the Upper HW switch of the amplifier.
Position mode : The target description is an offset to the
physical position of the Upper HW limit.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive direction
until detection of the Upper HW switch of the controller.
to Reference Switch : Speed mode only
relative to Reference Switch : Position mode only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Reference switch.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the edge of the Reference switch.
to Index Pulse : Speed mode only
relative to Index Pulse : Position mode only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Index Pulse.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the index pulse of the encoder.
The index pulse search is a 3 step intrisic motion:
The input speed is applied until the pulse is detected,
then the Index Search speed defined in the Configuration is
applied to move in negative direction off the pulse.
(see Config: MenuBar 'Speeds' -> 'Index Search')
The third step is made using the Low Velocity parameter as
configured for the Motion Controller MACCON MAC4.
(see Config: MenuBar 'Hardware' -> 'Controller')
to Home Position : Speed mode only
relative to Home Position : Position mode only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Home position.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the next encoder index pulse
following the edge of the Reference switch.
in Two-Step Absolute/Relative: Position mode only
The target position will be reached in two steps.
(see Configuration Panel: MenuBar Positions->'Two Step Offset'
Extended Help or moteiCTwoStp(7)).
Off Reference Switch: Position mode only
In some HW configurations, the location of the Reference switch
(hereafter REF) is close to the UHW so that REF is active on
UHW. In order not to perform any motion to the HW limits,
one may want to detect only the position of the edge of REF and
derive all other positions from this location. Therefore this type
of motion checks if REF is active. When active, the system performs
a motion in Position mode of the defined offset (negative) which
must be set so as that REF goes inactive at motion completion.
The next step should then be a motion in speed mode to REF.

See Position & Speed Definitions below.

Speed Definition: description of the speed to apply during the motion
Selector 'How' :
By Default : when configured, use this named speed
By Value : enter the speed value and select the speed unit
as the board unit (Enc/ms) or as the user unit
configured as the default unit.
The speed maxima are not yet available
By Name/Index: when configured, use one of the named speeds
referenced by its name/index in the list.
Named speeds & default speed :
(see Config: MenuBar 'Speeds' -> 'Named Speeds', or moteiCNamSpd(7))

Position Definition: SW limit, calibration or target position description
Selector 'Position Type': indicates how the position must be interpreted
Absolute : it is an absolute position
Relative to current position: it is a positive offset to the actual
position of the motor.
Relative to Lower HW Limit: it is a positive offset to the position of
the Lower HW limit.
Relative to Upper HW Limit: it is a negative offset to the position of
the Upper HW limit.
Relative to Reference Switch: it is an offset to the position of
the Reference Switch.
Relative to Index Pulse: it is an offset to the position of
the Index Pulse of the encoder.
Relative to Home Position: it is an offset to the position of
the Home Position.

Selector 'How' :
By Value : enter the position/offset value and
select the position unit as the board unit (Enc)
or as the user unit configured as the default unit.
The maxima are displayed in the selected unit
whenever available; otherwise N/A.
By Name/Index : Only for absolute position :
when configured, use one of the named positions
referenced by its name/Index in the list.
The section is one of Observation, Maintenance or
User-defined indicating the offset to apply relative
to the nominal position (=Observation).
By Name/Index + Offset : Only for absolute position
Idem By Name, resp. By Index +
Enter the offset value and select the position unit
as the board unit (Enc) or as the user unit
configured as the default unit.
Named positions & Offsets:
(see Config: MenuBar 'Positions' -> 'Named Positions')

User Function:
The external function must comply with the interface motINIT_FUNC.
It belongs to the application and must be found in the global symbol
table of the LCU at HW INIT time.
The address of the function will be retrieved from the symbol table.
The user-buffer address is preset to 0x00000000.

For setting the address of the user buffer, cf.
- Panel Control: MenuBar 'Addresses'->'HW Initialization' or
- moteiCSetAdr(7),
- command SETADDR in motServer.CDT).

See also MCM User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0600 section 2.4.12 p.35ff


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5.2.13 moteiControl(7)
moteiControl - Motor Control

This panel contains all functions needed for the active control of a motor
on a LCU. It can only be invoked when the environment is refering to a LCU.

Since the number of combinations accessible with the panel is quite high,
the following description does not state whether a motion is possible or not
when the hardware configuration may affect the range of the possible motions.
E.g. if the encoder does not deliver the Index Pulse signal, it is evident
that motions to this position are not supported although the description
below may state it is allowed.

The behaviour of this panel is by default context-sensitive, i.e. the buttons,
entry fields and menu bar items are enabled/disabled according to the actual
state of the motor (e.g. the button MOVE is disabled when the Operational
state is not 'INIT DONE') and to the type of motion currently selected
(e.g. the part 'Position' is disabled for motion in Speed mode).
(see Menu Bar 'Options').
The STOP buttons are always enabled.

The panel is split in 4 parts:

Motion : description of the type of motion to perform
The two following selectors have to be understood as the descriptor of
the type of motion. Speed and Position are consequently the physical
description of the parameters needed to perform this kind of motion.

Selector 'Mode' :
Direct : The motor is driven by velocity via the amplifier only.
A motion consists in a Speed definition.
Position : The motor is driven in velocity and position via the
motion controller.
A motion consists in a Speed and a Target definitions.
Speed : The motor is driven in velocity via the motion controller.
A motion consists in a Speed definition.

Selector 'Position Type' :
ABS : Position mode only.
The target is an absolute position.
REL : Position mode only.
The target description is relative to the current position.
LHW : All motion modes
Direct mode: the motor is instructed to move in negative direction
until detection of the Lower HW switch of the amplifier.
Position mode : The target description is an offset to the
physical position of the Lower HW limit.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in negative direction
until detection of the Lower HW switch of the controller.
UHW : All motion modes
Direct mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive direction
until detection of the Upper HW switch of the amplifier.
Position mode : The target description is an offset to the
physical position of the Upper HW limit.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive direction
until detection of the Upper HW switch of the controller.
REF : Position & Speed modes only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Reference switch.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the edge of the Reference switch.
IND : Position & Speed modes only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Index Pulse.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the index pulse of the encoder.
The index pulse search is a 3 step intrisic motion:
The input speed is applied until the pulse is detected,
then the Index Search speed defined in the Configuration is
applied to move in negative direction off the pulse.
(see Config: MenuBar 'Speeds' -> 'Index Search')
The third step is made using the Low Velocity parameter as
configured for the Motion Controller MACCON MAC4.
(see Config: MenuBar 'Hardware' -> 'Controller')
HOM : Position & Speed modes only
Position mode : The target description is an offset to
the physical position of the Home position.
Speed mode: the motor is instructed to move in positive
direction until detection of the next encoder index pulse
following the edge of the Reference switch.

Check Button 'Two Step' : Position Mode only
When enabled, the motion is performed in 2 steps as configured
(see Config: MenuBar 'Positions' -> 'Two Step Offset')

Check Button 'Half-Turn' : Position Mode & Circular axis only

Speed : description of the speed to apply during the motion
Selector 'How' :
By Default : when configured, use this named speed
By Value : enter the speed value and select the speed unit
as the board unit (Enc/ms) or as the user unit
configured as the default unit.
The speed maxima are not yet available
By Name/Index: when configured, use one of the named speeds
referenced by its name/index in the list.
Named speeds & default speed :
(see Config: MenuBar 'Speeds' -> 'Named Speeds')

Position : description of the target position
Selector 'How' :
By Value : enter the target position/offset value and
select the position unit as the board unit (Enc)
or as the user unit configured as the default unit.
The maxima are displayed in the selected unit
whenever available; otherwise N/A.
By Name/Index : Only for absolute target position :
when configured, use one of the named positions
referenced by its name/Index in the list.
The section is one of Observation, Maintenance or
User-defined indicating the offset to apply relative
to the nominal position (=Observation).
By Name/Index + Offset : Only for absolute target position
Idem By Name, resp. By Index +
Enter the offset value and select the position unit
as the board unit (Enc) or as the user unit
configured as the default unit.
Named positions & Offsets:
(see Config: MenuBar 'Positions' -> 'Named Positions')

Status : display of the 3 main status items
Operational Mode : indicating the control mode of the motor
DETACHED : no control via MCM
NOT AVAIL : motor not available, all functions disabled
FIXED : all functions disabled, fixed position
SIMULATION : all functions simulated (no HW access)
NORMAL : all functions enabled on HW
HANDSET : control via handset (no control via MCM)
Operational State : indicating the current operational state
NOT INIT : the motor is not initialized
INIT SOFT : SW initialization done
INIT RUN : HW initialization in progress
INIT DONE : the motor is fully initialized, motions allowed
Motion Status : indicating the current state of the motion
STANDING : the motor is not moving, motion completed
MOVING : motion in progress
ABORTED : motion failed
TIMEOUT : motion did not complete within allowed time


In addition the panel contains a Menu Bar and 3 action buttons:

Action Buttons:

Button INIT : Perform the initialization as specified in the Menu-Bar
selector 'Initialization'. The Operational State is updated according
to the initialization stage reached or in progress.

Button MOVE : Perform the motion a described in the parts Motion, Speed &

Button STOP : Stop current motion. Button has little effect,
if the motor is not moving.

Menu Bar :

Menu Bar 'Options'
Command 'context sensitive' : when disabled, all widgets are enabled
regardless of the actual state of the motor.

Menu Bar 'OpMode'
Selection of the Operational Mode.
The Operational State of the motor is reset to 'Not Init'.

Menu Bar 'Initialization'
Selection of the initialization procedure to apply:
Option 'Full' : both SW and HW initialization are performed.
On success, the operational state goes to 'Init Done'.
Option 'Software' : Only the software initialization is performed.
On success, the operational state goes to 'Init Soft'.
Option 'Hardware' : Only the hardware initialization is performed.
The operational state must be at least 'Init Soft'.
On success, the operational state goes to 'Init Done'.

Menu Bar 'Control'
Command 'Clear Control'
The command CLEAR <motor> is issued to the LCU process motServer
that clears possible concurrent accesses to the motor.
Command 'Update configuration'
Together with the configuartion panel, in order to force the
reinstallation of the motor and therefore the update of its
configuration. The operational state goes to 'Not Init'.
Command 'Power Control >' (on amplifier)
Option 'Connect' : Connects the power relays
Option 'Disconnect' : Disconnects the power relays
Command 'Control Loop >' (on controller)
Option 'Enable' : Enables the control loop
Option 'Disable' : Disables the control loop
Command 'Reset >'
Option 'Reset SW' : idem Init SW
Option 'Reset HW' : issues a RESET command on the HW boards
Command 'Brake Control >' (on digital I/O board)
Option 'Clamp' : sets the signal to clamp the brake
Option 'Unclamp' : resets the signal to umclamp the brake

Menu Bar 'Hardware'
Sub-panel 'Sampling ...' :
on-line setting of the status sampling period
As indicated on the panel, the negative values have to be understood
as the sampling frequency in Hertz (e.g. -10 = 10 Hz)
The setting of the sampling period must be made carefully considering
the overall load of the CPU (Retrieving the status of a motor takes
approx. 10ms whereby 6 values must be read from the motion controller).

Sub-panel 'Monitoring ...'
when the speed is defined by value, it is needed to set
the monitoring times for the 3 phases of the motion:
far : until the motor has reached the target window (TW)
near : from the moment on when the motor has reached the TW
stable : delay before the controller issues the Motion End
after the target window has been reached.
These times are defaulted resp. to 1000, 200 and 1000ms.

Sub-panel 'Controller ...'
on-line setting/tuning of Motion Controller parameters
Not available yet.
Sub-panel 'Amplifier ...'
on-line setting/tuning of Servo Amplifier parameters
Not available yet.

Menu Bar 'Address'
Sub-panel 'HW Initialization ...'
Sub-panel 'Unit Conversion ...'
When using user-defined function for Initialization and/or
Unit conversion, one may have to give the physical address
of the buffer to be passed to the function.
For each function to be invoked, these panels show the current
setting and by clicking on the requested function name they
enable the setting of a new address.

Emergency Stop:
STOP sign button : acts as an Emergency Stop button.
Any motion in progress is stopped immediately.

Commands and Control outputs:
On the terminal from which motei has been launched, all commands sent to
<lcu>:motServer are echoed.
As well all relevant information


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5.2.14 moteiCSetAdr(7)
moteiCSetAdr - Set User-Buffer address

All external HW Initialization & Unit Conversion functions belong to the
application and must be found in the global symbol table of the LCU.

Since the API interface of the external user-hook functions foresees the
passing of the address of a User parameter buffer, this panel allows the
setting of the addresses for each function to be invoked.

The addresses can be modified at any time.
The NULL pointer (0x00000000) is always accepted, any other address must
be valid and is tested for reading prior to access.

See MCM User Manual VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0600 section 2.4.12 p.35ff

HW Initialization:
The external HW Initialization functions are resolved at HW INIT time.
The user-buffer address is preset to 0x00000000.

Unit Conversion:
The external unit concersion functions are resolved at INSTALL time.
The user-buffer address is preset to 0xFFFFFFFF.
The application must explicitely set this parameter before proceeding
with the initialization.


The list box shows all functions and the associated addresses.
To modify and set a new address:
- click on the function (Mouse button 1 left)
- modify the address in the foreseen entry field
- click on button 'Set'

On success, the list will be updated accordingly.

Note: the addresses MUST be entered in HEXADECIMAL code w/o the leading 0x.


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5.2.15 moteiStatus(7)
moteiStatus - Motor Status

This panel displays continuously the complete status of the motor.
All status values are updated on change of the database attributes but the
actual values of Position/Speed/Current and Error, the latter are updated
on polling whereby the polling rate can be set from 1000ms in steps of 500ms
via the +/- buttons located at the top right corner of the panel; the actual
polling rate is displayed at their left hand side.

The status values are displayed in :
- black / green : for the normal behaviour
- red : for abnormal states or preventing the motor to move.
- blue : for some temporary states (e.g. on Reference Switch)

The panel is structured in 5 sections:

General Status:
These values summarize the global state of the motor.
On the left side, the Operational Mode and the Operational State are displayed.
On the right side, the motion mode and status are displayed.
The steps of the HW initialization/motion sequence are shown. In addition,
the status indicator 'in Position' informs about the motion completion.

Board / Power Status:
In this section, all hardware indicators are gathered. They give an overview
of the state of all components.
If no brake is used, the Brake status is indicated as 'Unclamped'.
If no Interlock line is connected, the Interlock status is set to 'Unlocked'.
If a Stand-Alone Amplifier is used, the Power status is set to 'Connected' and
the Amplifier status to 'OK'.

Below the Amplifier and Controller status line, the position of the motor
relative to the HW special positions is indicated.

Motion Status & Plot:
This section is split in two parts: left the actual motor position, speed and
current; right the target position.
Depending on the default position unit, the position is indicated in both
Encoder unit (Enc) and default position unit.
The following error (difference between the theoretical and the physical
positions, whereby the theoretical is computed by the motion controller and
the physical is given by the encoder) is displayed in default position unit.
Whenever a name can be associated to a position, its label is displayed
together with the selected section.
The speed and current are displayed in default speed, resp. current units.

In addition, the button 'Plot' invokes a panel from which the user can select
the quantities to be plotted. See moteiSPlot(7), accessible also via the
Extended Help of this panel.

Each motion step is monitored in time. Its start and end UTC times are recorded
and displayed there. If a motion is performed and ends after 24:00 UTC,
the end time refers to the following day.
In addition, the motion duration is computed in seconds.
While moving, the end time is set to 00:00:00.000 UTC and
the duration to 'Undetermined'.

All events occuring on the motor are listed in this widget. They show up
100ms longer than their real duration for visibility.

Motion End : Successfull motion completion
Drive Fault : Drive Fault signal raised
Emergency Stop : Emergency Stop signal active
Over Temperature : Amplifier temperature too high
Over Current : Too much current required from the amplifier
Positioning Error : Motor could not follow the theoretical motion profile
On Limit : Motor on HW limit (Lower or Upper)
Normal Stop : Motor has been stopped
Interlock Active : Interlock signal active
New Motion : Motion has been redefined
Board Init Ready : On-Board HW Init procedure completed


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5.2.16 moteiSVME4SA(7)
This panel does not provide any on-line help, therefore no man-page has been issued.
Since the information shown in this panel reflects the status of the Servo Amplifier board VME4SA, the user is invited to refer to the associated User Manual.
5.2.17 moteiSMAC4(7)
This panel does not provide any on-line help, therefore no man-page has been issued.
Since the information shown in this panel reflects the status of the Motion Controller board MAC4, the user is invited to refer to the associated User Manual.
5.2.18 moteiSPlot(7)
moteiSPlot - Status Plotting Facility

This panel interfaces motei with RtapPlotDisplay.

It provides 4 selectors for the quantities to plot;
all values expressed in default unit:
- Position [STATUS.posUser]
- Position (in encoder unit Enc) [STATUS.posEnc]
- Speed [STATUS.speed]
- Error [STATUS.followingErr]
- Current [STATUS.current]

in addition, depending on the hardware configuration,
and expressed in board units:
from Motion Controller MAC4:
- Position (CP) [SDL:MAC4:RUN.currentValues(64)]
- Velocity (AV) [SDL:MAC4:RUN.currentValues(65)]
- Error (EP) [SDL:MAC4:RUN.currentValues(66)]
from Servo Amplifier VME4SA:
- Current (MC) [SDL:VME4SA:RUN.currentValues(2)]

The sampling frequency can be selected from 1 to 100Hz, whereby this setting
is highly correlated with the status sampling period and the motion monitoring
Higher sampling frequency has little effect on the plot precision, however it
leads to an increase of the message load between WS and LCU.

The two buttons Start and Stop initiates/stops the plotting.
The option 'Save in file' dumps all values to the ASCII file '<motorName>.samp'
located under $INS_ROOT/SYSTEM/DETDATA, if $INS_ROOT exists;
otherwise under /tmp.


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5.3 Database template files

5.3.1 moteiDATABASE.db(5)
moteiDATABASE.db - Database for MOTEI

#include "moteiDATABASE.db"


This file includes one instance of each base motor class
defined in motMOTORS.class:
motDVA0X, motDVAMI, motDVAMA, motDXXMI, motDXXMA & motSVSMS

The motor branches are located under:
:Appl_data:MOTEI on WS

The creation of this database branch is intended to provide standard
motor branches for motei users who do not have yet defined the motors
to be used in their application, but solely preparing/testing motor
configuration for future use.

All motors share the following characteristics:
Number of Named Positions : motMAX_NAMED_POSITION
Number of Named Speeds : motMAX_NAMED_SPEED
Number of HW Init Actions : motMAX_INIT_ACTION
First HW Init Action : motACTION_END
Number of Unit Conversions methods : motMAX_CONV_METHOD
and all preset values as defined in the class definition.

Database of LCU lted : $VLTDATA/ENVIRONMENTS/lted/dbl/DATABASE.db
// Loads classes definition from standard file
#include "CCS.db"
// USER.db contains necessary points for CCS, but requiring editing to
// match installed configuration.
#include "USER.db"
#include "moteiDATABASE.db"
// ___oOo___

motei*.db(5), mot*.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.2 moteiDVA0X.db(5)
moteiDVA0X.db - Instance for DC motor (VME4SA-X1 only)

#include "moteiDVA0X.db"


This file inserts an attribute named DVA0X instance of the motor
class motDVA0X and aliased DVA0X.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motDVA0X.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.3 moteiDVAMI.db(5)
moteiDVAMI.db - Instance for DC motor (VME4SA-X1 + MAC4-INC)

#include "moteiDVAMI.db"


This file inserts an attribute named DVAMI instance of the motor
class motDVAMI and aliased DVAMI.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motDVAMI.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.4 moteiDVAMA.db(5)
moteiDVAMA.db - Instance for DC motor (VME4SA-X1 + MAC4-SSI)

#include "moteiDVAMA.db"


This file inserts an attribute named DVAMA instance of the motor
class motDVAMA and aliased DVAMA.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motDVAMA.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.5 moteiDXXMI.db(5)
moteiDXXMI.db - Instance for DC motor (MAC4-INC, Stand-Alone amplifier)

#include "moteiDXXMI.db"


This file inserts an attribute named DXXMI instance of the motor
class motDXXMI and aliased DXXMI.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motDXXMI.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.6 moteiDXXMA.db(5)
moteiDXXMA.db - Instance for DC motor (MAC4-SSI, Stand-Alone amplifier)

#include "moteiDXXMA.db"


This file inserts an attribute named DXXMA instance of the motor
class motDXXMA and aliased DXXMA.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motDXXMA.class(5), motor.db(5)

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5.3.7 moteiSVSMS.db(5)
moteiSVSMS.db - Instance for Stepper motor (VME4ST + MAC4-STP)

#include "moteiSVSMS.db"


This file inserts an attribute named SVSMS instance of the motor
class motSVSMS and aliased SVSMS.

see moteiDATABASE.db(5)

moteiDATABASE.db(5), motSVSMS.class(5), motor.db(5)

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Quadralay Corporation
Voice: (512) 719-3399
Fax: (512) 719-3606