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A VLT application can be:

a WS application (UNIX),
an LCU application (VxWorks).

For both cases, the common software provides the basic services. While same services (message system, database, etc.) are available on both platforms with the same interface (but may be not the same implementation), other services are specific, and therefore available only to one of the two.

In addition to the process rules (see 3), the designer of a VLT application shall consider:

1. general requirements:
a. those for any VLT Software, as in the VLT-SPE-ESO-10000-0011 VLT Software Requirements Specification.
The general requirements for all VLT applications are still valid, while some of the specific parts are now superseded by available software (CCS, LCC, etc) or by more specific documents (TCS Requirements, INS specification, etc).
b. the architecture constraints defined in VLT-MAN-ESO-17210-0667 Guidelines for VLT Application [9] (availability: October 95).
This document gives hints on how to implement typical problems and through examples shows how the common software is intended to be used.
2. (if the development is an instrument) common instrument requirements
a. VLT-SPE-ESO-17212-0001 --- VLT Instrumentation Software Specification
that provides a basic software framework and defines software requirements which are applicable to any VLT instrument. It specifies the standard architecture for any VLT instrumentation software, the common functionality of standard software modules, the functional interfaces to the other parts of the VLT software, etc.
b. VLT-SPE-ESO-17240-0385 --- INS Common Software Specification.
This document logically follows the VLT Instrumentation Software Specification and deals with the detailed specifications of the standard commands and software common to all instrumentation packages.
c. VLT-SPE-ESO-11720-0001 VLT Telescope Control System, Functional Specification.
It specifies the functions which are provided by the Telescope Control Software.
3. (if the development is a telescope subsystem) common telescope requirements:
a. VLT-SPE-ESO-11720-0001 VLT Telescope Control System, Functional Specification.
It defines the architecture of the TCS and the scope and the interface of each telescope subsystem.
4. specific requirements, as from the Technical Specification applicable for that development

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