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The installation of the rmn driver is done at system start-up time by script files and shall not be changed at run-time. It is composed by the installation of the driver code, the installation of the devices for that driver and the connection of the device to the driver.

8.1 Installation Prerequisites

The following hardware and software prerequisities must be fulfilled for a successful installation of the driver.

8.1.1 Hardware Requirements

The following hardware environment is required to install the driver:

· a VMEbus chassis with bus backplane and power supply
· at least one VMIVME-5576 Reflective Memory Board board
· one Motorola MVME167 or MVME2604 CPU board, any version
· Ethernet network
· LCU console (terminal attached to the serial line of the VMEbus CPU)

In order to use effectively the reflective memory network, the required hardware configuration consists of at least two LCUs, as stated in § 1.2.

8.1.2 Software Requirements

The following software environment is required to install the driver:

· VxWorks version 5.2 operating system or higher
· software module lculog for internal logging, version 1.11 or later
· software module lcudrv for common driver functions, version 1.25 or later
· the rmn module installed on a host machine

8.2 Building the Software

The make procedure follows VLT standards, as described in [6] and [9]. In short:

1. Move to rmn src directory (cd ./rmn/src)
2. Type `make clean all man install'

The loadable binary file rmn will be stored in "$INTROOT/vw/bin/MC68040" (if defined) respectively "$VLTROOT/vw/bin/MC68040".

8.3 Installation Procedure

This section shows an example to install the rmn driver and the first device. The utility vltMan can be used to access man-page informations for the rmn-functions.

1. Load the rmn driver code to the target system:
-> ld < root-path/vw/bin/MC68040/rmn
2. Install the driver:
-> rmnDrv(2, 10, 100)
3. Install the first device:
-> rmnDevCreate("/rmn0",32,0x02000000,256,0xd0,4)

8.4 Installation Verification

Functions performed during installation phase always log OK or ERROR messages to the console.

The tools described in a previous section can be used to test that the driver and the device have been installed correctly. From the VxWorks shell issue the following commands:

· rmnVersion
should print the expected version number on the console.
· rmnDevShow
should print the table of installed rmn devices.
· rmnDevDump "/rmn0"
should print the contents of the board's registers in a formatted way.
· rmnDevDescr "/rmn0"
should print the contents of the device descriptor.
· rmnTestBoard "/rmn0"
should print the network loopback time.

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