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The irace module contains the interface libraries for both the IRACE front-end controller (tcom - submodule) and the IRACE pre-processor (sdma - submodule).


The following functions are provided for the client as part of the tcomSclInt interface library:


tcomSclBinToInt() converts from binary "01011..." (32 bit) format to integer format.

tcomSclBinToState() converts from binary "01011..." (64 bit) format to subpattern state.

tcomSclClkpLoop() downloads a subpattern dispatcher loop command line to the sequencer.

tcomSclClkpProg() downloads a binary clock pattern generating process to the sequencer

tcomSclClrPat() clears all subpatterns in sequencer.

tcomSclClrClkp() clears all clock patterns in sequencer.

tcomSclGetClkp() reads a clock pattern from the sequencer.

tcomSclGetPat() reads a subpattern from the sequencer.

tcomSclGetSpeed() gets the sequencer readspeed.

tcomSclIntToBin() converts the bitfields of an integer value to binary "01011..." (32 bit) representation.

tcomSclSeqProg() downloads a sequencer readout loop command line to the sequencer.

tcomSclSeqStart() starts the sequencer.

tcomSclSeqStop() stops the sequencer.

tcomSclSetClkp() downloads a clock pattern to the sequencer.

tcomSclSetMode() set sequencer mode (normal/chopping).

tcomSclSetPat() sends a subpattern to the sequencer.

tcomSclSetSpeed() sets the sequencer readspeed.

tcomSclStatSeq() reads the sequencer status.

tcomSclSubpatSetup() handles sequencer subpattern setup file.

tcomSclTime() gets sequencer readout times.


tcomSclDacDisable() disables the DAC output.

tcomSclDacEnable() enables the DAC output.

tcomSclNumCldc() returns number of cldc-boards.

tcomSclSetVolt() sets the voltage on a single dac channel.

tcomSclSetVoltAll() sets the voltage on all dac channels.

tcomSclStatCldc() reads the cldc status.

tcomSclTelChan() gets the voltage from a single telemetry channel.

tcomSclTelemetry() reads all telemetry channels.


tcomSclReadHwStat() reads from status bus.

tcomSclWriteHwStat() writes to status bus.

tcomSclErrStat() gets hardware error status from status bus.

tcomSclSyncStat() synchronizes with status bus modules to have special bits set (like GIGALINK-SYNC etc.).


tcomSclErr() maps errorId to error message.

tcomSclGetConf() gets the board configuration.

tcomSclNumCldc() gets the number of installed cldc -boards.

tcomSclPstat() reads the parameter status.


tcomSclAbort() aborts all (dac disable, stop, close).

tcomSclBoot() boot the scl network.

tcomSclCloseComLine() closes a connection to the command interpreter.

tcomSclConnect() connects to the command interpreter.

tcomSclExec() executes server or simulator process from remote

tcomSclInitCom() initializes the command structures.

tcomSclKill() kills server or simulator process started with tcomSclExec.

tcomSclOpenComLine() opens a connection to the command interpreter.

tcomSclPing() checks, if the command interpreter is alive.

tcomSclReset() resets the scl network.

tcomSclSrvAbor() abort protocol converter server.

tcomSclSrvStat() read protocol converter server status.

tcomSclTimeout() sets the link timeout.

tcomSclWaitInit() waits until the clients are initialized.


tcomSclFrameSetup() handles sequencer frame sequence setup-file.

tcomSclHelp() print on-line help text for interactive mode.

tcomSclInteractive() interactive mode main loop

tcomSclPrintFrameSetup() prints sequencer frame sequence.

tcomSclPrintSubpatSetup() prints sequencer subpattern setup.

tcomSclPrintVoltSetup() prints CLDC voltage setup.

tcomSclSaveVoltSetup() saves CLDC voltage setup.

tcomSclVoltSetup() handled CLDC voltage setup file.


The sdma submodule contains two libaries. The sdma-library contains all functions needed by the acquisition process. The sdmaInt-library contains all functions for the command- and data-interface.


The following functions are provided for the processing task as part of the sdma library:

sdmaAckData() acknowledges, that the data buffer has been processed.

sdmaCheckStop() checks, if the stop command has been received since the last call.

sdmaFlushInput() acknowledges the current input buffer and skips all buffers in the input ringbuffer.

sdmaFlushOutput() flushes the output queue.

sdmaGetPrio() get process scheduling and priority.

sdmaInitFrame() register frame for parallel output.

sdmaParamPtr() returns a pointer to the current parameter structure.

sdmaParamDefault() signals, that the default parameter setting has been done.

sdmaReqOut() requests a queued output of a processed frame to the output link and/or to the on-line display.

sdmaSetPrio() set process scheduling and priority (requires super user privileges).

sdmaSetupDynParam() registers a dynamic parameter set.

sdmaShDataAttach() tries to get access to a (shared) memory data structure.

sdmaShDataGetPtr() returns a pointer to a (shared) memory data entry identified by an <id>. If the entry for <id> is not yet existing, a new entry is created.

sdmaShDataValid() mark a dataset as containing valid data.

sdmaShDataInvalid() mark a dataset as not containing valid data.

sdmaStartCapture() starts the data capture.

sdmaStartup() performs start-up of all capture and output tasks.

sdmaTerm() terminates the asynchronous DMA and clears the on-board fifos.

sdmaTermProcessing() terminates all processing (resets buffer queues etc.).

sdmaWaitData() waits for next input data buffer and returns a pointer.

sdmaWaitStart() waits for start command.


The following functions are provided for the command client as part of the sdmaInt library:

sdmaAbort() aborts all.

sdmaCleanup() cleanup routine to be called after abnormal termination of the acquisition process (POSIX version only).

sdmaCloseComLine() closes a connection to the command server.

sdmaComExec() starts a processing task.

sdmaConnect() reopen connection to command interpreter.

sdmaDownloadBuf() downloads a buffer as data set to the reserved memory of the processing task.

sdmaEnd() forces sets a flag for the acquisition process to transfer an intermediate result as measurement frame.

sdmaExecUsrCmd() execute an external user defined command.

sdmaExitComServer() exits the command interpreter.

sdmaGetConfig() receives the current hardware/software configuration.

sdmaGetErrPort() gets the port number of the error-stack server.

sdmaGetParam() gets a parameter value by name.

sdmaGetParamBuf() gets the parameter buffer.

sdmaGetParamSetup() receives the parameter setup.

sdmaGetStatus() receives the data capture status.

sdmaGetTime() receives the calculation and input loop times.

sdmaKill() kills the processing task.

sdmaLoadBuf() loads a buffer from file.

sdmaMclose() remove shared memory data set area.

sdmaMsync() swap shared memory datasets.

sdmaOpenComLine() opens a connection to the command server.

sdmaParamSync() performs parameter buffer swap.

sdmaPing() checks is the command interpreter is alive.

sdmaResetCnt() sets a flag for the acquisition process to reset the sum counters.

sdmaSendDynCmd() sends a dynamic command.

sdmaSetHdr() sets the DMA-interface device header on the GIGA-bus.

sdmaSetParam() sets a parameter value by name.

sdmaSetParamBuf() downloads the parameter buffer.

sdmaSetSimTime() sets the simulation interval (in ms) of the built-in simulator.

sdmaStart() starts the data acquisition.

sdmaStop() stops the data acquisition.

sdmaTimeout() sets the timeout for the command reply.

sdmaVerbose() switch verbose mode on/off.


The following functions are provided for the data client as part of the sdmaInt library:

sdmaAbortReq() aborts the current frame request.

sdmaAcceptFrame{} accepts the frame returned by sdmaWaitNextFrame. The frame is transferred and read into a buffer supplied by <frame>.

sdmaAcceptFrameN{} accepts the frame returned by sdmaWaitNextFrame. The frame is transferred and read into a buffer supplied by <frame>. The additional parameters <partNo> and <numDiv> have to be supplied to indicate that the partition number <partNo> out of <numDiv> sub-divisions of the frame has to be taken as base for the requested window.

sdmaCancelReq() aborts the current frame request, waits for the data reply and skips an eventually incoming frame.

sdmaCloseDataLine() closes a data connection to an output link process.

sdmaGetFrameNameByType() resolve frame name by specifying a type.

sdmaGetFrameTypeByName() resolve frame type by specifying a name.

sdmaGetFrameTypes() get the frame types, which are produced by the current readout mode.

sdmaOpenDataLine() opens a data connection to an output link process.

sdmaPingDataLine() checks if the data server is alive.

sdmaScale() scale frame accoring to the scale factor specified in the frame header.

sdmaSendDataRequest() sends a frame request structure to the data output server.

sdmaSkipFrame() skips the frame offered by sdmaWaitDataReply().

sdmaWaitDataReply() waits for a reply from the data output server.

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