From: A. Balestra
                                                           Date: 2007-08-19


New features (with respect to FEB2007):

- Added interface to CLIP package (SPR VLTSW20060274)
- implemented SPR VLTSW20060305
- SPR VLTSW20070119
  * RTD is checked for each exposure and started if not running 
  * Should anyway a problem in communication happen, a warning is issued, 
    no fatal error anymore

Changes (with respect to FEB2007):

- Pulpo logging improved
- SPR VLTSW20070008/VLTSW20070161 
  * All date in FITS keywords verified to be ISO-8601 compliant. This requires
    that all dbcfg files for all Paranal instruments must be replaced with the
    last archived version of each instrument module (as agreed in SCCB) in 
    order to make sure that OLDB date information is in ISO-8601 format.
  * If date in FITS keywords cannot be written in ISO-8601 format, a warning 
    is issued.
