From: S. Feyrin
                                                           Date: 20/01/2006


The JAN2006 release is an external release and it will be distributed
to consortia (CDs with OS, VLTSW sources and manuals).

The release notes for JAN2006 reflect only the move from APR2004 to 
To have a complete picture of the changes from previous releases, have a 
look at the page:

The HP-UX 11.00 requires the installation of new patches, which are 
provided on 2 CDs. They are the official annual HP patches "Support Plus",
and some additional patches that have been added at a later stage.

The Solaris SunOS 5.8 does not require any patch or change. 

For Linux, a DVD containing Scientific Linux 4.0 and VLTSW 
will be provided. 

Please follow instructions in the 
"VLT Common Software - Combined OS Installation Manual"
(VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-2238 issue 5) for HP and Sun.
The "Linux installation manual" (VLT-MAN-ESO-17200-2009 issue 4) 
is also available at the page:

Supported Platforms

               O.S.         	TORNADO           

   CCSlite  HP-UX 11.00     	2.0.2  (68k&PPC) - VxWorks 5.4
   CCSlite  Sun    5.8      	2.2.1  (68k&PPC) - VxWorks 5.5
   CCSLite  Linux SL 4.0	2.2.1  (68k&PPC) - VxWorks 5.5

   NOCCS    HP-UX 11.00     	  -          
   NOCCS    Sun    5.8      	  -         
   NOCCS    Linux SL 4.0 	  -	

Important remark on Linux: 
After the tools and the VLTSW installation, new shared libraries get 
installed in the GNU-, TCLTK-, VLTROOT. 
On Linux, the run-time linker needs to know about those shared libs. 
For this it is necessary to perform the following two steps as root:
1) add the lines
(change accordingly to your installation the paths to the "lib" 
to the file /etc/
2) run as root the command:
# ldconfig

Note that if you have a previous installation you should remove the 
entries for the previous release.


1. The compiler version has changed to gcc 3.3.4

2. tcltk: upgraded to 8.4.11; see the Release Notes for tcltk

3. VxWorks Tornado 2 : For Linux and SUN there is a new VxWorks version, 5.5. 
       HP stays with VxWorks 5.4. On Linux there is only support for VxWorks 5.5 cross 
       compiler, but no Tornado tools are available on Linux   

4. MIDAS: 05SEPpl1.2


The release will be distributed to external sites upon request.
