From: E. Allaert
                                                           Date: 27-09-2005

                 VLT-SW-JAN2006 - RELEASE NOTES FOR TCLTK

   The Tcl/Tk included with the VLT Common Software JAN2006 release
   contains the following extensions, which are upgraded with respect
   to APR2004 as indicated:
        - Tcl/Tk 8.4.11         (updated from 8.4.5)
        - [incr Tcl] 2005-03-30 (updated from 3.3)
        - iwidgets 2005-04-11   (updated from 4.0.2)
        - TclX 8.4 2005-04-26   (updated from 8.4)
        - BLT 2.4z
        - msqltcl 1.99 
        - tkimg 1.3             (updated from 1.3rc2)
        - Tktable 2.9           (updated from 2.8)
        - snack 2.2.9           (updated from 2.2.1)
        - expect 5.38
	- tcllib 1.7            (updated from 1.3)
        - tkman 2.2 
        - rman 3.1
        - expect 5.43           (updated from 5.43)
        - Sybtcl
   Several of these extensions have been patched to deal with known

   Changes (with respect to APR2004):
     - several newer versions (see above)

   New Features (with respect to APR2004):
     - as part of the new releases (see the individual manpages)
