From: S. Feyrin
                                                           Date: 20/01/2006


installation script (vltsw) :

SPRs implemented : 
- VLTSW20050241 : CCS_P library created in VLTROOT for multithreaded applications
- Suppression of unused modules in VLTROOT : CcseiDb (SPR VLTSW20040322), mod (SPR VLTSW20010445), book
- SPRs VLTSW20040373, VLTSW20040162, VLTSW20040318

VLT Makefile
vlt version is 2.215

SPRs implemented : 

- VLTSW20040074 and VLTSW20020166: static contructor and destructor for cpp lcu code implemented
- VLTSW20040260 : introduced vltPortGeneral.h containing macros of general interest
- VLTSW20020156 : introduced new vltMakefile variable MAKE_INSTALL_STOP
- VLTSW20050241 : CCS_P library for multithreaded applications
- SPRs VLTSW20040159, VLTSW20030454, VLTSW20030480, VLTSW20030488, 
  VLTSW20010720,VLSW20010002, VLTSW20020217, VLTSW20040261, VLTSW20040406

cmm version is 3.40

SPRs implemented : 

- VLTSW20050194 : cmmBranch now create timestamp in ChangeLog
- VLTSW20040244 : cmmWhat changed to simply use ident for a file
- VLTSW20000464 : new files now archived quickly
- SPRs VLTSW20040177, VLTSW20030454, VLTSW20040014, VLTSW20040233

vcc version is 2.119

SPRs implemented : 
- VLTSW20050042, VLTSW20050166 ,VLTSW20000357 ,VLTSW20020244 ,
  VLTSW20030028, VLTSW20040238, VLTSW20050187

vccmake version is 2.12 

SPRs implemented : 
- VLTSW20050306 : CcsEnvList modified to fully support WS with multiple lan interfaces, and multiple hosts on the same WS.
  The format is now:
    env_name host_name [ Env_directory ]   this last entry only for environments running on the local WS, whatever the host is.

tat version is 1.95

SPRs implemented :
- VLTSW20040140 : the outputFile is saved in .orig before being processed with sed and grep
- VLTSW20050148 : tat cleanEnv clears the LOCK.lcu file only if it belongs to user
- SPRs VLTSW20030343, VLTSW20050042, VLTSW20050196
