
							   From: A.Longinotti
                                                           Date: 25.10.2005
	VLTSW20040158 - test scripts follow new scheme, based on the env.
                        variable TARGET and on the new common test sw 
                        implemented in module insc
	VLTSW20040351 - modify bob configuration to avoid skipping WAIT on abort
	VLTSW20040352 - introduced usage of tplTry in templates
	VLTSW20040353 - run archive operations in background for IR exposures

							   From: A.Longinotti/R.Schmutzer
                                                           Date: 25.10.2005/01.12.2005

	VLTSW20040054 - icbpan reports cyclically all failing LCUs
	VLTSW20040067 - fallback init procedure documented in the ICB User Manual
	VLTSW20040128 - error handling improved if no LCU is available
	VLTSW20040176 - changed name to classes used by icbpanEntry (see below)
	VLTSW20040208 - fix bug handling EXPSTRT command
	VLTSW20040211 - error handling improved if dictionary is incomplete
	VLTSW20040262 - added support for OCS.INS1.SWSIM
	VLTSW20040275 - avoid nan value when calculating statistics
	VLTSW20040309 - added support for LOGICAl values in ic0simControl
	VLTSW20040335 - added support for assembly callback after SETUP
	VLTSW20040336 - added support for assemblies in icbpan
	VLTSW20040349 - fixed bug in icbpanEntry (cursor jumps)
	VLTSW20040376 - new configuration keyword INS.ASSEMBLYi.FITSKEY
	VLTSW20040379 - ic0ConfigSet checks for string length and truncates
	VLTSW20050065 - CN77000 problem reading values fixed.
	VLTSW20050206 - added widget icbpanGratNoOrd
	VLTSW20050242 - icbMOT_DROT: faster update rates allowed.
	VLTSW20050248 - icbLAMP: support for lamp cool-down added.
	VLTSW20050270 - icbSHUTTER updated to be used as a 'generic' device.
	VLTSW20050278 - set LCU functions and keywords tables to proper sizes.
	VLTSW20050178 - lctooTaskWakeup acknowledged too late: fixed.
	VLTSW20050328 - CN77000 serial data conversion problem fixed.

  Back Incompatibities:
	- VLTSW20040176 introduced a naming backward incompatibility:
          class icbpan::Tabnotebook was renamed to class icbpan::Icbpantabnotebook.
          class icbpan::Tabset was renamed to class icbpan::Icbpantabset.
	- VLTSW20050247: by default, FITS keyword INS.GRATi.DISP is not longer
	  reported (note that the value was anyway not correct).  Instruments
	  that need this keyword to be reported in their image headers should
	  add the necessary code to their WS ICS control process.

							   From: A.Longinotti
                                                           Date: 25.10.2005
	Added several scripts to provide common support for test procedures
        Only online documentation is available (see manpage of inscSelfTest)
        Examples of usage are available in the Template Instrument sw

							   From: E.Pozna
                                                           Date: 14.11.2005

   - VLTSW20040364 Merging of multiple files generated during one exposure 
       (e.g. in mosaic mode of IR detector). This functionality is only 
       enabled when it is configured to do so via the keyword 
       OCS.DETi.ARCMODE "MERGEALL" (default value of which is NORMAL). 
       When the requested filename (as specified by the setup by the 
       keywords OCS.DETi.IMGNAME/NAMING/IMGEXT) is not on the list of files 
       created during the exposure then a new file is created (with the specified 
       The primary HDU of this file contains the header information collected 
       from subsystems but otherwise no image data, while all the datafiles are 
       appended as extention.
       When any of the file generated during the exposure correspond to the user 
       specified imagefile name, then this file will occupy the primary HDU of the 
       final file and all the others will be appended in the order they were generated. 
   - VLTSW20040254 Sequential processing of archiver command queue is ensured.
   - VLTSW20050050 Archiver process extended with -perftest command line option 
       to log time information of the individual elements of merging.
       Debug options -v and -l of standard startup of the archiver process 
       (i.e. bossArchiver XXXX) is also supported. 
       These option are to be used only during development. 
   - VLTSW20040387 - Existance of Archiver process is checked when instrument 
       is set to ONLINE and also before the start of image taking exposures.
   - VLTSW20030523 Improved error handling is supplied for archiver queue. 
       All errors during the merging are displayed at the last WAIT -all cmd
       (i.e. errors that happen after WAIT -cond) 
   - VLTSW20040155 - Check TCS state before ONLINE command is exectuted. 
       Warning is given to 'Ignore TCS or set it to ONLINE' when it is not   
   - VLTSW20050131 - Telemetry period of FIERA is set to default  
       when STARTTL command is sent to FIERA as part of ONLINE command (see FIERA UM).  
   - VLTSW20050122 - Report the name of the sub-command failed during ONLINE command. 
      (e.g. commands STARTTM, STARTWP sent to FIERA during ONLINE) 
   - VLTSW20020714 - During the excution of EXPEND and EXPSTART commands 
      (i.e. collection of fits header from subsystems) OS checks if ICS is IDLE, 
       if not OS waits till ICS is free (i.e. not BUSY) before requesting the 
      header information.)  
   - VLTSW20050161 - Collect all available headers should error happen after 
      image has been generated 
   - VLTSW20050161 - Execution of command END is allowed in STANDBY state.	
   - Default debug level is set to 0 (generating no output on stdout). 
   - VLTSW20050140 - Allow filenames starting with letter (fiera).
   - VLTSW20030437 - Retrieve cause of the error on detector if the exposure failes. 
   - VLTSW20040081 - Do not reset instrument mode when state of (not related) 
	             subsystem changes. 	
   Back incompatibilities:
    - In the configuration of the instrument  the keyword OCS.INS*.DBSUBST
      must be supplied for special or second ICS subsystems denoting the  
      the database address of the substate of the instrument. (VLTSW20020714) 
      Without setting the configuration correct the OS will not start up 
      (use boss 1.153 to ignore false databse settings) !
      Note that problem can accoure due to bad OCS.INS*.DBROOT setting also.  
    - Applications using SyncReply without proper message buffer handling 
      or proper error handling could fail. (see VLTSW20050337 and boss UM 
      for more details). Applicatins encounter such problems should improve 
      message handling or apply boss 1.153.
   Known limitation: 
    - Parallel exposures (OS/SOS) are not supported (and it is not forseen to be 
      supported) Simultaneous exposures can be achieved via semiparallel exposures 
      issuing two consequent start command  (see manual for more details)    

    For more information on changes and new features see new version of document 
    BOSS User Manual, VLT-MAN-ESO-17240-2265 , JAN2006.

							   From: E.Pozna
                                                           Date: 14.11.2005

    - VLTSW20050050 ixacTIMER_LOGS updated to show CPU times.

	                                                   From: E.Pozna
                                                           Date: 14.11.2005

    - VLTSW20050208 ibacLog updated with timestamp. Default verbose level 
       is set to 0. Added new functions to show wether logging and verbose 
       is switched on (ibacIsLog,ibacIsVerbose )

							   From:  M.Nylund
                                                           Date: 30.09.2005 

	 VLTSW20030340 - New utility "oslxCatFits" to reshuffle keywords orders in FITS 
                         header file.
	 VLTSW20040319 - Oslx users have a possibility to allocate the space for the 
                         primary header. The user will be informed by a warning if the 
                         primary header does not have enough space allocated. 
	 VLTSW20040355 - Command syntax for oslxReadPixels is updated.
	 VLTSW20040375 - Supporting long keyword string values for configuration keywords.
	 VLTSW20050136 - oslxFITS_EXT methods are added to the oslxSERVER.
	 VLTSW20050173 - SLX can be used by LCU applications.
	 VLTSW20050188 - The maximum number of configuration keywords are increased from 
                         4092 to 8191.

  Caution (for all releases):
 	- Dynamic buffer has to be initialized before it is used and 
          reset before it goes out of scope. e.g.:
          slxDYN_BUF dynBuf;slxInitDynBuf(&dynBuf,&error);...;slxResetDynBuf(&dynBuf,&error);
        - The first argument of 'slxLoadFile' always has to be supplied as slxFILENAME, 
          as it is both input and output parameter.

                                                            From: D.Popovic
                                                            Date: 04.10.2005 

	VLTSW20050294 - tplOBS: Methods AddFits, ExpoId, InsMode added.
	  		tplLib: Method  tplMsgCall:  added.
	  		New methods: tplNew, tplIncr, tplNext, tplDebug.
	VLTSW20050224 - tplOBS: New method PauseTimeout.
	VLTSW20050250 - tplTCS: Method CheckVignetting added
	VLTSW20050181 - tplDR: Addition of deafult parameter in method TFocus.
	VLTSW20050182 - Added TSF report tool.
	VLTSW20050150 - tplFITS: New class to access FITS file header.
	  		tpl library: tplMakeRefFile, tplMsgCall and tplLog* procedures added.
			tpl library: tplSeeVars procedure added.
	VLTSW20040270 - tplLib created.
	VLTSW20040353 - tplOBS: added waitArgs to method ExposeDark.
	VLTSW20040277 - tplTCS: Addition of '-' in front of timeout in calls to 
			seq_msgRecvReply.  Timeout added to Wait method.
		      - tplOBS: Added wait arguments to method Expose.
	VLTSW20040083 - tplOBS: Corrected parameters of COMMENT command in method 
			Comment (bug fix).
	VLTSW20040052 - tplICS: Addition of IsLcuSimulated proc.
	VLTSW20040085 - tplOBS: Optional parameters added to method Wait.
                  	Support for "-all" parameter in method Wait.
	VLTSW20030481 - tplOBS: Additional parameters in methods Start and Wait.
                  	New method Integrate.
	VLTSW20040156 - tplUIF.tcl: Added support for tat tests. 

TPLTOO:							   From: R.Schmutzer
							   Date: 01.12.2005

	VLTSW20030499 - tpltooObdBuild: use tsf VALUE instead of TEST.VALUE.
	VLTSW20040289 - tpltooObdBuild: allow setting OBS.* keywords.
	VLTSW20050185 - tpltooObdBuild did not allow repetition of templates: fixed.
		      - TSF report tool added.

CTOO:							   From: R.Schmutzer
							   Date: 01.12.2005

	VLTSW20030514 - ctooConfigArchive: adapted to Linux.
	VLTSW20040183 - abort boot if .dbcfg contains an error.
	VLTSW20040290 - ctooCONFIG.tcl: method Delete added.
	VLTSW20050001 - ctooSEQSH.C: optional constructor args. added.
	VLTSW20050287 - env. name added to cache filename.

							   From: D.Popovic
                                                           Date: 04.10.2005

        VLTSW20030458 - stooStop and stooStart pop up confirmation dialog
          		if they are called without arguments in order to prevent
          		unintentional starting/stopping of the complete instrument.
        VLTSW20040135 - ICS simulation keyword SWSIM accepts values NONE and NORMAL
        VLTSW20030498 - DCS can be excluded from startup panel if OCS.DETi.STOOSHOW == F.
        VLTSW20030394 - Startup panel support for 'SOS' based instruments.
        VLTSW20040320 - New kw for FIERA image directory OCS.DETi.IMGDIR specifies
			where image data should be stored.
        VLTSW20050180 - Addition of keyword OCS.CON.AVAIL that specifies if OS exists
			or not.
        VLTSW20050111, VLTSW20050159 - Support for multiple and different ICS's.

                                                           From: D.Popovic
                                                           Date: 04.10.2005

	- dxfORGCALL structure extended for better handling of timeouts in dxfSendData.

                                                           From: D.Popovic
                                                           Date: 04.10.2005

 No Changes.

                                                           From: D.Popovic
                                                           Date: 04.10.2005

	- Improved error reporting, __FILE__ replaced with __FILE_LINE__.
