From: P. Duhoux
                                                           Date: 2006-11-30


       I _ SOFTWARE

       The new CCD version 7.17 is only to be run using the BSPs
       provided by the module vltVXWORKS 3.18 or above.

       All the changes are restricted to the support of the new controllers.

       The major changes or improvements are:
       1 - clock patterns for E2V CCD57-10 and CCD47-20 chips:
           CCD47-20: CTE problem fixed
                     Window readout horizontal jitter fixed
                     Binning factors 2 and 4 implemented
                     1 or 2 windows supported
           CCD57-10: Corrupted lines in 2 Window readout fixed
                     Binning factor 4 horizontal fixed

           For each chip, 3 dedicated patterns have been created and
           are available via the configuration files:

           * ccdTecE2V[45]7.dbcfg: User configuration
                                   Image area only [512x512] resp. [1024x1024]
           * ccdTecE2V[45]7_ENG.dbcfg: Engineering configuration
                                   Raw Image [562x528] resp. [1074x1032]
                                   including pre- and overscan pixels and rows
           * ccdTecE2V[45]7_LAB.dbcfg: Laboratory configuration
                                   Raw Image [564x532] resp. [1076x1032]
                                   including pre- and overscan pixels and rows
                                   and 1 additional pixel/row on each output
                                   and 4 additional rows

       2 - Readout sequence:
           The readout sequence as part of the embedded code running
           on the 2 DSPs has been made more robust when the DMA transfer
           to the host LCU fails.
           As implemented on the 'old' systems, the readout data stream
           is prefixed by the description of the data organization.
           This data is used on the LCU to re-order the pixels depending
           on the setup (windowing, outputs).
           The 2 window readout mode is now fully supported with this new 
           readout scheme. The 2 windows shall not overlap.
           As well binning factors 1, 2 or 4 are fully supported for the
           standard chips CCD47 and CCD57.
           NB: Binning and Windowing is not supported yet.

       3 - Temperature monitoring
           The only flag indicating the CCD chip temperature consists
           in 2 bits which combination informs about the cooling status
           of the chip. This flag is monitored once per minute or at
           completion of each readout.
           If the temperature is detected as incorrect for more than 5
           minutes, the CCD software state is deprecated to STANDBY.
           The Peltier cooler is then switched off.
       4 - High level readout handling:
           The readout process can be driven either by PCI interrupt
           asserted on DMA completion or by polling.
           The global variable 'ccdrdbEPI' allows to select the mode.
           However, it was observed that the interrupt handling
           mechanism on the MVME2604 and MVME2700 CPU boards is not
           fully reliable. Therefore it is strongly recommended to set
           the variable 'ccdrdbEPI' to 0 from within the userScript.
           For the CPU board VSBC6847, this variable shall be set to 2.

       5 - Setting the bias voltage offsets
           Since the telemetry part is not yet implemented, the only 2
           quantities that can be dynamically set for a chip are the 2 bias
           voltage offsets for the 2 outputs __L and __R.
           Eventhough these voltages had been once tuned it may happen
           that these levels are too high. In this case, it is suggested
           to set these values from within the userScript to the new ones.
           NB: this mechanism is for the time being necessary in any case
           when the chip is not a CCD57-10.
           (see also ccd.boot).

       6 - New panel ccdCtrlNB
           This new engineering panel has been developed for usage
           from a Laptop. It size allows to display the whole panel 
           on a [1024x768] screen.

       7 - Bootscript
           In order to install the corresponding driver for the new
           controllers, the 2 entries 'arcdrv' and 'b016' shall be
           added to the module list.


       The new controllers do not require any longer the former
       LIB/LAB boards.
       A PMC [ref. ARC78] is to be inserted in the PMC slot of the CPU board.
       For MVME2604 and MVME2700, the Supply Voltage reference pin is
       to be removed from the board. There is not HW danger to do so
       as the PMC is 5V compliant.

       From the PMC, there are 2 fibers that connect to the controller.
       When the controller is switched on, the small Red LED (located
       between the FO connectors) shall be switched off. If not, the
       2 fibers shall be swapped.
       The Green LED shall always be switched on.


       In case of hangup of the system, it is mandatory to power cycle
       the controller as weel to reboot the LCU. This problem is known
       and a solution is being worked out.

       IV - CAUTION

       Both the PMC and the controller connectors are highly sensitive
       to electrostatic shocks. Be aware to carry the appropriate
       protection equipment when manipulating these items.

       NEVER  connect the 2 head cables coming from the controller together.
       ALWAYS connect the 2 head cables coming from the head when
              disconnected from the controller.
