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VLT Software Documentation


Manpage of vltDirectoryStructure


Section: File Formats (5)
Updated: 08/06/11-09:07
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    vltDirectoryStructure - VLT Software standard directory structures



This man-page is part of the VLT Programming Standard and supersedes app.C
pag.59 of VLT Programming Standard (VLT-PRO-ESO-10000-0228 - 1.0 10/03/93)

The following areas are defined:
         - module development area (MODROOT)
         - integration area        (INTROOT)
         - VLT System area         (VLTROOT)
         - data area               (VLTDATA)

For each area a set of standard subdirectories is defined. The subdirectories
are named consistently, so no matter the area, they contain always the same
type(s) of files. The standardized subdirectory names are:

      ALARMS = Alarm Definition File (<mod>_ALARMS)
 ALARMS/HELP = Alarm Help Files (<modAlarmMnemonic>.hlp
         CDT = Command Definition Table (<process>.cdt)
         CIT = Command Interpreter Table (<process>.cit)
ENVIRONMENTS = one subdirectory for each ws or lcu environment
      ERRORS = Error Definition (<mod>_ERRORS) and index (<mod>_ERRORS.IDX)
 ERRORS/HELP = Error Help Files (<modErrorMnemonic>.hlp
      System = startup/login files
     Sources = original files at installation time (to support debugging)
app-defaults = Xresource files for GUI
         bin = for executable (C, C++, scripts, tcl-scripts, panels, etc.)
    bin/$CPU = VxWorks executable (FEB99: CPU=MC68040|PPC604|MC68000|PPC603)
     bitmaps = bitmaps files used by graphical applications
      sounds = sounds files used by interactive applications
      config = configuration data files
         dbl = On-Line Database files (*.db, *.class)
         doc = documentation (User/Maintenance Manual)
         idl = Interface definition language files
     include = for ".h" files
         lib = for libraries: _ar_chive files, tcl libraries
    lib/$CPU = VxWorks libraries (FEB99: CPU=MC68040|PPC604|MC68000|PPC603)
         man = for manpages, organized in subdirectory :
                  - man1 for commands accessible by the user of the system
                  - man2 not used
                  - man3 subroutines
                  - man4 not used
                  - man5 file formats
                  - man6 not used
                  - man7 development tools
                  - man8 not used
                  - mann not used
                  - manl local man-pages
      object = output of compilation, other intermediate files (.d, .dx, etc)
         src = source files (C, C++, scripts, tcl-scripts, panels, etc)
   templates = templates for documents, source files, etc.
        test = as src, but for test software
         tmp = temporary files
          vw = sub-root for VxWorks directories (LCU applications).

Not all the subdirectories are present in all areas and may be empty.

      ALARMS =     *         *                      *
 ALARMS/HELP =     *         *                      *
         CDT =     *         *                      *
         CIT =     *                   *                       *
      ERRORS =     *         *                      *
        LOGS =     *         *                      *
 ERRORS/HELP =     *         *                      *
ENVIRONMENTS =                                                             *
      System =                                      *
     Sources =               *         *
app-defaults =     *         *                      *
         bin =     *         *         *            *          *
 bin/MC68000 =                         *                       *
 bin/MC68040 =                         *                       *
 bin/PPC603  =                         *                       *
 bin/PPC604  =                         *                       *
 bin/PPC32   =                         *                       *
      bitmaps =     *         *                      *
      sounds =     *         *                      *
      config =     *         *                      *                      *
         doc =     *
         dbl =     *         *         *            *          *
         idl =     *         *         *            *          *
     include =     *         *         *            *          *
         lib =     *         *         *            *          *
 lib/MC68000 =                         *                       *
 lib/MC68040 =                         *                       *
 lib/PPC603  =                         *                       *
 lib/PPC604  =                         *                       *
 lib/PPC32   =                         *                       *
         man =     *         *         *            *          *
      object =     *
         src =     *
        test =     *
   templates =                                      *
         tmp =     *                                                       *
          vw =     *         *                      *



It is the area where the code of a module is developed and test and is
under the responsibility of a developer.
Development areas can be created on any machine and in multiple copies.

The root directory of each area is called module root. The command
 'setmod' allows you to set the environmental variable MODROOT and to
add MODROOT/bin to PATH).

There are two types of module structure:

  - simple : the module has code only for one type of operating system.


  - complex: the module is splitted in complementary parts among two or more
             operating system. At present, the following cases are defined:

                 <ws>   HP or Sun workstation running  UNIX
                 <lcu>  Local Control Unit    running  VxWorks
                 <ace>  Transputer boaeds     running  OCCAM software

             Complex modules are organized as one complete subdirectory tree
             for each implementation:

                        |         |------src/
                        |         |------...

Any activity in the development area of a module shall be based on the
standard structure and all paths shall be relative to the module root.

No reference to such areas can be made from other modules.

Each area (MODROOT: <mod>, <mod>/ws, <mod>/lcu) has the the following
subdirectory tree:

           |------src/                       <------ MANDATORY
           |         |------Makefile         <------ MANDATORY
           |         |------aaaa.c
           |         |------bbb.c
           |         |------xxxx.c
           |         |------script1
           |         |------   .
           |         |------mod.h
           |         |------modPrivate.h
           |         |------modErrors.h
           |         |------   .
           |         |------modClass1.class
           |         |------   .
           |         |------modBranch.db
           |         |------   .
           |         |------XapplName
           |         |------   .
           |         |------rightArrow
           |         |------leftArrow
           |         |------   .
           |         |
           |         |
           |         |------   .
           |         |------modProc1.cdt
           |         |------   .
           |         |------modProc1.cit
           |         |------   .
           |         |------mod_ALARMS
           |         |---HELP/
           |                 |---modXXXXXXX.hlp
           |                 |---   .
           |         |------mod_ERRORS
           |         |------modERRORS.IDX
           |         |---HELP/
           |                 |---modINVACCC.hlp
           |                 |---   .
           |         |------mod_LOGS
           |         |------modLOGS.IDX
           |         |------mod....
           |         |------  .
           |         |------aaaa.o
           |         |------aaaa.d
           |         |------   .
           |         |------bbb.o
           |         |------bbb.d
           |         |------llll.da
           |         |------xxxx.dx
           |         |------   .
           |         |------xxxx
           |         |------script1
           |         |------   .
           |         |
           |         |------libllll.a
           |         |------   .
           |         |
           |         |------aaaa.idl
           |         |------   .
           |         |------man1/
           |         |          |------llll.1
           |         |          |------script1.1
           |         |          |------xxxx.1
           |         |                   .
           |         |------man3/   .
           |         |          |------aaaa.3
           |         |          |------bbb-1.3
           |         |          |------bbb-2.3
           |         .          |------  .
           |         .
           |         |------mann/
           |         |
           |         |------llll.text
           |         |        .
           |         |------Makefile         <------ MANDATORY
           |         |------yyyy.c
           |         |------scriptXxxx
           |         |------   .
                     |------ ....

REMARK: any modification to the shown structure shall be documented
        in the Maintenance Manual.



it is an intermediate area, shared among a group of developers,
where to install (from the development areas) the module code in
order to perform the integration activities.

Integration areas are defined only on development computers.
It is possible to have many VLT System areas but only one at time can
be active: the one defined in the environmental variable $INTROOT.

In integration areas only and to allow debugging, special directories,
namely $INTROOT/Sources and $INTROOT/vw/Sources, are storing the sources files
of the module currently installed in the $INTROOT.
When "make install" is issued and INTROOT is defined, vltMakefile copies:

 ..../<mod-i>/src/*      --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/src/*
 ..../<mod-i>/test/*     --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/test/*
 ..../<mod-i>/include/*  --copied into-->  $INTROOT/(vw/)Sources/<mod-i>/include/*

where <mod-i> can be the module name or  <mod>/ws, <mod>/lcu, etc.

           |         |---HELP/
           |         |---HELP/
           |         |-----man1/
           |         |-----man2/
           |         |-----..../
           |         |----mod1/
           |         |        |----src/
           |         |        |----include/
           |         |        |----test/
           |         |----mod2/
           |         |        |----ws/
           |         |        |      |----src/
           |         |        |      |----include/
           |         |        |      |----test/
           |         |        |----lcu/
           |         |               |----src/
           |         |               |----include/
           |         |               |----test/
           |         |
           |         |----..../
                 |         |-----MC68000
                 |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----MC68040
                 |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC603
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC604
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC32
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----MC68000
                 |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----MC68040
                 |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC603
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC604
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC32
                 |                   |----..../
                 |         |-----man1/
                 |         |-----man2/
                 |         |----..../
                 |         |----mod1/
                 |         |----mod2-lcu/
                 |         |----..../



contains software that has been officially released (i.e., coming
from the the archive).

At least one VLT System area is defined on each computer, both on target
and development ones. (TBD whether to use physical copies or remote
access via NFS).

It is possible to have many VLT System areas but only one at time can
be active: the one defined in the environmental variable $VLTROOT.

           |         |---HELP/
           |         |---HELP/
           |         |-----man1/
           |         |----- .
           |     |------BOOT/
           |     |------CIT/
           |     |------bin/
           |     |         |-----MC68000
           |     |         |         |----..../
           |     |         |-----MC68040
           |     |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC603
                 |         |         |----..../
           |     |         |-----PPC604
           |     |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC32
                 |                   |----..../
           |     |------include/
           |     |------dbl/
           |     |------lib/
           |     |         |-----MC68000
           |     |         |         |----..../
           |     |         |-----MC68040
           |     |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC603
                 |         |         |----..../
           |     |         |-----PPC604
           |     |         |         |----..../
                 |         |-----PPC32
                 |                   |----..../
           |     |------man/
           |     |         |-----man1/
           |     .         |-----.



The environmental variables shall be defined as the root directory of:
        $MODROOT        the development area where you are now working
        $INTROOT        the integration area currently in use
        $VLTROOT        the VLT SW root currently in use

      can be dinamically set using the command 'setmod'
      should be defined at login time by one of your startup files using:
        - for c/tc shell:         setenv INTROOT <directory>
        - for Bourne/Korn shell:  INTROOT=<directory>; export INTROOT

      should be defined at login time by the system startup files (cshrc, etc.)

The hierarchy in using files is: development, integration, system
and is obtained using the following search paths:
search path
 for commands:  $MODROOT/bin     $INTROOT/bin     $VLTROOT/bin
 for .h files:  $MODROOT/include $INTROOT/include $VLTROOT/include
 for libxxx.a:  $MODROOT/lib     $INTROOT/lib     $VLTROOT/lib

The same hierarchy (development, integration, system) applies for data files,
like ERRORS, HELP, etc.

The 'make install' command always copies files from the current area
to either the integration area (if INTROOT is defined) or the system area.

 during development:
    - INTROOT is defined (normally in the .cshrc.local) and 'make install'
      is issued from $MODROOT/src. So, files are taken from the current
      module and installed in the integration area.

 during installation:
    - only VLTROOT is defined. So, files are copied into the VLT System area.

Each release of a software module can be in only one of the following status:

        the sw is tested locally to the development area.

        the active part of the sw, i.e., executable, libraries, headers,
        manpages, etc., is copied ('make install') from the development area
        to the integration area, therefore it is available to everybody that
        is making reference to that integration area.

        the software has past the acceptance test and then all the files
        forming the module are moved from the development area to the archive.

A release of a software module is INSTALLED when the active part of the sw has
been copied in the VLTROOT area following the installation procedure, as from
the Module User Manual.



There are three main aspects related to security: backup, editing
and protection.

Regular backup shall be provided at system level at least for:
    - archive
    - development areas
    - data files under root.

changes can be made only in development areas. Except for
data files, changes on archive or root files are not permitted.

It is based on the standard UNIX file protection system (using
username and permission bits):

- directories are open for read and write.

- files are readable from everybody, but writable only from the
username that performed the 'make install' (*)

- data files shall be protected or not, according to the need.

Being based on the UNIX protection, all the command to override
such system (su, chmod, etc.) are valid and can be used. Be careful
when you step out of the defined system!

(*)  this implies that a modification can be done only by the
developer responsible for a module. So, if during integration you
discover an error in somebody else software, you should pass this
information to him, so it can be fixed, or, if you can fix it and
you need it urgently, fix the problem in a local copy and send it to
him so local test can be repeated before installation to integration
area. Do to the hierarchy in the search paths your local copy will
have the precedence. When the problem is fixed in the integration
area (or in the root area), remember to delete your local copy.



Some general considerations:

- do not make copies from the root or from the integration into your
development area of software that is not in the scope of the module
you are developing. The local copy will override new versions
eventually made available in the root or in integration.
(see above for exception).

- for the same reason, do not copy from root in the integration area
software that is not in the scope of what you are integrating (unless
you need a version of a software that is older respect the one now
available in the root).




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