namespace urn:schemas-eso-org:BulkDataNTSender:1.0

Element Summary


Complex Type Summary
allocationSettings Resource allocation settings.  
asynchronousPublisherQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy is used to enable or disable asynchronous publishing and asynchronous batch flushing for the Publisher. 
availabilityQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>>  
builtinTopicReaderResourceLimits<<RTI Extension>> Built-in topic reader's resource limits. 
channelSettings Type used to configure the properties of a channel.  
channelSettingsSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different ChannelSettings_t entities.  
databaseQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> The DATABASE QoS policy configures the internal "database" (thread and data structures) used by RTI Data Distribution Service to hold information about locally created DDS entities and remote entities that are discovered through the discovery process.  
dataReaderProtocolQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> Protocol that applies only to DataReader instances.  
datareaderQos QoS policies related to DataReaders.  
datareaderQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to DataReaders.  
datareaderQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to DataReaders.  
dataReaderResourceLimitsQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> Resource limits that apply only to DataReader instances.  
dataWriterBatchQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy can be used to decrease the amount of communication overhead associated with the transmission and (in the case of reliable communication) acknowledgement of small samples in order to increase throughput.  
dataWriterProtocolQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> Protocol that applies only to DataWriter instances.  
datawriterQos QoS policies related to DataWriters.  
datawriterQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to DataWriters.  
datawriterQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to DataWriters.  
dataWriterResourceLimitsQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> Resource limits that apply only to DataWriter instances.  
deadlineQosPolicyOn a DataWriter, this QoS policy states the maximum period in which the application expects to call write() on the DataWriter, thus publishing a new sample. 
destinationOrderQosPolicy This policy controls how each subscriber resolves the final value of a data instance that is written by multiple DataWriters.  
discoveryConfigQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The DISCOVERY_CONFIG QoS policy is used to tune the discovery process. 
discoveryQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> The DISCOVERY QoS configures how DomainParticipants discover each other on the network.  
domainparticipantfactoryQos QoS policies related to DomainParticipantFactory.  
domainparticipantfactoryQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to DomainParticipantFactory.  
domainparticipantfactoryQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to DomainParticipantFactory.  
domainparticipantQos QoS policies related to DomainParticipants.  
domainparticipantQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to DomainParticipants.  
domainparticipantQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to DomainParticipants.  
domainParticipantResourceLimitsQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The DOMAIN_PARTICIPANT_RESOURCE_LIMITS QoS policy configures the resources used by a DomainParticipant. 
domainParticipantWireProtocolQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The WIRE_PROTOCOL QoS policy configures some Real-Time Publish Subscribe (RTPS) protocol-related properties for the DomainParticipant. 
durabilityQosPolicy The Durability QoS policy controls whether or not, and how, published samples are stored by the DataWriter application for DataReaders that are found after the samples were initially written.  
durabilityServiceQosPolicy This QoS policy is only used if the DURABILITY QoS policy is PERSISTENT or TRANSIENT and you are using RTI Persistence Service, an optional product which may be purchased separately.  
duration Time specified in seconds and nanoseconds  
durationAuto Time specified in seconds and nanoseconds  
encapsulationIdSeq Declares a sequence of encapsulations.  
endpointGroup Endpoint groups are identified by a role_name and a quorum_count.  
endpointGroupSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different EndpointGroup_t entities.  
entityFactoryQosPolicy The Entity Factory QoS policy is a mechanism whereby a user can indicate whether entities should be automatically enabled upon creation by their factory or whether enabling should be deferred to a later time of the user's own choosing.  
entityNameQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The purpose of this QoS is to allow the user to attach naming information to created Entity objects. 
eventQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The EVENT QoS policy configures the internal RTI Data Distribution Service Event thread. 
exclusiveAreaQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy controls the creation and use of Exclusive Areas. 
groupDataQosPolicyThis QoS policy provides an area where your application can store additional information related to the Publisher and Subscriber. 
historyQosPolicy This QoS policy configures the number of samples that RTI Data Distribution Service will store locally for DataWriters and DataReaders.  
inetAddressSeq A sequence of elements with valid IP addresses.  
latencyBudgetQosPolicy This QoS policy is used to suggest the maximum acceptable delay that is acceptable between when data is written and when data is received.  
lifespanQosPolicyThe purpose of this QoS is to avoid delivering stale data to the application. 
livelinessQosPolicyThe LIVELINESS QoS policy specifies how RTI Data Distribution Service determines whether a DataWriter is "alive". 
loggingQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> The Logging QoS policy configures the NDDS Config Logger.  
multiChannelQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy is used to partition the data published by a DataWriter across multiple channels . 
nonNegativeIntegerSeq A sequence of elements of non-negative integers  
ownershipQosPolicyThe OWNERSHIP QoS policy specifies whether a DataReader will see changes to an instance of a Topic from multiple DataWriters. 
ownershipStrengthQosPolicy The OWNERSHIP_STRENGTH QoS policy is used to rank DataWriters of the same instance of a Topic, so that RTI Data Distribution Service can decide which DataWriter will have ownership of the instance when the OWNERSHIP QoS policy (Section 6.5.13) is set to EXCLUSIVE.  
partitionQosPolicyThe PARTITION QoS provides another way to control which DataWriters will match and thus communicate with which DataReaders. 
presentationQosPolicy Since data samples are sent independently over networks that may deliver packets out of order, the PRESENTATION QoS policy allows you to control how a Subscriber sorts and orders the received samples in the DataReader's queue.  
propertyQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The PROPERTY QoS policy can be used to associate a set of properties in the form of (name,value) pairs with a DataReader, DataWriter, or DomainParticipant. 
propertyValue Properties are name/value pairs objects.  
propertyValueSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different Property_t entities.  
publisherQos QoS policies related to Publishers.  
publisherQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to Publishers.  
publisherQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to Publishers.  
publishModeQosPolicyThis QoS policy determines the DataWriter's publishing mode, either asynchronous or synchronous. 
qosLibraryThe Qos Library provides a way to group a set of related QoS under a namespace. 
qosProfile A QoS profile groups a set of related QoS.  
readerDataLifecycleQosPolicy This policy controls the behavior of the DataReader with regards to the lifecycle of the data instances it manages, that is, the data instances that have been received and for which the DataReader maintains some internal resources.  
receiverPoolQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> The RECEIVER_POOL QoS policy configures the internal RTI Data Distribution Service thread used to process the data received from a transport.  
reliabilityQosPolicy This RELIABILITY QoS policy determines whether or not data published by a DataWriter will be reliably delivered by RTI Data Distribution Service to matching DataReaders.  
resourceLimitsQosPolicyThe RESOURCE_LIMITS QoS policy controls the memory resources that RTI Data Distribution Service allocates and uses for DataWriter or DataReader. 
rtpsReliableReaderProtocolQoS related to reliable reader protocol defined in RTPS. 
rtpsReliableWriterProtocolQoS related to the reliable writer protocol defined in RTPS. 
rtpsWellKnownPortsRTPS well-known port mapping configuration. 
sequenceNumber Sequence number specified in high and low, or as a 64-bit decimal value  
stringSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different xs:string.  
subscriberPresentationQosPolicy Since data samples are sent independently over networks that may deliver packets out of order, the PRESENTATION QoS policy allows you to control how a Subscriber sorts and orders the received samples in the DataReader's queue.  
subscriberQos QoS policies related to Subscribers.  
subscriberQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to Subscribers.  
subscriberQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to Subscribers.  
threadSettings The properties of a thread of execution.  
timeBasedFilterQosPolicy This TIME_BASED_FILTER QoS policy allows you to specify that data should not be delivered more than once per-specified period for each data instance, regardless of how fast DataWriters are publishing new samples of the data instance.  
topicDataQosPolicyThis QoS policy provides an area where your application can store additional information related to the Topic. 
topicQos QoS policies related to Topics.  
topicQosProfile This profile groups the QoS policies related to Topics.  
topicQosProfileChild This profile groups the QoS policies related to Topics.  
transportBuiltinQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The TRANSPORT_BUILTIN QoS policy specifies which built-in transports can be used by the DomainParticipant. 
transportEncapsulationQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy allows you to associate encapsulation formats to transport destinations.  
transportEncapsulationSettings Type representing a list of transport encapsulations associated to a set of transports.  
transportEncapsulationSettingsSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different TransportEncapsulationSettings_t entities.  
transportMulticastMapping Type representing a list of addresses associeted with a topic expression.  
transportMulticastMappingFunction Type representing a function defined into an external library.  
transportMulticastMappingQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The MULTICAST_MAPPING QoS policy allows you to specify a list of multicast addresses to be used by DataReaders for receiving messages. 
transportMulticastMappingSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different TransportMulticast_t entities.  
transportMulticastQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> This QoS policy allows you to specify network multicast addresses to be used by DataWriters when sending data samples to this DataReader.  
transportMulticastSettingsType representing a list of multicast locators. 
transportMulticastSettingsSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different TransportMulticastSettings_t entities.  
transportPriorityQosPolicy The TRANSPORT_PRIORITY QoS policy allows the user application to take advantage of transports that are capable of sending messages with different priorities.  
transportSelectionQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>> The TRANSPORT_SELECTION QoS policy allows you to select the transports that have been installed with the DomainParticipant to be used by the DataWriter or DataReader.  
transportUnicastQosPolicy<<RTI Extension>> The TRANSPORT_UNICAST QoS policy allows you to specify unicast network addresses to be used by DomainParticipant, DataWriters and DataReaders for receiving messages. 
transportUnicastSettingsType representing a list of unicast locators. 
transportUnicastSettingsSeq Declares a sequence of elements, which correspond to different TransportUnicastSettings_t entities.  
typeSupportQosPolicy <<RTI Extension>>  
userDataQosPolicyThis QoS policy provides an area where your application can store additional information related to a DomainParticipant, DataWriter, or DataReader. 
virtualGuidThe virtual GUID (Global Unique Identifier). 
writerDataLifecycleQosPolicyThis QoS policy determines if the DataWriter will dispose an instance when it is unregistered. 


Simple Type Summary
boolean <xs:boolean>  
byteData<xs:string> Uses a byte-oriented encoding wich successive bytes separates by comma and each byte represented either using a decimal or hexadecimal notation. 
elementBaseName <xs:string> A QoS Profile can inherit its values from other QoS Profiles described in the XML file using this attribute.  
elementName <xs:string> Name that uniquely identifies this element.  
entityName <xs:string> It can only be 255 characters in length.  
inetAddress A valid IP address  
integer <xs:integer>  
integer_RTPS_AUTO_ID <RTPS_AUTO_ID|xs:string>  
nonNegativeInteger <xs:nonNegativeInteger>  
nonNegativeInteger_Duration_NSEC <DURATION_INFINITE_NSEC|DURATION_ZERO_NSEC|xs:nonNegativeInteger>  
nonNegativeInteger_Duration_SEC <DURATION_INFINITE_SEC|DURATION_ZERO_SEC|xs:nonNegativeInteger>  
nonNegativeInteger_DurationAuto_SEC <DURATION_INFINITE_SEC|DURATION_ZERO_SEC|DURATION_AUTO_SEC|xs:nonNegativeInteger>  
nonNegativeInteger_UNLIMITED <LENGTH_UNLIMITED|xs:nonNegativeInteger>  
positiveInteger <xs:positiveInteger>  
positiveInteger_UNLIMITED <LENGTH_UNLIMITED|xs:positiveInteger>  
propertyName <xs:string> The name of the Property.  
roleName <xs:string> It can only be 255 characters in length.  
string <xs:string>  
string_GUID_AUTO <GUID_AUTO|xs:string>  
topicNameFilter <xs:string> RTI Data Distribution Service will select a QoS based on the evaluation of this filter expression on the topic name.  
transportBuiltinKindMask<UDPv4|UDPv6|SHMEM|MASK_DEFAULT|MASK_NONE|MASK_ALL> [|<UDPv4|UDPv6|SHMEM>| ... 

Schema urn:schemas-eso-org:BulkDataNTSender:1.0 Description


By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.

By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

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