namespace urn:schemas-cosylab-com:HierarchicalComponent:1.0

Element Summary
HierarchicalComponentThis element describes the hierarchy of Components, with a root Component and a set of children. 


Complex Type Summary
ComponentInfoSpecification for a Component to be instantiated at the in the system. 

Schema urn:schemas-cosylab-com:HierarchicalComponent:1.0 Description


By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.

By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

This schema file allows to specify in a single CDB file a whole hierarchy of Components. 
This structure gives an advantage when we are 
dealing with true hierarchical component that must be deployed always 
In this way one single file is sufficient to 
describe the deployment of the whole hierarchy. 
For more details, in particular with respect to the various 
option to describe Components configuration,  
see the ACS CDB documentation and the 
FAQ FAQHierarchicalComponentsAndCDBStructure in the ACS Wiki.

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