namespace urn:schemas-cosylab-com:BACI:1.0



Complex Type Summary
CharacteristicComponentSchema for CharacteristicComponents. 
CharacteristicModelBase schema for all BACI objects with configuration stored in the CDB 
PdoubleBase schema for Double Properties 
Pdouble_Restriction step of Double Property definition. 
PdoubleSeqBase schema for a property representing a sequence of Double values. 
PdoubleSeq_Restriction step of Double Sequence Property definition. 
PEnumBase schema for Enumeration Properties 
PEnum_Restriction step of Enum Property definition. 
PfloatBase schema for Float Properties 
Pfloat_Restriction step of Float Property definition. 
PfloatSeqBase schema for a property representing a sequence of Float values. 
PfloatSeq_Restriction step of Float Sequence Property definition. 
PlongBase schema for Long Properties 
Plong_Restriction step of Long Property definition. 
PlongLongBase schema for Long Long Property 
PlongLong_Restriction step of Long Long Property definition. 
PlongSeqBase schema for a property representing a sequence of Long values. 
PlongSeq_Restriction step of Long Sequence Property definition. 
Ppatternpattern stands for an unsigned long long. 
Ppattern_Restriction step of Pattern Property definition. 
PropertyBase schema for the configuration database of all properties 
PstringBase schema for String Properties 
Pstring_Restriction step of String Property definition. 
PstringSeqBase schema for a property representing a sequence of String values. 
PstringSeq_Restriction step of String Sequence Property definition. 
PuLongLongBase schema for Unsigned Long Long Properties 
PuLongLong_Restriction step of Unsigned Long Long Property definition. 
ROdoubleRead Only Double Property 
ROdoubleSeqRead Only sequence of Double values. 
ROEnumRead Only Enumeration Property. 
ROfloatRead Only Float Property 
ROfloatSeqRead Only sequence of Float values. 
ROlongRead Only Long Property 
ROlongLongRead Only Long Long Property 
ROlongSeqRead Only sequence of Long values. 
ROpatternRead Only pattern property 
ROstringRead Only String Property 
ROstringSeqRead Only sequence of String values. 
ROuLongLongRead Only Unsigned Long Long Property 
RWdoubleRead Write Double Property 
RWdoubleSeqRead Write sequence of Double values. 
RWEnumRead Write Enumeration Property. 
RWfloatRead Write Float Property 
RWfloatSeqRead Write sequence of Float values. 
RWlongRead Write Long Property 
RWlongLongRead Write Long Long Property 
RWlongSeqRead Write sequence of Long values. 
RWpatternRead Write Pattern Property 
RWstringRead Write String Property 
RWuLongLongRead Write Unsigned Long Long Property 
TypelessPropertyDefines Characteristics common to all properties, independently from their type 

Schema urn:schemas-cosylab-com:BACI:1.0 Description


By default, local element declarations belong to this schema's target namespace.

By default, local attribute declarations have no namespace.

This schema describes the Configuration Database types for the Component/Property/Characteristic design patterns (BACI).
It contains the definitions for the Characteristic Component types and for all defined Property types.

To keep the documentation easier to maintain and avoiding replication of documentation, the schemas for the Long Property are fully documented.
The other Properties only document their differences with respect to the Long Property.

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