[ ESO ]
XSHOOTER Pipeline:
Naming Scheme for Products

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product names
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general XSHOOTER: calibration products static calibrations science products


The names of all pipeline products follow a certain naming convention. This is done to have human-readable rather than technical file names. The naming scheme has been chosen to have the type of product, its date of creation, and its pipeline-relevant parameter values all recognizable from the product name.

Since the begin of period 75 (April 2005), both science and calibration product files are renamed. (Actually, there was a transition phase extending for some instruments from April towards the end of the year 2005).

Before that date only calibration products followed the common scheme which is described here. (Some instruments had their own naming scheme which is described below, if applicable).

The general format of user-oriented product file names is the same for all VLT/VLTI instruments.

Instrument code

All pipeline product names start with two letters which are specific for the instrument. For instance: UVES product names start with 'UV', VISIR names with 'VR'.

Type of product

Next, the product type is coded. The full value is coded in the fits header key HIERARCH.ESO.PRO.CATG. A short form of this tag is coded in four characters being unique per instrument:
1st letter M or P calibration product
  S science product
  G general calibration product (as of P82)
2nd to 4th letter ... type of product


All XSHOOTER products start with XS_ . This is the renaming scheme for the first year of operations (P84/P85). For the current renaming scheme see here.

top Calibration Products

Code Type of file Name Structure
MBIA master bias XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB,VIS)  
PCPB cold pixel map
PHPB hot pixel map
MDRK master dark XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<dit>_<ndit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR)  
PBPD bad pixel map
PCRD cosmic ray hit map
POGF guess table with order position XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR)
PACF arc line list updated by xsh_predict
PMCF model config file update by xsh_predict
PRLF table with residuals of fit by xsh_predict to format check data
POCO table with positions of order centers (xsh_orderpos)
PRTO table with residuals of fit by xsh_orderpos
PAC2 arc line list updated by xsh_2dmap
PMC2 model config file update by xsh_2dmap
PRL2 table with residuals of fit by xsh_2dmap
PMCA table with results of fit by xsh_flexcomp XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<slit>_<binx>x_<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)  XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR)
MFSL master slit flat XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR)  
PBSL fitted background of master slit flats
PGSL grid of background positions for master slit flats
POES table with positions of order edges (slit)
PWMS wave map from xsh_wavecal (slit) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det> (NIR)     
PMCW model config file update by xsh_wavecal (slit)
PRTS table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (slit)
PTTS table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (slit)
PSTS table with line shifts relative to 9-pinhole positions (slit)
MFIF master IFU flat XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<clock>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR)      
PBIF fitted background of master IFU flats
PGIF grid of background positions for master IFU flats
POEI table with positions of order edges (IFU)
PMCI model config file update by xsh_wavecal (IFU) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>_<det> (NIR)
PMCA model config file update by xsh_flexcomp (IFU)
PRTU table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part)
PRTC table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part)
PRTD table with residuals of fit by xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part)
PWMC wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part)
PWMD wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part)
PWMU wave map by xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part)
PTTC table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, central part)
PTTD table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, lower part)
PTTU table with line tilts from xsh_wavecal (IFU, upper part)
PSTI table with line shifts relative to 9-pinhole (IFU)
PM1F merged 1D spectrum of flux standard (slit) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd>_<mode> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<det>_<mode> (NIR)
PM2F merged 2D spectrum of flux standard (slit)
PO1F averaged orders of flux standard (slit)
PO2F 2D orders of flux standard (slit)
PM1T merged 1D spectrum of telluric standard (slit)
PM2T merged 2D spectrum of telluric standard (slit)
PNCT telluric standard after cosmic ray rejection (slit, echelle format)
PO1T averaged orders of telluric standard (slit)
PO2T 2D orders of telluric standard (slit)
PSBT background subtracted telluric standard (slit, echelle format)
PSKT fitted sky for telluric standard (slit, echelle format)
PSMT slit map for telluric standard (slit, echelle, format)
PSST sky-subtracted telluric standard (slit, echelle format)
PWMT wave map for telluric standard (slit, echelle format)
PBGT background for telluric standard (slit, echelle format)
PM3F 3D cube with merged spectrum of flux standard (IFU) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_I<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<ccd>_<mode> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<date>#_I<slit>_<arm>_<det>_<mode> (NIR)                           
PT3F traces of flux standard spectrum in 3D cube (IFU)
PO3F 3D cube with orders of flux standard (IFU)
PE3F 3D cube with error spectrum of flux standard (IFU)
PQ3F 3D cube with quality spectrum of flux standard (IFU)
PM3T 3D cube with merged spectrum of telluric standard (IFU)
PT3T traces of telluric standard spectrum in 3D cube (IFU)
PO3T 3D cube with orders of telluric standard (IFU)
PE3T 3D cube with error spectrum of telluric standard (IFU)
PQ3T 3D cube with quality spectrum of telluric standard (IFU)

* These files are only used for internal purpose (quality control) and are not distributed in the Service Mode DVDs.

<date>=Observing date as YYMMDD, e.g. 091101
#=sequential counter, e.g. A, B ...
<binx>=Binning along x-axis, e.g. 1
<biny>=Binning along y-axis, e.g. 2
<slit>=slit width and length, e.g. 0.5x11
<clock>=readout mode, e.g. 100k_hg_2x2 for DET.READ.CLOCK=100k/1pt/hg/2x2
<arm>=arm, e.g. VIS
<ccd>=CCD, e.g. Ct for Catherine
<det>=NIR deetctor, e.g. H2 for ESO-Hawaii2RG


top Static Calibrations
Code Type of file Name Structure
GALF arc line list for AFC frames (xsh_flexcomp) XS_<CODE>_<date>#_<arm>           
GALL full arc line list
GSLL sky line list
GSTF flux standard star catalog
GEXT extinction table
GMCT config table (physical model mode only)
GSFT spectral fomat table
GTTI theoretical table for IFU (poly mode only)
GTTM theoretical table for 9-pinhole (poly mode only)
GTTS theoretical table for 1-pinhole (poly mode only)

<date>=Observing date as YYMMDD, e.g. 091105
#=sequential counter, e.g. A, B ...
<arm>=arm, e.g. VIS


top Science Products

Code Type of file Name Structure
SM1S 1D merged spectrum (SLIT_STARE) XS_<CODE>_<ob_id>_<datetime>#_S<slit>_<binx>x<biny>_<arm>_<mode> (UVB, VIS)
XS_<CODE>_<ob_id>_<datetime>#_S<slit>_<arm>_<mode> (NIR)                                                   
SM2S 2D merged spectrum (SLIT_STARE)
SO1S 1D extracted orders (SLIT_STARE)
SO2S 2D rectified orders (SLIT_STARE)
SBGS interorder background (SLIT_STARE)
SSBS background subtracted frame (SLIT_STARE)
SSKS fitted sky background (SLIT_STARE)
SSSS sky-subtracted frame (SLIT_STARE)
SSOS 1D extracted orders of fitted sky background (SLIT_STARE)
SSMS slit map (SLIT_STARE)
SWMS wave map (SLIT_STARE)
SNCS cosmic ray cleaned frame (SLIT_STARE)
SM1N 1D merged spectrum (SLIT_NODDING)
SM2N 2D merged spectrum (SLIT_NODDING)
SO1N 1D extracted orders (SLIT_NODDING)
SO2N 2D rectified orders (SLIT_NODDING)

<ob-id>=OB Identification Number, e.g., 197375
<datetime>=Observing date as YYYYMMDDTHH:MM:SS.SSS, e.g., 2009-11-16T04:35:41.758
<binx>=Binning along x-axis, e.g. 1
<biny>=Binning along y-axis, e.g. 2
<slit>=slit width and length, e.g. 0.5x11

