[ ESO ]

UVES pipeline:
order trace table


The order trace table is created by the UVES pipeline in the optimal extraction mode. It contains, order by order (in order-bin space), the following parameters as calculated in the course of the extraction process:

column name parameter content
ORDER order number counting from 1 to N where N is the maximum number
I_CH index of chunk for each order, parameters are evaluated at certain X positions (chunk; typically 50-100)
X_CH_0 X position of chunk X position in px
P_CH Y position of signal in chunk measured Y position of the maximum in the signal as found by the optimum extraction routine
P_ERR0 variance of Y position error related to P_CH
P_F0 Y position of signal after first fit A 2nd order polynomial is fitted to the P_CH values where all values with an error above a threshold (2 sigma rms) are excluded.
P_F1 Y position of signal after second fit A kappa-sigma routine is used to clean the positions P_CH from outliers with high weight factors (low P_ERR0 but outlier in P_CH). Then a final 2nd order polynomial fit is performed. The :P_F1 values are then used to extract the signal.
M_0 mask value (0 or 1) mask value before first fit (1 is good)
M_1 mask value (0 or 1) mask value before last fit (1 is good)
P_FWHM cross-dispersion width of signal measured cross-dispersion width per chunk (these values are obtained by fitting a Gaussian to the signal profile but they are measured in the sense that they are independent of each other)
P_FWHM_ERR variance of FWHM error related to P_FWHM
S_CH_0 width of signal after first fit A 2nd order polynomial is fitted to the P_FWHM values where all values with an error above a threshold (2 sigma rms) are excluded.
S_CH_1 width of signal after final fit A kappa-sigma routine is used to clean the FWHM values from outliers with high weight factors (small errors).
BKGVAL background value of fit background value (linear offset) used to obtain the fit; this number contains any contribution to the background like sky, scattered light, extended emission. It is usually dominated by sky emission, especially in case of moon light background. BIAS is not included here (it has been removed prior).
BKGERR error of BKGVAL associated error

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