Analysis of data with strong 50Hz ================================= by Chris Lidman, October 20, 2003 The 50Hz pickup and the horizontal stripes can be removed relatively easily. Here is a simple algorithm that effectively removes the noise. - Average (or median) the frame along detector rows and clip the highest and lowest n pixels. A typical number is 250. Use a higher number if the field is crowded or if the object extends over a substantial part of the array. - Subtract the resulting 1 dimensional image from the intial 2 dimensional image. Generally speaking, one gets best results if this algorithm is applied as the last step in the reduction process. IRAF routine which does the above is attached. It was originally used in processing SOFI data. --------------------------------------------------------------------- # remove_lines # CL script to remove bias lines from SOFI data procedure remove_lines (in1) string in1 {prompt="List of input images"} int nhigh {prompt="Number of high pixels"} int nlow {prompt="Number of low pixels"} begin string tmpfile,tmpfile2,tmpfile3 int nh,nl nh = nhigh nl = nlow tmpfile = mktemp ("tmpia_tmp.") tmpfile2 = mktemp ("tmpia_tmp.") tmpfile3 = mktemp ("tmpia_tmp.") imtranspose(in1//"[-*,*]",tmpfile) imcom(tmpfile,tmpfile2,reject="minmax", project+,offset="",statsec="",zero="none",nhigh=nh,nlow=nl) imar(operand1=tmpfile,op="-",operand2=tmpfile2,result=tmpfile3) imtranspose(tmpfile3//"[*,-*]",in1//"jr") imdelete (tmpfile, ver-, >& "dev$null") imdelete (tmpfile2, ver-, >& "dev$null") imdelete (tmpfile3, ver-, >& "dev$null") end