Trending and Quality Control system
Last update: 2006-08-09T13:23:50 (UT) | last data from: 2006-07-23
trend_report_DETLIN_cust_7.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_8.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_9.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_4.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_5.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_6.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_1.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_2.png trend_report_DETLIN_cust_3.png
Plot Symbol Source* Average [info] Thresholds [info] N_data Data downloads Remarks
method value unit method value
7 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,6000 35 n/a A0_OPEN
8 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,6000 32 n/a A0_GRISM
9 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,6000 27 n/a A0_PRISM
4 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,3000 35 n/a A1_OPEN
5 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,4000 32 n/a A1_GRISM
6 LOCAL none  NONE VAL 0,7000 27 n/a A1_PRISM
1 LOCAL none  NONE VAL -100,100 35 n/a A1_OPEN
2 LOCAL none  NONE VAL -100,100 32 n/a A1_GRISM
3 LOCAL none  NONE VAL -100,100 27 n/a A1_PRISM
ps file | png file
*Data sources: OPSLOG: Paranal ops logs; QC1DB: QC1 database; LOCAL: local text file
General information

Click on any of the plots to see a close-up version.

If configured,

  • statistical averages are indicated by a solid line, and thresholds by broken lines
  • outliers are marked by a red asterisk. They are defined as data points outside the threshold lines
  • "aliens" (= data points outside the plot Y limits) are marked by a red arrow ( or )
  • you can download the data for each parameter set if the 'Data downloads' link shows up