top Introduction

This tutorial provides information for the the Detector: dark Health Check trending.
The Detector: dark trending is based on the measurement of QC1 parameters of DARK calibration data obtained with dedicated Health Check OBs executed daily.
Four sets of HAWK-I DARK frames with four different DIT/NDIT/NEXP combinations are taken daily for monitoring purposes. These data can of course also be used for calibration of scientific data if necessary. The four DIT/NDIT/NEXP combinations are: 1.6762/1/10, 2.0/1/10, 60.0/1/5 and 300.0/1/3.
The Median levels and ReadOut Noises trends are monitored for 2.0 and 300 second DITs and the Reset Anomolies and the ReadOut Noise vs. DIT correllation relations are monitored from the minimum DIT (currently 1.6762sec) up to 300sec.