The HAWK-I calibration scheme is typical for imaging instruments. A
complete set of calibrations consist of a set of bias and twilight
flatfield frames.
The bias frames are processed by the pipeline in an 'elementary' way,
without other calibration products involved. The twilight flats are
processed next, with a master bias required as input. Further,
standard star observations are processed utilizing master bias and
master twilight flat. Processed standard star data in different, BB
filters are provided to users as indication of photometric conditions
during the night. The photometric and astrometric calibration of the
science data is done independently right on the data using input 2MASS
In quick-look mode on Paranal, the HAWK-I pipeline has a fixed set of
calibration products which are all static. Hence these dependencies
cannot be properly respected. The calibration solutions processed by
QC Garching do respect the cascade. Together with quality checking,
this results in the optimum possible products, meaning that any
instrumental and ambient influence on the science data is monitored
and removed by the calibration products in the best possible
way. These master calibrations are archived and can be downloaded
using the calSelector service.