• Change of the detector read speed 2009-05-07 : The HAWKI detector read speed has been changed for reasons to reduce the electronic ghosts.

    Before 2009-05-07T21:30 it was:

    HIERARCH ESO DET VOLT1 DC6   = 2.4000 / Set value DC-Voltage
    HIERARCH ESO DET VOLT1 DC7   = 3.4000 / Set value DC-Voltage
    HIERARCH ESO DET RSPEED      = 6 / Read-Speed Factor
    HIERARCH ESO DET MINDIT      = 1.2572000 / Minimum DIT                

    From 2009-05-07T021:30 on it is:

    HIERARCH ESO DET VOLT1 DC6   = 2.1000 / Set value DC-Voltage
    HIERARCH ESO DET VOLT1 DC7   = 3.6000 / Set value DC-Voltage
    HIERARCH ESO DET RSPEED      = 8 / Read-Speed Factor
    HIERARCH ESO DET MINDIT      = 1.6762000 / Minimum DIT     
    Consider 2009-05-07T21:30 as a breakpoint to associate calibrations. Do not use twlight flats or darks acquired before 2009-05-08 to calibrate science data acquired after 2009-05-08 and vice-versa.