Since P88, RMNREC data are recorded in the AMBER files as a set of additionnal tables (FNT1, FNT2, OPDC1, OPDC2)
These tables and the keyword PCR ACQ START and PCR ACQ END should be present in the AMBER FITS files if DEL FT SENSOR is set to FINITO and DEL FT STATUS is set to ON.
In some cases, these PCR keywords have been missing as well as the additional tables (PPRS-042856).

The HC plot 1 and 3 shows the presence or not of these keywords and extension tables in the calib fits files (processed by QC). The differences between plot 1 and plot 3 is that plot 1 shows only calib with FINITO ON, plot 3 shows all calib processed data FNT ON (black) and FNT OFF (green).
Plot 1 is scored.
The flag can be: 1, 0:
1 : plots 1 and 3: the file is with FINITO, the keywords PCR and tables FNT and OPDC are present, plot3: file is without FNT (green points)
0 : plots 1 and 3: there is a problem with the file, PCR ACQ keywords and/or the RMNREC tables (FNT and OPDC) are missing

The HC plot 2 shows the presence or not of these keywords and extension tables in the raw fits files (CALIB and SCIENCE).
The flag can be: 1, 0, -1, -2 and the coding is the following:
1 : keywords PCR and tables FNT and OPDC are present
0 : keywords PCR are in the file, tables FNT and OPDC are missing
-1 : keywords PCR are missing and tables FNT and OPDC are present
-2 : keywords PCR and tables FNT and OPDC are missing

For more parameters concerning the RMNREC data (such as FNT and AMBER fluxes, optimal DIT), or concerning the observation (OBSID and target info) go to the amber_rmnrec qc1database.